1. 简介
2. 词性变化
3. 同义词
4. 英式发音和美式发音
5. 例句
1) The steak was so juicy and tender that it melted in my mouth.
2) She loves to wear juicy red lipstick to make her lips look more attractive.
3) The celebrity's juicy secrets were revealed in a scandalous magazine article.
6. 搭配短语
1) juicy fruit: 多汁的水果
2) juicy gossip: 八卦新闻
3) juicy details: 令人兴奋的细节
4) juicy story: 轰动的故事
7. 衍生词汇
1) juiciness:多汁度,引申为吸引力、性感程度等。
2) juice:果汁,也可指其他液体。
3) juicy couture:Juicy Couture是一家美国时尚品牌,以其多汁的色彩和时尚风格而闻名。
8. 使用场景
1. 英语中的juicy是一个形容词,读作/dʒuːsi/。
2. 音标中的/dʒuː/表示/j/音加上长音/u:/,/s/音则是轻轻地发出,不要加上重音。
3. juicy的发音与单词"Jew"(犹太人)和"see"(看)相似,但要注意/ju:/的发音比/Ju/更长一些。
4. 如果想更准确地学习juicy的发音,可以参考一些在线资源或者使用语音学习软件来练习。
5. juicy这个词在英文中有两种意思,一种是指“多汁的”,另一种是指“充满新鲜感的”或者“有趣的”。
6. 在句子中使用juicy时,可以根据具体情况选择正确的意思。比如,“这个橙子很juicy”就是指橙子很多汁;而“这本小说很juicy”则是指小说很有趣或者充满新鲜感。
7. 除了作为形容词之外,juicy也可以作为名词使用,表示“多汁水果”的意思。比如,“I love to eat juicy fruits in the summer.”(我喜欢在夏天吃多汁水果。)
8. 在口语中,有时候也会把juicy作为一个形容词来使用,表示“性感的”或者“色情的”。但是这种用法并不正式,所以在正式场合还是要注意使用正确的意思。
9. 如果你想更加深入地了解juicy这个词,可以查阅英文词典,里面会有更多的例句和用法。
10. 总之,juicy是一个很常用的词汇,在日常生活中也经常会遇到。希望通过本小节能够帮助你更准确地学习和使用这个词
1. juicy作为形容词,意为“多汁的,鲜美的”,常用来形容水果、肉类等食物。例如:The orange is juicy and sweet.(这个橘子又多汁又甜。)
2. 除了形容食物,juicy也可以用来形容信息、故事等内容丰富、有趣的。例如:The magazine always has juicy gossip about celebrities.(这本杂志总是刊登关于名人的八卦消息。)
3. juicy还可以表示“含有很多细节或秘密”的意思。例如:The reporter got a juicy story from an anonymous source.(记者从匿名消息来源那里得到了一个八卦故事。)
4. 另外,juicy也可以用来表示性感、诱人的。例如:She looked very juicy in that tight dress.(她穿着那件紧身裙看起来很性感。)
5. 双语例句:
- The steak was cooked to perfection, tender and juicy on the inside and crispy on the outside.
- The novel is full of juicy details about the scandalous lives of the characters.
- I can't wait to try the new juice bar, I've heard they make really juicy smoothies.
- The actress gave a juicy interview about her upcoming movie.
- The paparazzi are always trying to get a juicy photo of the celebrity couple.
- She has a juicy role in the new TV series and is already receiving rave reviews for her performance.
1. Juicy details:细节丰富生动
2. Juicy gossip:八卦消息
3. Juicy scoop:爆炸性新闻
4. Juicy tidbits:趣闻轶事
5. Juicy rumors:流言蜚语
6. Juicy secrets:秘密内幕
7. Juicy story:鲜活故事
8. Juicy scandal:轰动事件
9. Juicy revelation:惊人揭秘
10. Juicy drama:激情戏剧
1. Succulent - This word is often used to describe juicy fruits or meats, emphasizing their tenderness and moisture. For example, "The succulent watermelon was the perfect treat on a hot summer day."
2. Luscious - Similar to succulent, this word is used to describe something that is very juicy and delicious. It can also be used to describe a person who is attractive and tempting. For example, "The luscious strawberries were bursting with flavor."
3. Moist - This word refers to something that is slightly wet or damp, usually in a pleasant way. It can be used to describe both food and non-food items. For example, "The moist cake was a hit at the party."
4. Sappy - This word can be used in a literal sense to describe something that has a lot of sap or liquid inside, but it can also be used figuratively to mean overly sentimental or emotional. For example, "The sappy watermelon made my hands sticky."
5. Juicylicious - This playful combination of juicy and delicious is often used as an adjective for describing food that is both juicy and tasty. For example, "The juicylicious burger was worth every calorie."
6. Pulpous - This word refers to something that has a lot of pulp or soft tissue inside, which often contributes to its juiciness. It can also be used figuratively to mean something that is full of substance or detail. For example, "The pulpous orange juice was packed with vitamin C."
7. Drippy - This informal word describes something that has a lot of liquid dripping from it, often in an uncontrolled manner. It can also be used figuratively to mean overly emotional or sentimental. For example, "The drippy watermelon made a mess on my shirt."
8. Spongy - While this word typically describes something that is soft and porous, it can also be used to describe food that is juicy and absorbs liquid easily. For example, "The spongy cake soaked up the juicy peach filling."
9. Piquant - This word refers to something that has a strong or pungent flavor, often associated with being spicy or tangy. It can also be used to describe something that is stimulating or exciting. For example, "The piquant salsa was the perfect balance of spicy and tangy."
10. Drenched - This word describes something that is completely soaked or saturated with liquid, often in a way that enhances its juiciness. It can also be used figuratively to mean overwhelmed or inundated. For example, "The drenched watermelon was refreshing on a hot day."
juicy一词是指“多汁的”、“有趣的”或者“色情的”。它可以用来形容食物、新闻、八卦等等。在英语中,juicy这个词读作[joo-see]。它可以作为形容词或者名词使用,具有多种用法。比如,在句子中可以说“The juicy burger made my mouth water.”(那个多汁的汉堡让我垂涎欲滴)。此外,juicy也可以与其他词组合使用,比如juicy gossip(八卦新闻)或者juicy details(详细信息)。如果你想要表达类似意思的话,还可以使用类似的同义词,比如succulent、luscious等等。希望本文能够帮助你更好地理解和运用这个词汇。