
语言百科2024-04-08 12:58:47留学世界



1. 什么是hijack?



2. hijack的常见用法

Hijack作为动词时,常用于描述某人通过使用武力或欺骗手段来控制或占领他人的财产、车辆、船只等。例如:“The terrorists hijacked the plane and demanded a ransom.”(恐怖分子劫持了飞机并要求赎金。)此外,hijack也可以用于描述某人把别人的想法或计划改变成自己的想法或计划。例如:“The boss hijacked my idea and presented it as his own.”(老板把我的想法改变成自己的,并将其作为自己的想法提出。)

3. hijack在网络安全中的意义

在网络安全领域,hijack通常指黑客通过入侵他人的电脑系统来控制其操作,并获取敏感信息或进行其他非法活动。这种行为也被称为“网络劫持”。例如:“My computer was hijacked by a virus and now all my personal data is compromised.”(我的电脑被病毒劫持了,现在我所有的个人数据都泄露了。)

4. hijack与其他类似词汇的区别

Hijack与kidnap和robbery都有“抢劫”的意思,但它们之间有细微的区别。Kidnap一般指非法绑架人质,并要求赎金。而robbery则指抢劫或盗窃财物。Hijack更多地指控制或占领交通工具、货物或信息等。例如:“The bank was robbed by a group of armed robbers.”(一群持械抢劫者抢劫了银行。)“The hijackers took control of the plane and diverted it to another country.”(劫机者控制了飞机并将其改变航线飞往另一个国家。)

5. 如何避免hijack?


- 在网络安全方面,保持软件和系统的更新,使用强密码,并定期备份重要数据。

- 在现实生活中,保管好个人财物,避免随意泄露个人信息。

- 如果发现自己成为网络或现实生活中的hijack目标,请及时向相关部门报告,并寻求帮助


1. 什么是hijack?


2. hijack的发音


3. hijack的词性

Hijack是一个动词,在句子中通常作为及物动词使用。例如:“The hackers hijacked the company's website and stole sensitive information.”(黑客劫持了公司的网站并窃取了敏感信息。)

4. hijack的近义词和反义词

近义词:seize, kidnap, abduct, snatch

反义词:release, free, liberate

5. hijack在句子中的用法

Hijack通常用作动作性动词,表示抢劫、劫持等行为。除了上面提到的例句外,它还可以用于其他类似场景中,比如:“The terrorists hijacked the plane and demanded a ransom.”(恐怖分子劫持了飞机并要求赎金。)

6. hijack的派生词

hijacker(n. 劫持者、抢劫者)、hijacking(n. 劫持、抢劫行为)、hijacked(adj. 被劫持的)

7. hijack的常见搭配

- hijack a plane/ship/train(劫持飞机/船只/火车)

- hijack someone's computer(劫持某人的电脑)

- hijack someone's identity(盗用某人的身份)

- hijack someone's data(窃取某人的数据)

- hijack a website/server(攻击网站/服务器)

8. 如何避免被hijack?


- 安装有效的防火墙和杀毒软件,定期更新系统和软件补丁。

- 不要轻易打开陌生人发来的邮件或链接,尤其是包含可疑附件或超链接的邮件。

- 不要在不可信任的网站上输入个人敏感信息。

- 使用强密码,并定期更换密码。

- 定期备份重要数据,以防止被勒索


1. 什么是hijack?


2. hijack的用法

Hijack作为一个动词,常常用来描述某人或某物被非法占据、控制或使用的情况。例如:“The hackers hijacked the company's website and demanded a ransom.”(黑客劫持了公司的网站,并要求赎金。)此外,hijack也可以用来表示某人被强迫做某事或被迫接受某种情况。例如:“The meeting was hijacked by a heated argument between two members.”(会议被两名成员之间的激烈争论所占据。)

3. 双语例句

1) The terrorists hijacked the plane and held the passengers hostage for several hours.(恐怖分子劫持了飞机,并将乘客扣为人质数小时。)

2) The hackers hijacked the government's database and leaked sensitive information.(黑客劫持了政府的数据库,并泄露了敏感信息。)

3) The protesters hijacked the peaceful demonstration and turned it into a violent riot.(抗议者劫持了和平示威,并将其变成了暴力骚乱。)

4) The teacher had to hijack the class back from the disruptive students.(老师不得不从扰乱课堂的学生手中夺回课堂控制权。)

5) The company's social media account was hijacked by a competitor who posted false information.(公司的社交媒体账号被竞争对手劫持,发布了虚假信息。)


1. "Hijack"的含义

- "Hijack"一词最初用来形容飞机被劫持的情况,后来也被引申为其他意思。

- 在翻译行业中,"hijack"可以指代抄袭、篡改、挪用等不当行为。

2. 抄袭类词组

- "Hijack someone's work":抄袭某人的作品

- "Plagiarize":剽窃,也是"hijack"的同义词

3. 篡改类词组

- "Hijack someone's words":篡改某人的话语

- "Manipulate the meaning of something":操纵某事物的意义

4. 挪用类词组

- "Hijack someone's idea":挪用某人的想法

- "Steal someone's concept":窃取某人的概念

5. 其他相关词组

- "Hijacking the conversation":霸占谈话内容,不给别人发言机会

- "Hijacked by emotions":被情绪所左右,无法冷静思考


1. Seize - The word "hijack" can be replaced with "seize" as it also means to take control of something by force or without permission. For example, "The terrorists attempted to hijack the plane, but they were stopped by the security forces."

2. Commandeer - This word can be used as a synonym for "hijack" when referring to taking control of a vehicle or vessel by force. For instance, "The pirates tried to hijack the ship, but the crew managed to fight back and prevent them from commandeering it."

3. Divert - When someone changes the direction or course of something without permission, it can be described as "hijacking." For example, "The hackers hijacked the website and diverted all traffic to their own page."

4. Kidnap - In some cases, "hijack" can be replaced with "kidnap," especially when referring to taking control of a person or group of people against their will. For instance, "The rebels hijacked the bus and kidnapped all the passengers on board."

5. Sequester - This word can be used instead of "hijack" when referring to isolating or separating something from its intended purpose or destination. For example, "The protestors tried to hijack the event and sequester all attention towards their cause."

6. Usurp - When someone takes control of something without having the right or authority to do so, it can be described as "hijacking." For instance, "The dictator hijacked power from the democratically elected government."

7. Appropriate - This word can be used in place of "hijack" when referring to taking possession or control of something without permission or justification. For example, "The thieves attempted to hijack the jewelry store and appropriate all valuable items."

8. Takeover - Similar to "hijack," this word can be used when referring to taking control of something by force or without permission. For instance, "The rebels planned to hijack the government building and stage a takeover."

9. Sequestrate - This word can be used interchangeably with "hijack" when referring to isolating or taking control of something without permission. For example, "The hackers managed to sequestrate the company's website and demand a ransom."

10. Annex - When someone takes control of a territory or property without permission, it can be described as "hijacking." For instance, "The neighboring country attempted to hijack our land and annex it as their own."

