
语言百科2024-04-09 07:08:48留学世界




1. 什么是hobby?


2. hobby的起源


3. hobby和interest有什么区别?


4. 人们为什么需要hobby?


5. hobby的分类


6. 如何培养一个hobby?


7. hobby对个人发展的影响




1. "hobby"是一个来自英语的词汇,读作[hɒbi],与中文的读音相似。

2. 有趣的是,它其实是由"habit"(习惯)这个词演变而来,表示的是一种特定的兴趣爱好。

3. 在英语中,"hobby"通常指的是一种业余爱好或娱乐活动,而不是工作或职业。

4. 举个例子,打篮球、画画、摄影等都可以被称为"hobby"。

5. 它也可以用作动词,表示从事某种业余爱好活动。比如:"I like to hobby in my free time."(我喜欢在空闲时间从事我的兴趣爱好。)

6. "hobbyist"则是指热衷于某项特定爱好的人,可以理解为"hobby"的粉丝或追随者。

7. 在当下年轻人中,"hobby"也常被用来形容某件事情非常有趣或令人愉悦。比如:"This new game is my new hobby!"(这款新游戏太有意思了,成为我的新宠!)

8. 总之,在英语中,“hobby”既可以指具体的兴趣爱好活动,也可以用来形容对某件事情的热爱和追求,是一个非常灵活的词汇


1. 什么是hobby?


2. hobby与interest的区别


3. hobby在句子中的用法

a) My hobby is reading. (我的爱好是阅读。)

b) She has many different hobbies, such as painting, dancing and cooking. (她有很多不同的爱好,比如绘画、跳舞和烹饪。)

c) He enjoys his hobby of collecting stamps. (他喜欢自己收集邮票的爱好。)

4. 双语例句

a) Reading is my favorite hobby because it allows me to escape into different worlds and forget about my worries for a while.


b) My grandfather's hobby is gardening, and he spends hours every day tending to his beautiful flowers and plants.


c) I don't have a specific hobby, but I enjoy trying new things and exploring different interests.



1. Pastime - 消遣

2. Leisure activity - 休闲活动

3. Interest - 兴趣

4. Recreational pursuit - 娱乐追求

5. Spare-time activity - 业余爱好

6. Amusement - 娱乐

7. Diversion - 消遣活动

8. Avocation - 副业,嗜好

9. Obsession - 痴迷,癖好

10. Leisure pursuit - 休闲爱好

11. Pleasure - 乐趣,享受

12. Hobbyhorse - 爱好,兴趣领域

13. Side interest - 兴趣爱好

14. Favorite pastime - 最喜欢的消遣活动

15. Spare-time pursuit- 业余爱好

16. Favorite occupation- 最喜欢的职业

17. Recreation- 娱乐活动

18.Pleasure pursuit- 追求快乐的活动

19.Interest in life- 对生活的兴趣

20.Favorite amusement- 最喜欢的娱乐活动


1. Pastime

Pastime is a synonym for hobby, referring to an activity that someone does regularly for enjoyment and relaxation. It can also be used to describe something that occupies one's time and attention in an enjoyable way.

2. Leisure activity

Leisure activity is another synonym for hobby, emphasizing the aspect of engaging in an activity during one's free time. It can refer to a wide range of activities, from sports and crafts to reading and gardening.

3. Interest

Interest is a broader term that can be used interchangeably with hobby, but it also encompasses other things that capture one's attention or curiosity. It can refer to a particular subject or topic that someone finds engaging and enjoyable.

4. Pursuit

Pursuit is another word for hobby, highlighting the idea of actively seeking out and engaging in an activity that brings pleasure or satisfaction. It can also imply a certain level of dedication or commitment to the activity.

5. Avocation

Avocation refers to a hobby or interest that someone pursues alongside their main occupation or job. It often implies a strong passion for the activity and may even involve some level of skill or expertise.

6. Amusement

Amusement is a synonym for hobby, emphasizing the idea of finding enjoyment and entertainment in an activity. It can also refer to something that brings laughter or light-heartedness into one's life.

7. Recreation

Recreation is another term for hobby, highlighting the aspect of engaging in activities for relaxation and rejuvenation purposes. It can include physical activities like sports as well as more passive pursuits like reading or watching movies.

8. Diversion

Diversion refers to an enjoyable pastime that provides a distraction from everyday life and responsibilities. It can also imply a temporary escape from stress or worries through engaging in an enjoyable activity.

9. Side interest

Side interest is another synonym for hobby, emphasizing the idea of something done on the side or in addition to one's main focus. It can also imply a secondary or less important activity, but one that still brings enjoyment and fulfillment.

10. Pleasure

Pleasure is a broad term that can be used interchangeably with hobby, emphasizing the idea of finding joy and satisfaction in an activity. It can also refer to something that brings happiness and contentment into one's life

通过阅读本文,我们可以了解到hobby的英文释义,它是指一种个人喜好或爱好。hobby的发音为[hɑbi],它可以作为名词使用,也可以用作动词。例如,“I have a hobby of collecting stamps.”(我有一个收集邮票的爱好。)在双语例句中,我们可以看到hobby在不同语境下的用法和含义。一些常见的hobby词组包括“hobby horse”(玩具木马)、“hobby shop”(爱好者商店)等。除了hobby外,还有一些同义词如pastime、interest等也可以表示相似的意思。作为网站编辑,我希望本文能够帮助大家更好地理解和使用hobby这个词汇,并且激发大家对生活中各种各样的爱好和兴趣的热情。如果你喜欢本文,请关注我,我们将会为您带来更多有趣、有用的文章!
