
语言百科2024-04-20 22:55:35留学世界



1. 什么是jeans?



2. jeans的发音是什么?


3. jeans这个词源自哪里?


4. jeans在英语中有哪些意思?

除了指代牛仔裤外,jeans在英语中还有其他含义。它可以用作动词,意为“穿着牛仔裤”。例如:“She always jeans to work.”(她总是穿着牛仔裤去上班。)此外,jeans也可以用作形容词,表示与牛仔裤相关的。例如:“I love that jeans jacket.”(我喜欢那件牛仔夹克。)

5. jeans在不同国家或地区的称呼有哪些差异?

尽管jeans这个词源自法语,但它在不同国家或地区的称呼有所差异。在英国和澳大利亚,jeans通常被称为“denim trousers”或“blue jeans”。在加拿大,它们被称为“dungarees”。在南非和印度,它们被称为“takkies”。而在中国,则通常被称为“牛仔裤”。

6. jeans的流行文化意义是什么?



1. 首先,jeans的发音为/dʒiːnz/,其中/dʒ/为英语中的“j”音,/iː/为长元音“ee”,/n/为英语中的“n”音,/z/为英语中的“z”音。

2. jeans一词来自于法语词汇“jean”,因此其发音与法语相似,但有一些细微差别。

3. 在发音时,要注意将重音放在第一个音节上,即/dʒiːnz/中的第一个/iː/上。

4. 另外,在美式英语中,有些人会将最后一个/s/发成/z/的音,即/dʒiːnz/变成/dʒiːnz/.

5. 如果想要更准确地掌握jeans的发音,在网上可以找到很多相关视频或录音来进行学习和模仿。

6. 除了正式的标准发音外,还有一些地方性口语发音,如北美地区会将jeans读作/jinz/, 英国地区可能会读作/jeɪnz/.

7. 总的来说,在正式场合或需要正确表达时,建议使用标准发音/dʒiːnz/, 而在日常交流中可以根据所处环境和对方习惯选择不同的发音方式。

8. 最后提醒大家,在学习发音的过程中,要注意练习语音语调,以及结合上下文来正确表达,这样才能更加流利地使用英语


1. What are jeans? - 什么是jeans?

Jeans are a type of pants made from denim fabric, typically featuring a zip fly and five pockets. They are usually worn as casual or work attire and have become a staple in fashion around the world.

2. How do you pronounce "jeans"? - "jeans"如何发音?

The correct pronunciation of "jeans" is [dʒiːnz], with the emphasis on the first syllable. It is important to note that the "s" at the end is pronounced as a "z" sound.

3. Did you know? - 你知道吗?

The word "jeans" comes from the French phrase "bleu de Gênes", meaning blue of Genoa, as this was where the fabric originated from.

4. Examples of using "jeans" in sentences - 使用"jeans"的例句

- I love wearing jeans on casual Fridays at work.

- These jeans are too tight for me, I need to go up a size.

- Can you pass me my black jeans? I want to wear them tonight.

- My favorite pair of jeans has a rip in them, but I still wear them all the time.

- Do you prefer skinny jeans or bootcut jeans?

5. How to style your jeans - 如何搭配你的牛仔裤

Jeans can be dressed up or down depending on the occasion. For a casual look, pair them with a t-shirt and sneakers. For a more formal event, wear them with a blouse and heels. You can also experiment with different cuts and styles such as high-waisted, distressed, or flared jeans.

6. Jeans in pop culture - 牛仔裤在流行文化中

Jeans have been popularized by celebrities and musicians, such as James Dean and Elvis Presley in the 1950s, and more recently by fashion icons like Kate Moss and Gigi Hadid. They have also been featured in countless movies, TV shows, and songs, solidifying their status as a timeless fashion staple.

7. Final thoughts - 最后的想法

Jeans are not just a piece of clothing, but a symbol of youthfulness, rebellion, and freedom. They have stood the test of time and continue to be a beloved item in everyone's wardrobe. So go ahead and rock your favorite pair of jeans with confidence!


1. Blue jeans - 蓝色牛仔裤

2. Skinny jeans - 紧身牛仔裤

3. Ripped jeans - 破洞牛仔裤

4. High-waisted jeans - 高腰牛仔裤

5. Bootcut jeans - 靴筒牛仔裤

6. Flared jeans - 阔腿牛仔裤

7. Boyfriend jeans - 男友风牛仔裤

8. Mom jeans - 妈妈风牛仔裤

9. Straight-leg jeans - 直筒牛仔裤

10. Low-rise jeans - 低腰牛仔裤

11. Acid wash jeans - 酸洗牛仔裤

12. Distressed jeans - 磨损处理牛仔裤

13. Colored denim/jeans - 彩色丹宁/牛仔裤

14. Patchwork jeans - 拼接款式的牛仔裤

15. Embroidered jeans - 刺绣款式的牛仔裤

16. Wide-leg jeans - 宽松款式的牛仔裤

17. Cropped/capri jeans - 裁剪/小腿长度的牛仔裤

18. Cuffed/hemmed jeans- 卷边/缝边款式的牛仔裤

19.Cut-off shorts/jeans- 短款/热剪款式的牛仔裤

20. High-rise jeans - 高腰牛仔裤

21. Baggy/loose jeans - 宽松款式的牛仔裤

22. Stretch jeans - 弹性牛仔裤

23. Faded jeans - 褪色牛仔裤

24. Denim overalls/jeans - 牛仔工装裤/套装款式的牛仔裤

25. Cargo jeans - 多口袋风格的牛仔裤

26. Vintage/retro jeans - 复古款式的牛仔裤

27. Acid-washed/splattered jeans - 酸洗/喷溅风格的牛仔裤

28. Distressed/frayed hem jeans - 破洞/毛边款式的牛仔裤

29. Raw denim - 原始丹宁

30. Slim-fit jeans - 紧身修身版型的牛仔裤


1. Denim - 这是最常见的jeans的同义词,它指的是一种粗糙的牛仔布料。

2. Dungarees - 这个词源于印度语,指的是一种厚实耐用的棉布料,通常用来制作工作服和牛仔裤。

3. Blue jeans - 这个同义词来自于牛仔裤最常见的颜色,也就是蓝色。它强调了牛仔裤与其他类型裤子的区别。

4. Denims - 这个单复数同义词指的也是牛仔裤,但它更多地用来指代多条牛仔裤。

5. Levi's - 这个同义词来自于知名牛仔裤品牌Levi Strauss & Co.,它已经成为了牛仔裤的代名词。

6. Wranglers - 这是另一个知名牛仔裤品牌Wrangler的同义词。它通常用来指代男性穿着的结实耐用的牛仔裤。

7. 501s - 这个同义词来自于Levi's最经典款式501号牛仔裤,也成为了一种时尚文化符号。

8. Bootcut jeans - 这种款式的jeans在膝盖以下略微收紧,适合搭配靴子穿着。

9. Skinny jeans - 这种款式的jeans紧身修身,强调腿部线条,适合搭配高跟鞋或运动鞋穿着。

10. Mom jeans - 这种款式的jeans高腰宽松,类似于妈妈们经常穿的宽松牛仔裤,近年来又成为了流行趋势

