intimacy是什么意思 intimacy的中文翻译、读音、例句

语言百科2024-04-17 15:41:01留学世界



1. 概念介绍

intimacy是什么意思 intimacy的中文翻译、读音、例句


2. 中文翻译


3. 读音

Intimacy的读音为 [ˈɪntɪməsi],重音在第二个音节。

4. 例句

- The couple's intimacy grew stronger as they shared their deepest thoughts and feelings with each other.


- It takes time and effort to build intimacy with someone, but it is worth it in the end.


- Some people struggle with intimacy due to past traumas or trust issues.



1. intimacy的发音

Intimacy一词的发音为 [ˈɪntɪməsi],重音在第二个音节。

2. intimacy的中文翻译


3. intimacy的读音解析

a) 第一个音节:[ˈɪn] 发音类似于英语单词"in"中的"i",但要比"in"更短促,嘴唇要稍微向前突出。

b) 第二个音节:[tɪm] 发音类似于英语单词"time"中的"i",但要比"time"更短促,舌头要稍微向上抬起。

c) 第三个音节:[əsi] 发音类似于英语单词"easy"中的"a",但要比"easy"更长,嘴唇要稍微收紧。

4. intimacy的例句

a) They share an intimacy that is rare in today's society.


b) The couple's intimacy was evident in the way they looked at each other.


c) He values his privacy and doesn't like to discuss matters of intimacy with others.


5. intimacy的相关词汇

a) intimate:形容词,亲密的,私人的;动词,暗示,透露。

b) intimately:副词,亲密地,私下地。

c) intimacy issues:亲密关系问题。

d) emotional intimacy:情感上的亲密关系


1. Intimacy的定义


2. Intimacy的中文翻译


3. Intimacy的读音


4. Intimacy的用法示例

- Our friendship is built on trust and intimacy.


- The couple's intimacy was evident to everyone around them.


- I don't feel comfortable sharing such personal details with someone I have no intimacy with.


5. 双语例句

- Our marriage has lost its intimacy over the years.


- The therapist helped the couple rebuild their intimacy through communication exercises.



1. Intimate relationship: 亲密关系

例句:They have a deep intimate relationship that has lasted for years. 他们有着持续多年的深厚亲密关系。

2. Emotional intimacy: 情感亲密

例句:Emotional intimacy is an important aspect of a healthy relationship. 情感亲密是健康关系的重要方面。

3. Physical intimacy: 身体亲密

例句:Physical intimacy is an important part of a romantic relationship. 身体亲密是浪漫关系中重要的一部分。

4. Intimate conversation: 私人谈话

例句:They had an intimate conversation about their dreams and fears. 他们就各自的梦想和恐惧进行了私人谈话。

5. Intimate knowledge: 熟悉的知识

例句:She has an intimate knowledge of the local culture and customs. 她对当地文化和习俗有着熟悉的知识。

6. Intimate friendship: 亲密友谊

例句:Their intimate friendship has stood the test of time. 他们的亲密友谊经受住了时间的考验。

7. Intimate gathering: 密切聚会

例句:It was just an intimate gathering of close friends and family members. 那只是一次近距离聚会,只有亲近的朋友和家人参加。

8. Intimate partner violence: 家庭暴力

例句:Intimate partner violence is a serious issue that affects many relationships. 家庭暴力是一个影响许多关系的严重问题。

9. Intimate apparel: 内衣

例句:She owns a store that specializes in intimate apparel for women. 她拥有一家专门为女性提供内衣的店铺。

10. Intimate setting: 亲密氛围

例句:The restaurant has an intimate setting, perfect for a romantic dinner. 这家餐厅有着亲密的氛围,非常适合浪漫的晚餐


1. Closeness

- 中文翻译:亲密

- 读音:/ˈkləʊsnəs/

- 例句:

a. The couple's intimacy was evident in the way they held hands and looked at each other.


b. They shared a deep sense of closeness and understanding that only true intimacy could bring.


2. Familiarity

- 中文翻译:熟悉

- 读音:/fəˌmɪliˈærəti/

- 例句:

a. The two friends had a strong bond of familiarity that made their conversations flow effortlessly.


b. The intimacy between the siblings was built on years of familiarity and shared experiences.


3. Affinity

- 中文翻译:亲近

- 读音:/əˈfɪnɪti/

- 例句:

a. There was an instant affinity between the two strangers, as if they had known each other for years.


b. The intimacy of their friendship was based on a deep affinity and understanding of each other's thoughts and feelings.


4. Companionship

- 中文翻译:陪伴

- 读音:/kəmˈpænjənʃɪp/

- 例句:

a. The elderly couple cherished the intimacy of their companionship, having been together for over 50 years.


b. Their intimacy was not just physical, but also stemmed from a deep companionship and understanding of each other's needs.


5. Bond

- 中文翻译:纽带

- 读音:/bɒnd/

- 例句:

a. The intimacy between the mother and daughter was strengthened by the unbreakable bond they shared.


b. Despite being apart for years, their bond remained strong and their intimacy was evident in the way they spoke and interacted with each other.


