
语言百科2024-04-09 12:31:49留学世界





1. grasp

“grasp”是最常见的翻译方式,它的意思是抓住、把握、掌握。它可以用来表示对某件事物或情况的理解和掌控能力。例如:“我希望你能够grasp住这个机会。”(I hope you can grasp this opportunity.)它也可以用作名词,表示把握、理解的能力。例如:“他有很强的grasp能力。”(He has a strong grasp ability.)

2. hold on to

“hold on to”是另一种常见的表达方式,它的意思是紧紧抓住、坚持不放。它通常用来表示对某件事物或想法的坚定信念和态度。例如:“我们必须要hold on to我们的梦想。”(We must hold on to our dreams.)它也可以用作名词,“hold-on-to”表示坚持不懈的态度。例如:“成功需要有坚定的hold-on-to精神。”(Success requires a strong hold-on-to spirit.)

3. keep a grip on

“keep a grip on”是另一种类似的表达方式,它的意思是保持控制、掌握。它通常用来表示对某件事物或情况的能力和掌控能力。例如:“他总是能够keep a grip on自己的情绪。”(He always keeps a grip on his emotions.)它也可以用作名词,“grip”表示掌握、把握。例如:“她有很强的grip能力。”(She has a strong grip ability.)

4. get a handle on

“get a handle on”也是一个类似的表达方式,它的意思是弄清楚、理解、掌握。它通常用来表示对某件事物或情况的理解和掌握能力。例如:“我需要更多时间来get a handle on这个项目。”(I need more time to get a handle on this project.)它也可以用作名词,“handle”表示处理、应对能力。例如:“他有很强的handle能力。”(He has a strong handle ability.)

5. maintain control

“maintain control”是另一种表达方式,它的意思是保持控制、掌握。它通常用来表示对某件事物或情况的控制能力。例如:“我们必须要maintain control住这个局面。”(We must maintain control of the situation.)它也可以用作名词,“control”表示控制、支配。例如:“她有很强的control能力。”(She has a strong control ability.)


1. Hold住的英文是 "hold on",意思是 "等一下" 或 "稍等一会儿"。

2. 也可以用 "hang on" 来表达相同的意思,比如 "Can you hang on for a minute while I finish this task?"(你能稍等一会儿吗?我要完成这个任务。)

3. 如果想要表达更加强烈的意思,可以使用 "hold tight",表示 "坚持住" 或 "紧紧抓住" 的意思。比如在过山车上,你可以对朋友说 "Hold tight!"(紧紧抓住!)来提醒他们保持稳定。

4. 另外一个类似的表达是 "hold your horses",意思是 "别急" 或者 "冷静一下"。比如当朋友急着想要出门时,你可以提醒他们说:"Hold your horses, we still have time."(别急,我们还有时间。)

5. 最后一个常见的表达是 "hold back",意思是控制或抑制自己的感情或行为。比如在生气时,你可以对自己说:"I need to hold back and not say something I'll regret."(我需要控制自己不要说出后悔的话。)

6. 总之,在不同的情境下,“hold住”的英文表达方式也有所不同,希望你可以根据具体的场景选择合适的表达方式。记住,语言是活的,不要害怕尝试新的表达方式,只要保持真实和自然就好







1. Keep it together - 保持冷静

例如:When facing a difficult translation task, it's important to keep it together and approach it with a clear mind.

2. Hold on tight - 抓紧

例如:As a translator, you need to hold on tight to the original meaning of the text and convey it accurately in your translation.

3. Stay on top of - 紧跟,掌握

例如:To be a successful translator, you need to stay on top of the latest language trends and constantly improve your skills.

4. Hang in there - 坚持下去

例如:Translating can be challenging at times, but if you hang in there and keep pushing through, you'll eventually see the results of your hard work.

5. Keep up with - 跟上,保持同步

例如:In order to provide high-quality translations, you need to keep up with the fast-paced changes in language usage and cultural references.

