
语言百科2024-04-16 10:38:58留学世界




1. 源自英文独立音乐:首先,我们需要了解“indie”一词的来源。它其实是英文单词“independent”的缩写形式,意为“独立的”。而最初,“indie”的含义就是指独立音乐,也就是那些独立制作、发行和推广的音乐作品。


2. 扩展到其他领域:随着时间的推移,“indie”这个词逐渐扩展到了其他领域。比如,在电影界,“indie”可以指那些由小型制作公司或独立导演制作的电影;在时尚界,“indie”可以指那些非主流、有创意和个性化的服装风格。

3. 独一无二:总的来说,“indie”的含义都与“独特”、“非主流”、“自主创作”等概念相关。它强调个性和独特性,追求与众不同,不随大流。

4. 代表一种文化:除了指特定的作品或风格,现在,“indie”也被用来形容一种文化。它代表着追求自由、创造力和独立精神的年轻人群体。这些人不满足于传统的主流文化,而是寻求更加多元和个性化的生活方式。

5. 并非贬义词:有些人可能会觉得“indie”听起来有点奇怪或者贬义。但实际上,这个词并没有任何负面含义。相反,它被视为一种赞美和认可,代表着创意和独立精神。



1. 独立音乐:indie音乐是指那些不受主流音乐产业控制,独立发行的音乐作品。它通常具有独特的风格和创意,受到年轻人的喜爱。

2. 独立电影:indie电影是指那些不受大型制片厂控制,由独立制作公司或个人拍摄的电影。它们通常具有较小的预算和更加自由的创作方式。

3. 独立游戏:indie游戏是指那些由小型团队或个人开发的游戏,它们通常具有创新的玩法和独特的故事情节。

4. 怎么读:indie读起来像是“in-dee”,发音比较简单但也有一些细微差别。可以听听英语母语人士的发音来更准确地掌握。

5. 年轻人最爱:由于indie文化强调独立和创意,因此深受年轻人喜爱。它们通常带有一种反传统、反主流的态度,符合当下年轻人追求个性和自由的心态


1. indie是什么意思?


2. indie在英语中的用法


3. 例句:

- She is an indie translator who works for herself and takes on projects from different clients.


- The indie music scene in our city is thriving, with many talented musicians performing at local venues.


- His fashion style is very indie, he always wears unique and unconventional clothing.



1. Indie rock: 独立摇滚,指独立音乐家或乐队创作的具有独特风格的摇滚音乐。

2. Indie film: 独立电影,指由独立制作公司或个人制作的电影作品。

3. Indie game: 独立游戏,指由小型游戏开发商或个人开发的游戏作品。

4. Indie music: 独立音乐,指独立音乐家或乐队创作的具有独特风格的音乐作品。

5. Indie label: 独立唱片公司,指专门发行独立音乐作品的唱片公司。

6. Indie book: 独立出版书籍,指由独立出版商出版的图书作品。

7. Indie fashion: 独立时尚,指由小众设计师或品牌设计的具有个性化风格的时尚产品。

8. Indie spirit: 独立精神,指追求自我表达和自我实现的精神态度。

9. Indie culture: 独立文化,指热衷于追求个性和多样性的文化现象。

10. Indie scene: 独立圈子,指聚集了大量热爱独立艺术和文化的群体


1. Alternative

- Definition: used to describe something that is different from the usual or traditional way of doing things.

- Example: Indie music is often seen as an alternative to mainstream music.

2. Independent

- Definition: not influenced or controlled by others; self-governing.

- Example: Indie artists are known for their independent approach to creating and distributing their music.

3. Underground

- Definition: used to describe something that is hidden or secret, especially when it comes to cultural movements or trends.

- Example: The indie film scene is often considered underground, with many unknown filmmakers creating unique and experimental works.

4. Nonconformist

- Definition: a person who does not conform to accepted beliefs or practices.

- Example: Indie musicians are often seen as nonconformists, breaking away from the mainstream and creating their own unique sound.

5. Avant-garde

- Definition: new and unusual ideas, especially in the arts.

- Example: The indie art scene is known for its avant-garde approach, pushing boundaries and challenging traditional norms.

6. DIY (Do It Yourself)

- Definition: the practice of creating or repairing something oneself rather than paying someone else to do it.

- Example: Many indie artists adopt a DIY approach, producing and promoting their own work without the help of major labels or companies.

7. Offbeat

- Definition: unconventional; unusual.

- Example: Indie films often have an offbeat style, incorporating elements that are not commonly seen in mainstream movies.

8. Quirky

- Definition: characterized by peculiar or unexpected traits; unconventional.

- Example: The indie fashion scene is known for its quirky designs and unique styles that stand out from mainstream fashion trends.

9. Non-mainstream

- Definition: not part of the dominant or popular culture.

- Example: Indie music is often described as non-mainstream, appealing to a smaller but dedicated fan base.

10. Counterculture

- Definition: a cultural movement that opposes the dominant culture or mainstream society.

- Example: The indie scene is often seen as a counterculture, with its rejection of mainstream ideas and values

