
语言百科2024-04-19 04:25:03留学世界





1. "they"作为主语

当我们要表达某些人或物品时,可以使用"they"作为主语。比如说,我们想要表达"他们喜欢吃披萨",就可以说"They like to eat pizza." 这里的"they"指代的就是一群人。

2. "they"作为宾语

除了作为主语外,"they"也可以作为宾语出现在句子中。比如说,当我们想要表达某些人或物品做了某件事情时,就可以使用"they"作为宾语。比如说:"I saw them at the party last night." 这里的"them"指代的是我所看到的那些人。

3. "they"作为替换词

有时候,在句子中我们会重复同一个名词很多次,这样会显得很啰嗦。这时候,我们可以使用代词来替换掉重复出现的名词。比如说:"I love dogs. They are so cute."这里的"they"就是替换了前面提到的"dogs",让句子更加简洁。

4. "they"作为不定代词

除了指代具体的人或物品外,"they"也可以作为不定代词使用。比如说:"They say that laughter is the best medicine." 这里的"they"并没有具体指代谁,而是用来表示一种普遍的观点或说法。

5. "they"作为复数形式



1. 为什么要学习it的复数形式英文?


2. it的复数形式英文到底怎么读?


3. 其他相关单词的复数形式怎么读?


4. 为什么要注意it的复数形式?



1. 用法:在英语中,it是一个代词,通常用来指代无生命的事物或概念。当我们需要表达复数形式时,可以使用its作为it的复数形式。


- The company has launched a new product, and its sales have been increasing steadily. (公司推出了一款新产品,它的销售额稳步增长。)

- I love my pets, but sometimes their mess can be overwhelming. (我爱我的宠物,但有时它们的混乱会让人不知所措。)

2. 双语例句:

- The students were asked to bring their laptops to class, but many of them forgot its charger. (学生们被要求带上笔记本电脑上课,但很多人都忘记了它的充电器。)

- The company is known for its innovative products and their high quality. (这家公司以其创新产品和它们的高质量而闻名。)


1. its

- 例句:The company has changed its policies.

- 翻译:这家公司已经改变了它的政策。

2. them

- 例句:I gave them a call yesterday.

- 翻译:昨天我给他们打了电话。

3. theirs

- 例句:The house is theirs now.

- 翻译:这栋房子现在是他们的了。

4. themselves

- 例句:They can take care of themselves.

- 翻译:他们可以照顾自己。

5. they

- 例句:They are coming to visit us next week.

- 翻译:下周他们要来拜访我们。

6. their own

- 例句:They have their own opinions on the matter.

- 翻译:他们对这件事有自己的看法。

7. those

- 例句:Those are my favorite books.

- 翻译:那些是我最喜欢的书。

8. these

- 例句:These are the new products we just launched.

- 翻译:这些是我们刚刚推出的新产品。

9. that/ those of them/ those of it/ those of its

- 例句:

- That is the best decision they have made.

- Those of them who arrived late will have to make up for their absence.

- Those of it that were damaged during shipping will be replaced for free.

- Those of its employees who have been with the company for more than five years will receive a bonus.

- 翻译:

- 那是他们做出的最好的决定。

- 那些迟到的人将不得不弥补他们的缺席。

- 运输过程中受损的那些产品将免费更换。

- 公司内服务满五年以上的员工将获得奖金。

10. themself

- 例句:Each person should be responsible for themself.

- 翻译:每个人都应该对自己负责


1. its

例:The company has launched its new product line.

2. they

例:They are responsible for their actions.

3. them

例:I gave them the documents to review.

4. those

例:Those are my keys on the table.

5. these

例:These are the new features of the software.

6. themselves

例:They can take care of themselves now.

7. their own

例:Each team has their own strategy.

8. themselves

例:They can handle it themselves.

9. they all

例:They all agreed to the terms and conditions.

10. them all

例:I showed them all the different options available

