
语言百科2024-04-15 22:29:58留学世界




1. 指示或暗示



2. 表明或表达


3. 需要或包含


4. 暗指或假设



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4. 举例子:


5. 幽默感:



1. imply的基本含义是“暗示”,常用于表示某件事情并没有明确表达出来,但是通过言语或行为间接暗示了。

例句:She didn't say it directly, but she implied that she was not happy with the decision.(她没有直接说,但是她暗示她对这个决定不满意。)

2. imply还可以表示“包含”、“意味着”,常用于强调某件事情所隐含的含义。

例句:His words implied a threat, which made everyone feel uneasy.(他的话中包含了威胁,让每个人都感到不安。)

3. imply也可以作为动词,“意味着”、“暗指”,常用于强调某件事情所具有的重要性或影响力。

例句:The increase in sales implies a growing demand for our products.(销售额的增长意味着对我们产品的需求正在增加。)

4. 在口语中,imply也可以用作代替说“我想要”的委婉表达方式。

例句:I'm not trying to imply anything, but I think we should consider other options.(我不是在暗示什么,但我认为我们应该考虑其他选择。)

5. 除了以上用法外,imply还可以与其他词组合使用,形成一些固定搭配,如:

- imply that... 暗示...

- imply doing sth. 暗指做某事

- be implied in... 包含在...

- be implied by... 被暗指为...

- be implied with... 含有


1. Imply - 暗示/意味着

- His words seemed to imply that he knew something we didn't.


2. Implication - 含义/暗示

- What are the implications of this decision?


3. Implicit - 含蓄的/隐含的

- The implicit meaning behind his words was hard to decipher.


4. Inference - 推论/推断

- Based on the evidence, we can make the inference that he is guilty.


5. Insinuate - 暗指/暗示

- He insinuated that I was responsible for the mistake.


6. Indicate - 表明/指出

- The data indicates a significant increase in sales this quarter.


7. Suggest - 建议/暗示

- She suggested that we should take a different approach to the problem.


8. Allude to - 暗指/提及

- He alluded to his past struggles during the speech.


9. Connote - 暗示/隐含

- The word "home" connotes a sense of comfort and belonging.


10. Imply - 暗指/意味着

- Her tone implied that she was not happy with the decision.


11. Insinuation - 暗指/暗示

- There was an insinuation that the company was involved in illegal activities.


12. Hint - 暗示/提示

- I dropped a hint about my birthday to my friends.


13. Intimate - 暗指/暗示

- She intimated that she may not be able to attend the party.


14. Presume - 假设/推测

- Based on his behavior, we can presume that he is not happy with the situation.


15. Innuendo - 影射/讽刺

- The article contained several innuendos about the politician's personal life.



1. Suggest - 暗示,提出,建议

2. Imply - 暗示,暗指,意味着

3. Insinuate - 暗示,含沙射影

4. Hint - 暗示,暗示性语言

5. Intimate - 暗指,暗示

6. Allude - 暗指,影射

7. Infer - 推断出,暗示

8. Connote - 意味着,含义为

9. Indicate - 表明,暗示

10. Signify - 表明,意味着

1. Suggest is often used to imply something without directly stating it, and it can also mean to propose an idea or course of action.

2. Imply is similar to suggest, but has a stronger connotation of hinting at something or indirectly conveying a message.

3. Insinuate is often used in a negative sense, suggesting something in a sly or underhanded manner.

4. Hint refers to a subtle suggestion or clue about something.

5. Intimate can be used to imply something in an indirect or subtle way, often with a sense of closeness or familiarity.

6. Allude means to suggest or refer to something indirectly.

7. Infer means to deduce or understand something based on evidence or clues given.

8. Connote refers to the associated meaning of a word or phrase, implying something beyond its literal definition.

9. Indicate can be used to suggest something without explicitly stating it, often through gestures or signals.

10.Signify means to indicate or suggest something through signs, symbols, or actions

