
语言百科2024-04-21 23:51:07留学世界




首先,让我们来看一下这个单词的基本意思。作为一个名词,job通常指的是一份工作或职业。比如说,“I have a job as a teacher.”(我有一份作为老师的工作。)而作为动词,则表示“做某事”或“修补”。例如,“He is jobbing in his garage.”(他正在车库里修补东西。)



1. 当“job”指代工作时,它的读音为[dʒɒb]。注意,“o”的发音并不是平常所说的“哦”,而是更接近于汉语中“噢”的发音。同时,“b”的发音也要轻一些。

2. 当“job”用作动词时,则读作[dʒɒb]。注意,“o”的发音与前面相同,但是此时“b”的发音要重一些,并且带有爆破音。





1. 先来看看它的音标,/dʒɑb/。不要被这一串符号吓到,其实很简单。第一个音标/dʒ/就是英语中的j音,第二个音标/ɑ/就是a音,最后一个/b/就是b音。所以整体读起来就像是“贾布”的发音。

2. 如果觉得还是有点难以理解,可以试着把它拆开来读。首先读出j音,然后再加上a和b音,最后把它们连起来就行了。

3. 除了这种正式的发音方式外,其实还有一种非正式的发音方法。我们可以把/dʒɑb/简化为/dʒob/的发音。也就是把中间的a省略掉,直接读成“乔布”。这样读起来更加轻松自然。

4. 不过要注意的是,在某些特定情况下,比如面试或者正式场合使用时,最好还是采用正式的发音方式。因为这能够展现出你对英语的熟练程度和专业性。

5. 最后提醒一下,job这个词在英语中有两个含义,一个是指工作,另一个则是指职位。所以在使用时要根据具体的语境来确定它的意思,以免产生误解。

6. 总之,无论是采用正式还是非正式的发音方式,掌握好job这个单词的发音都能让你更加流利地表达自己。希望本小节能够帮助到你,祝你在学习英语的路上越走越顺利!


1. job的用法


- I have a job as a teacher. (我有一份教师的工作。)

- He's looking for a job in marketing. (他正在寻找一份市场营销方面的工作。)


- She's been jobbing as a freelance writer for the past year. (她过去一年一直在做自由撰稿人的工作。)

- We need to job out this project to someone with more experience. (我们需要把这个项目交给有更多经验的人来完成。)

2. 双语例句


- My dream job is to be a fashion designer. (我的梦想职业是成为一名时装设计师。)

- 我梦想中的工作是成为一名时装设计师。

- The company is hiring for various jobs, including sales, marketing, and customer service. (公司正在招聘各种职位,包括销售、市场营销和客户服务。)

- 公司正在招聘各种职位,包括销售、市场营销和客户服务。

- After years of working odd jobs, she finally landed her dream job as a chef. (经过多年做零工,她终于得到了自己梦想中的厨师职位。)

- 在做了多年的零工后,她终于得到了自己梦想中的厨师职位。

- His job is to manage the daily operations of the company. (他的工作是管理公司的日常运营。)

- 他的工作是管理公司的日常运营


1. Career opportunities - 职业机会

- This company offers great career opportunities for its employees. - 这家公司为员工提供了很好的职业机会。

2. Employment - 就业

- The rate of employment has increased in recent years. - 近年来就业率有所增加。

3. Workforce - 劳动力

- The company plans to expand its workforce by hiring more employees. - 公司计划通过雇佣更多的员工来扩大劳动力。

4. Occupation - 职业

- What is your current occupation? - 你目前从事什么职业?

5. Profession - 职业,专业

- She chose teaching as her profession. - 她选择了教学作为自己的职业。

6. Vocation - 职业,使命感

- He felt a strong vocation to become a doctor and help others. 他有强烈的使命感,想要成为一名医生来帮助他人。

7. Trade/ Craft/ Skill/ Art/ Technique/ Craftsmanship- 技术,手艺,工艺

- He learned the trade of carpentry from his father. 他从父亲那里学习了木工的技术。

8. Job market/ Labor market- 就业市场,劳动力市场

- It's difficult to find a job in this tough job market. 在这个竞争激烈的就业市场找到一份工作很困难。

9. Job seeker/ Job hunter- 求职者

- She's been a job seeker for over a year now. 她已经是一名求职者超过一年了。

10. Employee/ Worker/ Staff/ Personnel- 员工,工人,职员

- The company has a dedicated team of employees. 公司拥有一支专业的员工团队


1. Occupation

- Definition: a person's regular or principal work or business, especially as a means of earning a living; vocation.

- Example: My occupation is a teacher.

2. Employment

- Definition: the state of having paid work; the act of working for pay.

- Example: He found employment as an accountant.

3. Career

- Definition: an occupation undertaken for a significant period of a person's life and with opportunities for progress.

- Example: She has had a successful career in marketing.

4. Profession

- Definition: a paid occupation, especially one that involves prolonged training and a formal qualification.

- Example: Being a doctor is considered to be one of the most respected professions.

5. Trade

- Definition: a skilled job, typically one requiring manual skills and special training.

- Example: He learned his trade as an apprentice carpenter.

6. Vocation

- Definition: a strong feeling of suitability for a particular career or occupation; calling.

- Example: Her vocation was to become an artist.

7. Work

- Definition: activity involving mental or physical effort done in order to achieve a purpose or result.

- Example: I have to finish my work before I can go out with friends.

8. Position

- Definition: a job or role in an organization or company.

- Example: She applied for the position of marketing manager.

9. Post

- Definition: another term for position, referring to a job within an organization.

Example - After years of hard work, he finally got promoted to the post of CEO.

10. Role

Definition - the function assumed or part played by someone in relation to their job or position.

Example - As the team leader, her role is to ensure everyone is on track and working towards the same goal.

11. Duty

Definition - something that one is expected or required to do by moral or legal obligation.

Example - It is my duty as a citizen to vote in every election.

12. Task

Definition - a piece of work to be done or undertaken.

Example - She was given the task of organizing the company's annual charity event.

13. Assignment

Definition - a task or piece of work allocated to someone as part of a job or course of study.

Example - The new employee was given an important assignment on his first day at work.

14. Mission

Definition - an important assignment carried out for a specific purpose.

Example - Our mission is to provide quality education to underprivileged children.

15. Calling

Definition - a strong urge towards a particular way of life or career, often believed to be divinely inspired.

Example - He felt a calling to become a priest from a young age.

16. Engagement

Definition - the act of being employed or occupied in something, typically for an extended period of time.

Example - She has been engaged in social work for over 10 years now.

17. Function

Definition - the purpose for which something is designed or exists; role.

Example - The function of this machine is to make our work easier and more efficient.

18. Posture

Definition - one's attitude, stance, or position towards their job or career.

Example - Her posture towards her job as a lawyer changed after she won her first case.

19. Livelihood

Definition - means of supporting oneself, especially financially; one's profession or occupation.

Example - Farming is the main livelihood for people living in rural areas.

20. Trade/Industry/Field/Line/Domain/Sphere/Realm/Occupation/Vocation/Career Path

- Definition: all these terms can be used as synonyms for job depending on the context and industry being referred to.

- Example: I have been working in the field of marketing for 5 years now and I love my career path

