
语言百科2024-04-09 12:12:48留学世界



1. 概念解释



2. 保持、掌握

在日常生活中,我们经常会用到hold来表示保持某种状态或掌握某种技能。例如,“I can hold my breath for two minutes.”(我可以屏住呼吸两分钟。)“She holds the record for the fastest marathon time.”(她保持着最快马拉松纪录。)“He can hold a conversation in three different languages.”(他能用三种不同的语言进行对话。)

3. 抓住、把握

除了表示保持和掌握外,hold也可以表示抓住或把握某物或某个机会。例如,“Please hold my hand while we cross the street.”(过马路时请抓住我的手。)“I couldn't hold onto the rope and fell into the water.”(我没能抓住绳子,掉进了水里。)“He was able to hold onto his job during the economic crisis.”(在经济危机期间,他能够保住工作。)

4. 支撑、承担

作为名词,hold可以表示支撑物或把手。例如,“He grabbed onto the hold and pulled himself up the rock face.”(他抓住岩石上的把手,把自己拉了上去。)“The door handle was broken, so I had to use the hold to open it.”(门把手坏了,所以我得用门槛来开门。)

除此之外,hold也可以作为动词使用,表示承担某种责任或任务。例如,“I'll hold you responsible if anything goes wrong.”(如果出了什么问题,我会追究你的责任。)“She has been holding down two jobs to support her family.”(她一直在做两份工作来养家。)

5. 其他常见用法


- hold on: 等一等、别挂断电话

- hold back: 抑制、阻止

- hold off: 推迟、延缓

- hold up: 耽搁、阻碍





那么,在什么情况下我们可以使用hold呢?其实,在日常生活和工作中都有很多场合可以用到这个单词。比如说,在开会时,如果你想表达某个人或者某件事情能够吸引住所有人的注意力,“hold the room”的表达就非常恰当。又或者,在跳舞时,“hold your partner”的指令就是让你抓住你的舞伴并保持姿势不动。

除了以上两种情况,hold还有很多其他的用法。比如,当你想要保持某种状态时,可以说“hold on”,意为“坚持住”;当你想要控制住自己的情绪时,可以说“hold it”,意为“克制一下”;当你想要保留某个位置或者地点时,可以说“hold the fort”,意为“守住阵地”


1. Catch the audience's attention (吸引观众的注意力)

- We need to find a way to catch the audience's attention and keep them engaged throughout the presentation. (我们需要找到一种方法来吸引观众的注意力,并在整个演讲中保持他们的参与度。)

2. Command the stage (掌控舞台)

- The speaker was able to command the stage and captivate the audience with his dynamic presence. (演讲者能够掌控舞台,用他充满活力的气场吸引观众。)

3. Hold the floor (占据舞台)

- She held the floor for over an hour, captivating the audience with her powerful storytelling skills. (她占据了舞台一个多小时,用她强大的讲故事技巧吸引了观众。)

4. Keep the audience engaged (保持观众参与)

- It's important to keep the audience engaged throughout the presentation in order to deliver our message effectively. (为了有效地传达我们的信息,保持观众在整个演讲中参与是很重要的。)

5. Captivate/enthrall/enchant/charm/ mesmerize the crowd (迷住/使着迷/使陶醉/迷惑/迷住人群)

- The speaker was able to captivate the crowd with her powerful storytelling and engaging delivery. (演讲者通过强大的讲故事能力和引人入胜的表达方式迷住了人群。)

6. Hold the attention of the audience (保持观众的注意力)

- The speaker's dynamic presence and engaging delivery were able to hold the attention of the audience throughout the entire presentation. (演讲者充满活力的气场和引人入胜的表达方式能够在整个演讲中保持观众的注意力。)

7. Keep the audience on the edge of their seats (让观众坐立不安)

- The suspenseful storytelling kept the audience on the edge of their seats, eagerly waiting for what would happen next. (悬疑的讲故事技巧让观众坐立不安,急切地等待接下来会发生什么。)

8. Engage/involve/interact with the audience (与观众互动)

- The speaker made an effort to engage and involve the audience by asking thought-provoking questions throughout the presentation. (演讲者通过在整个演讲中提出发人深省的问题,努力与观众互动和参与。)

9. Deliver a powerful performance (呈现出强大的表现)

- The speaker delivered a powerful performance that left a lasting impact on the audience. (演讲者呈现出强大的表现,给观众留下了深刻的印象。)

10. Leave a lasting impression on the audience (给观众留下深刻印象)

- The speaker's engaging delivery and powerful message left a lasting impression on the audience. (演讲者引人入胜的表达方式和强有力的信息给观众留下了深刻印象。)


1. Captivate the audience with your English - 用你的英语吸引观众

2. Keep the audience engaged with your English - 用你的英语保持观众的参与度

3. Hold the audience's attention with your English - 用你的英语抓住观众的注意力

4. Command the stage with your English - 用你的英语掌控舞台

5. Master the art of captivating an audience in English - 掌握用英语吸引观众的艺术

6. Engage and impress the crowd with your English - 用你的英语吸引并给观众留下深刻印象

7. Leave a lasting impression on the audience with your English - 用你的英语给观众留下持久印象

8. Conquer the stage with your powerful use of English - 用精彩的英语征服舞台

9. Use impactful phrases to captivate the audience in English - 使用有影响力的词组来吸引观众的注意力(在英语中)

10. Deliver a compelling presentation in English to hold the audience's attention - 在英语中进行令人信服的演讲,以保持观众的注意力


1. Captivate the audience with English


2. Engage the crowd with English


3. Keep the audience's attention with English


4. Command the room with English


5. Mesmerize the audience with English


6. Entertain and educate in English


7. Hold the audience's interest with English


8. Impress the crowd with your English skills


9. Engross the audience in your English presentation


10. Enthrall the crowd with your mastery of English


