
语言百科2024-04-15 09:30:57留学世界




1. ignored的基本含义


2. ignored的字面意思


3. ignored在日常生活中的运用


4. 为什么要使用ignored?


5. ignored的反义词



1. "ignored"的英语意思是被忽视或被忽略的。

2. 它是由动词"ignore"衍生而来,意为不理着、不注意或不关心。

3. 在英语中,它通常用来描述某人或某事被无视或被忽略的情况。

4. "ignored"一词也可以用作形容词,表示某人感到被忽视或被忽略的状态。

5. 该词还可以用作过去分词,表示过去发生的被忽视或被忽略的行为。

6. 例如:"She felt ignored by her colleagues at work."(她觉得同事们对她漠不关心)

7. "ignored"也可以与其他单词组合使用,构成不同含义的短语,例如:"ignored messages"(未读信息)、"ignored calls"(未接来电)等。

8. 在口语中,有时也会用简写形式"Ignored!"来表示某人或某事被无视或被忽略了。

9. 拼写方面,注意单词中间有一个e和一个d,所以正确读音为[ɪɡˈnɔrd]。

10. 最后要提醒的是,在使用该词时要注意语境和场合。有时候我们可能会因为疏忽而无意地忽略某人或某事,但这并不代表我们有意去忽视他们。因此,在使用"ignored"时,要根据具体情况选择合适的词语来表达自己的意思


1. 什么是ignored?


2. ignored的用法


- She ignored my question. (她忽略了我的问题。)

- The teacher ignored the student's disruptive behavior. (老师无视了学生的粗鲁行为。)

3. ignored的双语例句

1) He felt ignored by his friends and decided to make new ones.


2) The company's environmental impact has been largely ignored by the media.


3) She couldn't stand being ignored anymore and burst into tears.


4) The government has ignored the needs of the marginalized communities for too long.


5) Despite being constantly ignored, she never stopped fighting for what she believed in.



1. 被忽视的 (overlooked)

- The issue was completely ignored by the media.

- 这个问题完全被媒体忽视了。

2. 被无视的 (disregarded)

- Her suggestions were constantly disregarded by her boss.

- 她的建议经常被老板无视。

3. 被忽略的 (neglected)

- The needs of the elderly are often neglected in our society.

- 我们社会经常忽略了老年人的需求。

4. 被冷落的 (snubbed)

- She felt snubbed by her friends when they didn't invite her to the party.

- 当她朋友没有邀请她参加聚会时,她感到被冷落了。

5. 被遗忘的 (forgotten)

- The sacrifices of our ancestors should not be forgotten.

- 我们祖先的牺牲不应该被遗忘。

6. 被漠视的 (ignored)

- The warnings about climate change have been ignored for too long.

- 关于气候变化的警告已经被忽视太久了。

7. 不受重视的 (undervalued)

- Her talents were undervalued in her previous job, but now she's thriving in a new company.

- 她之前工作时才华被低估,但现在在新公司里她发展得很好。

8. 被置之不理的 (dismissed)

- His concerns were dismissed as unimportant by his colleagues.

- 他的担忧被同事们当作不重要的事情置之不理。

9. 被忽略的 (unnoticed)

- His hard work often goes unnoticed by his boss.

- 他的辛勤工作经常被老板忽略。

10. 被忽视的 (overseen)

- The details of the project were overseen and caused major issues later on.

- 这个项目的细节被忽视了,后来造成了重大问


1. Neglected

- Definition: to pay no attention or too little attention to; disregard or slight.

- Example: His contributions to the project were completely neglected by the team.

2. Overlooked

- Definition: to fail to notice or consider; disregard or ignore unintentionally.

- Example: The important details were overlooked in the rush to complete the task.

3. Disregarded

- Definition: to pay no attention to; treat as unworthy of regard or notice; ignore.

- Example: The warning signs were disregarded by the authorities, leading to a disaster.

4. Ignored

- Definition: refuse to take notice of or acknowledge; disregard intentionally.

- Example: Despite repeated requests, she ignored my pleas for help.

5. Shunned

- Definition: persistently avoid, ignore, or reject (someone or something) through antipathy or caution.

- Example: He was shunned by his colleagues after his unethical behavior was exposed.

6. Excluded

- Definition: deliberately leave out someone or something as unimportant, unnecessary, or undesirable.

- Example: She felt excluded from the group after they learned about her past mistakes.

7. Unheeded

- Definition: not noticed, listened to, or acted upon; disregarded.

- Example: The warnings went unheeded and the company suffered significant losses as a result.

8. Dismissed

- Definition: refuse to consider as important or worth of attention; reject outright.

- Example: His concerns were dismissed by his superiors without any valid explanation.

9. Overseen

- Definition: fail to see or observe; overlook unintentionally.

- Example: The errors in the report were overseen by the editor and caused confusion among readers.

10. Negated

- Definition: nullify; make ineffective or void; deny existence of something previously asserted.

- Example: His achievements were negated by his unethical actions, tarnishing his reputation

ignored是一个常用的英语单词,它的意思是被忽视、被忽略。它的读音为/ɪɡˈnɔːrd/,在口语中也可以简化为/ɪɡˈnɔːd/。在使用时,我们可以根据具体语境来选择合适的同义词替换,如overlooked、neglected等。同时,在双语例句中,我们也可以看到ignored经常出现在各种情境中,如工作、学习、人际关系等。此外,ignored还有一些常用的词组,如be ignored by、ignore someone's feelings等。希望本文能帮助大家更好地理解和使用这个词汇。

