intensity 的翻译是

语言百科2024-04-17 10:33:01留学世界


intensity 的翻译是



1. 什么是“intensity”?


2. “intensity”的具体表现形式有哪些?


3. “intensity”的重要性


4. 如何翻译“intensity”?



1. intensity的含义


2. 发音及音标

根据国际音标,intensity的发音为 [ɪnˈtensəti]。其中,“i”发音为[ɪ],“e”发音为[ə],“s”发音为[s],“y”发音为[i]。

3. 同义词及近义词


4. 用法示例

- The intensity of the storm was terrifying.


- She spoke with great intensity, as if she was about to burst into tears.


- The intensity of his love for her never wavered.


5. 用于不同场合


- the intensity of the sun (太阳的强度)

- the intensity of the emotion (情感的强烈程度)

- the intensity of the workout (锻炼的强度)

6. 注意事项


- a high intensity (高强度)

- a low intensity (低强度)


- an intense workout (剧烈的锻炼)

- intense emotions (强烈的情绪)



1. intensity的用法


1.1 名词用法


- The intensity of his love for her was overwhelming. (他对她的爱非常强烈。)

- The intensity of the storm caused widespread damage. (暴风雨的强度造成了广泛的破坏。)

- The intensity of the light was blinding. (光线的强度令人眩目。)

- The intensity of his voice made everyone in the room stop and listen. (他声音的强度让房间里每个人都停下来听。)


- The intensity of their training program was impressive. (他们训练计划的紧密程度令人印象深刻。)

- The political situation has reached a new level of intensity. (政治局势已经达到了新的紧张程度。)

1.2 形容词用法


- The intensity of the competition was fierce. (竞争的强烈程度非常激烈。)

- She was known for her intensity and determination. (她以其强烈的意志和决心而闻名。)

- The intensity level of the workout was high. (锻炼的强度水平很高。)

- The team played with great intensity and passion. (球队表现出极大的强度和激情。)

2. 双语例句


2.1 英文例句

- The intensity of the pain was unbearable.


- She danced with such intensity that she left the audience breathless.


- The storm increased in intensity as it approached the coast.


- His passion for music was evident in the intensity with which he played the piano.


2.2 中文例句

- 痛苦的程度令人无法忍受。

(The intensity of the pain was unbearable.)

- 她跳舞时如此投入,让观众都喘不过气来。

(She danced with such intensity that she left the audience breathless.)

- 暴风雨在接近海岸时变得更加剧烈。

(The storm increased in intensity as it approached the coast.)

- 他对音乐的热爱在他演奏钢琴时展现得淋漓尽致。

(His passion for music was evident in the intensity with which he played the piano.)



1. 强度的翻译是

- intensity level 强度水平

- intensity scale 强度标尺

- intensity measurement 强度测量

- intensity index 强度指数

- intensity factor 强度因子

2. 激烈程度的翻译是

- degree of intensity 激烈程度

- level of intensity 激烈水平

- degree of fierceness 激烈程度

- level of ferocity 凶猛程度

3. 高强度的翻译是

- high intensity 高强度的

- intense 高强度的

- highly intense 高强度的

- extreme intensity 极高强度的

4. 低强度的翻译是

- low intensity 低强度的

- mild 轻微的

- moderate 中等强度的

5. 紧张程度的翻译是

- level of tension 紧张程度

- degree of stress 压力程度

- level of strain 应力水平


1. Strength

- The intensity of the workout was too much for me to handle.

- The strength of the storm caused widespread damage.

2. Power

- The intensity of his emotions was overwhelming.

- The power of her performance left the audience speechless.

3. Force

- The intensity of the earthquake shook the entire city.

- The force of his argument convinced everyone in the room.

4. Vigor

- The intensity of her passion for music was evident in every note she played.

- He approached his work with great vigor and determination.

5. Ferocity

- The intensity of their rivalry was evident in their fierce competition.

- The ferocity of the lion's roar echoed through the jungle.

6. Severity

- The intensity of the punishment for breaking the rules was a deterrent for others.

- Her illness was marked by periods of intense severity.

7. Fierceness

- The intensity and fierceness of her love for her family knew no bounds.

- His eyes burned with a fierce intensity as he defended his beliefs.

8. Concentration

- She could feel the intensity building as she focused all her energy on her performance.

- He needed to maintain a high level of concentration to keep up with the intense pace of the game.

9. Passion

- His paintings were known for their intense colors and passionate brushstrokes.

- She pursued her dreams with an unwavering intensity and passion.

10. Emotionality

- Her poems were filled with an intense emotionality that resonated with readers.

- He struggled to control his intense emotionality during difficult situations.

11. Acuteness

- Her senses were heightened to an intense acuteness as she navigated through the dark forest.

- He had an acute awareness and understanding of human behavior, making him a skilled therapist.

12. Excitement

-The intensity and excitement in the air were palpable as the team prepared for the championship game.

- Her eyes sparkled with excitement as she talked about her upcoming trip.

13. Intenseness

- The intenseness of the colors in the sunset took her breath away.

- He could feel the intenseness of his anger rising as he thought about the injustice he had faced.

14. Zeal

- The intensity and zeal with which she pursued her goals were admirable.

- His passion for social justice burned with an intense zeal that inspired others to take action.

15. Ardor

- The intensity of their love was evident in their ardent embraces and passionate kisses.

- She approached her work with an intense ardor, always striving for perfection.

16. Enthusiasm

- The intensity and enthusiasm in his voice were contagious, making everyone around him excited.

- She tackled every task with an intense enthusiasm that motivated those around her.

17. Heat

- The intensity of the heat was almost unbearable on that scorching summer day.

- He could feel the intense heat radiating from the fire as he stood nearby.

18. Depth

-The intensity and depth of their friendship were evident in their unwavering support for each other.

- She was known for her intense depth of knowledge on a variety of subjects.

19. Intensity level

-The trainer adjusted the intensity level on the treadmill to challenge his clients during their workout.

-She found it difficult to keep up with the high intensity level of her new job, but she was determined to succeed.

20. Fire

-The intensity and fire in his eyes showed his determination to win.

-Her speech was filled with an intense fire that ignited passion in her audience.

21. Heat

-The intensity and heat of their argument only grew as they continued to disagree.

-His anger burned with an intense heat, causing him to say things he would later regret.

22. Ferociousness

-The ferociousness and intensity of the battle were evident in the destruction left behind.

-Her ferociousness on the court was matched only by her intense focus and drive to win.

23. Intense effort

-He put in an intense effort to finish his project before the deadline.

-She could feel the intense effort it took to climb to the top of the mountain, but the view was worth it.

24. Intensification

-The intensification of their relationship led to a deeper level of commitment.

-His illness required an intensification of treatment in order for him to fully recover.

25. Keenness

-The intensity and keenness with which she observed her surroundings made her a skilled detective.

-He had a keen sense for business and approached every deal with an intense focus on success

