
语言百科2024-04-20 23:13:05留学世界



1. jean的定义



2. jean的起源

jean一词最早出现在16世纪,来自法语jean fustian,意为“让·法斯提安”,是一种法国产的厚重棉布。后来随着牛仔文化的兴起,这种材料被用于制作牛仔裤,并被称为“jeans”。

3. jean和denim的区别


4. jean在时尚界的影响


5. jean的文化意义



1. 聪明的你,一定已经猜到了!没错,jean的英文读音就是“dʒiːn”。

2. 嗯?还有什么问题吗?难道你以为jean只有一种读法吗?

3. 其实,根据不同的语境,jean还可以读作“ʒɑːn”或者“dʒɛn”。嘿嘿,想必你已经跃跃欲试想要试一试了吧?

4. 那么让我们来玩个游戏吧!我说出不同的句子,你来猜一猜jean应该读作哪个音标。准备好了吗?

5. “Jeans are my favorite type of pants.”(牛仔裤是我最喜欢的裤子。)这句话中的jeans应该读作“dʒiːnz”,因为它指的是牛仔裤这个复数名词。

6. “My name is Jean, but you can call me Jane.”(我的名字是Jean,但你可以叫我Jane。)这里的Jean应该读作“dʒɑːn”,因为它指代的是一个人名。

7. “I bought a new pair of jeans yesterday.”(昨天我买了一条新牛仔裤。)这句话中的jeans应该读作“dʒiːnz”,因为它指的是一条牛仔裤这个单数名词。

8. 哈哈,是不是很有趣?其实英语中还有很多这样的词,根据不同的语境读音也会有所变化。不过别担心,随着你的英语水平提高,这些都会变得轻而易举。

9. 最后,我想说一句心里话。无论jean怎么读,在我们心中它都是一种时尚、舒适的穿着方式。所以,让我们放下学习的压力,穿上我们最喜爱的jeans,享受生活吧!


1. What is "jean" in English?

- "Jean" is the French word for denim, a type of sturdy cotton fabric often used to make jeans.

2. How do you use "jean" in a sentence?

- I love wearing my new pair of jeans.

- These jeans are so comfortable and stylish.

- She always wears a denim jacket over her jeans.

3. Is there another word for "jeans" in English?

- Yes, you can also use the word "denim pants" or simply "denims."

4. Can "jean" be used as a verb in English?

- No, "jean" is not commonly used as a verb in English.

5. What are some popular brands of jeans?

- Levi's, Wrangler, and Calvin Klein are some well-known brands of jeans.

6. Do people wear jeans for formal occasions?

- It depends on the dress code of the event, but generally, jeans are considered more casual and not appropriate for formal occasions.

7. Are there different styles of jeans?

- Yes, there are many different styles of jeans such as skinny, bootcut, straight leg, and boyfriend.

8. Are there any fashion trends related to jeans?

- Yes, distressed or ripped jeans have been popular in recent years.

9. How do you say "jeans" in other languages?

- In Spanish: pantalones de mezclilla

In French: pantalons en jean

In German: Jeanshosen

In Italian: pantaloni di denim

10. Can you give an example sentence using the word "jean" in both English and another language?

English: I need to buy a new pair of blue jean shorts for summer.

Spanish: Necesito comprar un nuevo par de shorts de mezclilla azul para el verano


1. Jean的英文发音:[dʒi:n],也可简写为Jn。

2. Jean的英文词组:

- Blue jeans: 蓝色牛仔裤

- Skinny jeans: 紧身牛仔裤

- High-waisted jeans: 高腰牛仔裤

- Bootcut jeans: 靴型牛仔裤

- Flared jeans: 阔腿牛仔裤

- Ripped jeans: 破洞牛仔裤

- Mom jeans: 妈妈牛仔裤(宽松高腰款)

- Boyfriend jeans: 男友风牛仔裤(宽松休闲款)

3. Jean的同义词:

- Denim pants: 牛仔布长裤(常用于商业用语)

- Dungarees: 工装裤(常用于英国和印度)

4. Jean的反义词:

- Dress pants: 西装长裤(正式场合穿着)

5. Jean的搭配词:

- White T-shirt and blue jeans: 白T恤和蓝色牛仔裤(经典搭配)

- Leather jacket and black skinny jeans: 皮夹克和黑色紧身牛仔裤(帅气搭配)

6. Jean的俚语表达:

- Tighter than a pair of new bluejeans on the first day of school:比学校开学第一天穿的新牛仔裤还紧(形容非常紧密)

- Blue jean baby: 蓝色牛仔裤宝贝(指喜欢穿蓝色牛仔裤的女孩)

- Jean genie: 牛仔精灵(指对牛仔服饰有着狂热爱好的人)

7. Jean的文化典故:

- Levi's jeans: 李维斯牛仔裤(美国最知名的牛仔服饰品牌,创始于1853年)

- James Dean and his blue jeans: 詹姆斯·迪恩和他的蓝色牛仔裤(20世纪50年代美国电影明星,以穿着蓝色牛仔裤出名)


1. Denim - This is the most commonly used term for jean fabric, and it originated from the French phrase "serge de Nimes."

2. Dungarees - This word has its roots in India, where it was used to describe a type of sturdy cotton fabric. It eventually became associated with overalls and jeans.

3. Blue jeans - This is a classic term that refers to the iconic blue denim pants that we all know and love.

4. Trousers - This is a more formal term for pants, but it can also be used to describe jeans.

5. Pants - This is a general term for any type of leg covering, including jeans.

6. Denims - This is another common way to refer to jeans, especially when talking about different styles or colors.

7. Bottoms - While this term can refer to any type of bottom-wear, it is often used interchangeably with jeans.

8. Blues - A fun and casual way to refer to blue jeans specifically.

9. Levi's - The name of the popular brand that revolutionized the world of denim and made blue jeans a staple in everyone's wardrobe.

10. Skinnies - A trendy way to describe skinny jeans, which are form-fitting and hug your legs tightly.

So there you have it, 10 different ways to say "jean" in English! Whether you prefer using the classic term "blue jeans" or want to add some flair with "skinnies," now you have a variety of options when talking about your favorite pair of denim pants. Happy styling!

jean是一种常见的英语单词,它的意思是牛仔裤。虽然它的读音可能有些许变化,但大多数情况下都是 [dʒiːn]。除了作为单词出现外,jean也可以作为一种名字使用,并且还有许多相关的词组和同义词示例。希望本文能够帮助你更好地理解和使用这个单词。最后,我是网站编辑小明,如果你喜欢本文,请关注我获取更多有趣的英语知识。祝愿大家学习进步,用英语表达自如!
