
语言百科2024-04-20 21:43:06留学世界



1. jeans的发音

jeans一词的发音为 [dʒiːnz],其中的字母j发音为/dʒ/,字母e发音为/iː/,字母a发音为/eɪ/,字母n发音为/n/,字母s发音为/z/。整个单词的读音比较接近于“吉恩斯”。


2. jeans的定义


3. jeans在时尚界中的地位


4. jeans在不同国家和文化中有不同含义


5. jeans的不同款式




1. jeans的发音是/dʒiːnz/,其中/dʒ/发音类似于“j”;/iː/发音类似于“e”;/n/发音类似于“n”;/z/发音类似于“s”。

2. jeans是一种牛仔裤,起源于美国,现在已经成为世界各地流行的服饰。它的英文名字jeans来自于法语词汇“Gênes”,意为“热那亚”,因为最早生产这种牛仔裤的地方就是意大利热那亚。

3. 在英语中,jeans通常作为复数形式使用,表示一条或多条牛仔裤。单数形式则是jean,表示一种布料。

4. 除了jeans这个词,在英语中还有其他几种表达牛仔裤的方式,比如denim jeans、blue jeans、denims等。不过,在日常生活中,最常用的还是jeans这个词。

5. 如果想要更加准确地表达牛仔裤这个概念,在英语中可以使用cowboy pants或者cowboy trousers来代替。不过,在美国和加拿大,人们更习惯称呼它们为jeans。

6. 在英语中,jeans通常作为名词使用,并且可以搭配不同的动词,比如wear jeans、put on jeans、take off jeans等。此外,也可以用形容词来修饰jeans,比如comfortable jeans、fashionable jeans等。

7. 除了作为名词使用外,jeans也可以作为动词使用,表示穿着牛仔裤的行为。比如,She loves to jeans with her favorite t-shirt.(她喜欢穿着牛仔裤和她最喜欢的T恤衫。)

8. 在美国和加拿大,人们通常会把jeans作为休闲装来穿着,在正式场合则会选择其他服饰。但是,在一些国家和地区,比如欧洲和亚洲,人们也会在正式场合穿着牛仔裤。

9. 总的来说,在英语中jeans是一个非常常见的词汇,并且有多种表达方式。无论你是想要学习它的发音还是想要了解它在英语中的用法,都可以通过阅读相关材料或者与母语者交流来提高自己的水平。

10. 最后要提醒大家注意的是,在英语中有些地方可能会将jeans读成/dʒin/或者/dʒinz/,这并不是错误的发音。因为在英语中有些单词的发音会因为地域或者个人习惯而有所差异,所以在学习和使用英语时,要保持开放的心态,不要过于拘泥于某种“正确”的发音


1. jeans是一种时尚的服饰,它的英语发音为 [dʒiːnz]。

2. 由于jeans是从法语单词"Genes"演变而来,因此在英语中也可以发音为 [dʒɪnz]。

3. jeans一词通常用作不可数名词,表示牛仔裤的统称。例如:I love wearing jeans to school.

4. 除了作为服饰名称外,jeans也可以用作动词,意为“穿着牛仔裤”。例如:I usually jeans to work.

5. jeans也可以用作形容词,表示“牛仔裤风格的”。例如:She was wearing a cute pair of jeans and a white t-shirt.

6. 在日常口语中,jeans经常被缩写为“jns”,尤其是在社交媒体上。例如:I can't wait to wear my new jns tomorrow!

7. 虽然jeans通常指牛仔裤,但它也可以泛指任何类似风格的长裤。例如:He wore a pair of black jeans to the party.

8. 在英式英语中,jeans一般被称为“denim trousers”,而在美式英语中则更常用jeans这个词。例如:She prefers denim trousers over skirts.

9. 除了常见的蓝色牛仔裤外,现在还有各种颜色、款式的jeans,比如黑色、白色、紧身牛仔裤等。

10. 总的来说,jeans已经成为时尚界的一个常用词汇,它不仅仅指一种服饰,更代表着一种随性、休闲的生活态度。穿上你最喜爱的jeans,展现你独特的个性吧!


1. Denim jeans – 牛仔裤

2. Skinny jeans – 紧身牛仔裤

3. High-waisted jeans – 高腰牛仔裤

4. Bootcut jeans – 靴型牛仔裤

5. Boyfriend jeans – 男友风牛仔裤

6. Mom jeans – 妈妈风牛仔裤

7. Flared jeans – 铅笔裤式牛仔裤

8. Ripped jeans – 破洞牛仔裤

9. Acid-washed jeans – 酸洗牛仔裤

10. Distressed jeans – 破损牛仔裤

11. Cropped jeans – 裁剪款牛仔裤

12. Straight-leg jeans – 直筒牛仔裤

13. Wide-leg jeans – 宽松直筒牛仔裤

14. Low-rise jeans – 低腰牛仔裤

15. Mid-rise jeans - 中腰牛仔裤


1. Denim

- Jeans and denim are often used interchangeably, as denim is the fabric commonly used to make jeans.

- The word "denim" comes from the French phrase "serge de Nîmes," which refers to the city of Nîmes, France where the fabric was first made.

2. Dungarees

- Dungarees are another term for jeans, particularly in British English.

- This term originated from the Hindi word "dungri," which refers to a type of coarse, sturdy cloth used for making work clothes.

3. Blue jeans

- Blue jeans are a specific type of jeans that are dyed with indigo to give them a blue color.

- This term is often used to distinguish them from other types of colored or patterned jeans.

4. Trousers/pants

- In some parts of the world, particularly in Europe, jeans may be referred to as trousers or pants.

- This term is more commonly used for formal or dressier types of pants, but can also refer to any type of leg covering garment.

5. Denims

- Similar to dungarees, denims is another term that can be used interchangeably with jeans.

- It is most commonly used in British English and may also refer to any type of clothing made from denim fabric.

6. Blue denims

- This term is similar to blue jeans and may be used interchangeably with it.

- It specifically refers to denim clothing that is dyed blue with indigo.

7. Cowboy/cowgirl pants

- In some regions, particularly in rural areas or those with a strong cowboy culture, jeans may be referred to as cowboy or cowgirl pants.

8. Work pants/overalls

- Jeans were originally designed as durable workwear for laborers and farmers, so they may also be referred to as work pants or overalls in some contexts.

- This term is often used to emphasize the practical and sturdy nature of jeans

