
语言百科2024-04-26 08:46:14留学世界






那么为什么过去式要加上-ed呢?其实,这是英语中一种常见的构词规则,在动词末尾加上-ed表示动作已经完成了。比如look变成了looked, play变成了played。

另外值得一提的是,在美国英语中还有一种说法叫做"kick the bucket",意思是“死亡”。虽然和原意相差甚远,但在口语中却很常用


1. "kick"的过去式英文是"kicked"。

2. 呃,这个过去式读起来有点像被踢了一脚的感觉,不过没关系,我们来看看具体的发音吧。

3. 首先,注意单词末尾的"-ed"在发音时变成了[t]音,所以读作[kikt]。

4. 其次,注意元音i的发音是[i]而不是[ai],所以完整的读音是[kikt]。

5. 如果还不清楚,可以试着跟着我一起读几遍:"kicked, kicked, kicked!" 是不是有点像在高兴地踢东西呢?

6. 当然啦,这只是单词的发音部分,在句子中使用时还要根据语境和语调做出调整哦。

7. 不管怎样,希望你已经掌握了"kicked"这个单词的过去式英文怎么读啦!记得多练习哦~


1. 用法:kick的过去式为kicked,是动词“踢”的过去式形式。它可以作为及物动词和不及物动词使用,意思是用脚或腿进行猛烈的推动或打击。


- He kicked the ball into the goal. (他把球踢进了球门。)

- The horse kicked its hind legs in anger. (马生气时用后腿猛踢。)

2. 双语例句:

- She kicked off her shoes and relaxed on the couch. (她踢掉鞋子,放松地坐在沙发上。)

- The little boy kicked and screamed when his mother tried to take away his toy. (当妈妈试图拿走他的玩具时,小男孩大声哭闹并且乱踢乱打。)

- The football player was sent off the field for kicking an opponent. (这位足球运动员因为踢了对手而被罚下场。)

- I accidentally kicked my phone under the bed and couldn't find it for hours. (我不小心把手机踢到了床底下,找了几个小时都找不到。)

3. kick的其他相关用法:



例句:The horse gave a powerful kick with its hind legs. (马用后腿给了一记强力的踢击。)


例句:The party was a real kick. (这个聚会真是太有趣了。)

4. 双语例句:

- The car engine needs a good kick to start in the cold weather. (在寒冷的天气里,汽车发动机需要一下猛力才能启动。)

- She got a real kick out of skydiving for the first time. (她第一次跳伞时感到非常兴奋。)

- He gave the ball a strong kick and it flew over the fence. (他用力踢了一下球,它飞越了篱笆。)


1. Kicked off - 踢开,开始

2. Kicked in - 开始起作用,开始生效

3. Kicked out - 踢出,驱逐出去

4. Kicked up - 搅动,引发骚动

5. Kicked around - 被人利用,被人欺负

6. Kicked the bucket - 去世,死亡

7. Kicked over - 打翻,推倒

8. Kicked back - 放松,休息

9. Kicked up a fuss - 大惊小怪,大吵大闹

10. Got kicked to the curb - 被甩掉,被抛弃

11. Kicking and screaming - 挣扎不愿意做某事

12. Kickstarted a project - 启动一个项目

13. Kickback - 回扣,回报利益给某人

14. Kick up a notch - 加把劲,提升水平或质量

15. Kick in the teeth- 遭受打击或挫折

16. Kick off one's shoes- 脱掉鞋子放松一下

17.Kick-started a career- 开启了职业生涯

18.Kick off a habit- 戒除习惯

19.Kickback scheme- 回扣计划

20.Kickboxing class- 散打课程

21.Kick out of the house- 把某人赶出家门

22.Kick up a fuss- 大吵大闹

23.Kick the habit- 戒除坏习惯

24.Kick the can down the road- 推迟解决问题

25.Kicked in the teeth- 遭受打击或挫折

26.Kick back and relax- 放松一下

27.Kicked to the curb- 被抛弃,被甩掉

28.Kick-started a revolution- 开启了一场革命

29.Kicking and screaming all the way- 挣扎不愿意做某事

30.Kick up a storm- 引发骚动,激起争议

31. Kicked to the ground - 被踢倒在地

32. Kick off a meeting - 开始会议

33. Kick out a goal - 射门得分

34. Kicked into high gear - 加速,加快进程

35. Kick around ideas - 讨论想法

36. Kicked up dust - 扬起灰尘,引起争议

37. Kicked off a new project - 启动新项目

38. Kickback from a gun - 枪反作用力

39. Kickstarted an economy - 激活经济发展

40. Kicking up their heels - 狂欢,放松身心


1. Kicked

- He kicked the ball into the goal.

- The horse kicked its hind legs in protest.

- She kicked the door shut in anger.

2. Booted

- He booted the ball across the field.

- The soldiers were booted out of the barracks.

- She booted up her computer to start working.

3. Punted

- He punted the ball down the river.

- The politician was punted out of office by voters.

- She punted on whether to take the job offer or not.

4. Struck

- He struck a match to light his cigarette.

- The lightning struck the tree, causing it to fall.

- She struck out at her opponent with all her strength.

5. Thumped

- He thumped his chest in pride after winning the race.

- The drummer thumped on his drums during the concert.

- She thumped on her desk to get everyone's attention.

6. Whacked

- He whacked the mole with a mallet at the carnival game.

- The teacher whacked a ruler on the desk to quiet down her students.

- She whacked her brother on the head for teasing her.

7. Socked

- He socked his opponent in the face during the fight.

-The storm socked New York City with heavy snowfall.

-She socked away money every month for her retirement fund.

8. Bashed

-He bashed his elbow against the wall, causing a bruise.

-The car bashed into a tree, damaging its front end.

-She bashed out an essay in one night before it was due.

9. Smacked

-He smacked his lips after tasting the delicious meal she cooked for him.

-The waves smacked against the shore as they walked along the beach at sunset.

-She smacked her forehead in frustration when she realized she forgot her keys.

10. Booted

- He booted the ball across the field.

- The soldiers were booted out of the barracks.

- She booted up her computer to start working