6. Don't lose your grip - 不要放松警惕

例如:When translating sensitive or controversial content, it's important not to lose your grip and ensure that your translation is culturally appropriate.

7. Stay in control - 保持控制

例如:As a professional translator, it's crucial to stay in control of the tone and style of the translated text while remaining faithful to the original message.

8. Hold steady - 保持稳定

例如:Even when faced with tight deadlines or difficult clients, a good translator knows how to hold steady and deliver quality work without compromising their standards.

9. Keep a handle on - 控制,管理好

例如:It's important for translators to keep a handle on their workload and avoid taking on more than they can handle in order to maintain quality output.

10. Don't let go - 不要放手

例如:When proofreading your translation, don't let go of any errors or mistakes, no matter how small they may seem. Every detail counts in delivering a flawless translation


1. Grasp:这个词的意思是紧握、抓住,可以用来表示“hold住”的意思。例如:He was able to grasp the concept quickly.(他能够很快地掌握这个概念。)

2. Maintain:这个词的意思是保持、维持,也可以用来表示“hold住”的意思。例如:She tried her best to maintain her composure during the meeting.(她尽力保持在会议期间的镇定。)

3. Control:这个词的意思是控制、掌控,也可以用来表示“hold住”的意思。例如:The coach told the players to control their emotions and focus on the game.(教练告诉球员们要控制情绪,专注比赛。)

4. Grapple:这个词的意思是搏斗、奋斗,也可以用来表示“hold住”的意思。例如:The company is grappling with financial difficulties.(公司正在努力应对财务困难。)

5. Cling:这个词的意思是紧紧抓住、依附,也可以用来表示“hold住”的意思。例如:She clung onto her husband's arm as they walked through the crowded street.(她紧紧抓着丈夫的手臂,在拥挤的街道上走着。)

6. Sustain:这个词的意思是支撑、维持,也可以用来表示“hold住”的意思。例如:The team needs to sustain their lead until the end of the game.(球队需要保持领先,直到比赛结束。)

7. Grasp hold of:这个短语的意思是抓住、掌握,也可以用来表示“hold住”的意思。例如:She managed to grasp hold of the rope and pull herself up.(她设法抓住绳子,把自己拉了上去。)

8. Keep a grip on:这个短语的意思是保持控制、掌握局面,也可以用来表示“hold住”的意思。例如:He needs to keep a grip on his emotions in order to make rational decisions.(他需要控制情绪,才能做出理性的决定。)

9. Hold onto:这个短语的意思是紧紧抓住、保持不放,也可以用来表示“hold住”的意思。例如:She held onto the railing as she walked down the steep stairs.(她走下陡峭的楼梯时紧紧抓着栏杆。)

10. Grasp tightly:这个短语的意思是紧紧抓住、牢牢掌握,也可以用来表示“hold住”的意思。例如:He grasped tightly onto his wife's hand as they watched their son perform on stage.(他们看着儿子在舞台上表演时,他紧紧抓住妻子的手。)

11. Keep control of:这个短语的意思是保持控制、掌握局面,也可以用来表示“hold住”的意思。例如:The teacher struggled to keep control of the rowdy students.(老师努力控制那些吵闹的学生。)

12. Clasp:这个词的意思是紧握、抓住,也可以用来表示“hold住”的意思。例如:She clasped her hands together and prayed for her friend's recovery.(她双手合十,为朋友的康复祈祷。)

13. Embrace:这个词的意思是拥抱、接受,也可以用来表示“hold住”的意思。例如:She embraced the challenge and worked hard to overcome it.(她接受了挑战,并努力克服它。)

14. Clench:这个词的意思是紧握、咬紧牙关,也可以用来表示“hold住”的意思。例如:He clenched his fists in frustration as he watched his team lose the game.(当他看着自己的球队输掉比赛时,他愤怒地握紧了拳头。)

15. Hang on to:这个短语的意思是抓住、不放手,也可以用来表示“hold住”的意思。例如:She hung onto the rope for dear life as she dangled from the cliff.(她在悬崖上悬挂着,紧紧抓住绳子。)

