
语言百科2024-04-28 01:45:17留学世界



1. 翻译行业中的术语



2. knockover作为动词

作为动词,“knockover”通常表示“推倒”、“撞倒”的意思。例如:“The strong wind knocked over the trees.”(强风把树吹倒了。)这里的“knocked over”指的是树被强风吹倒了。另外,“knockover”也可以用来表示“抢劫”、“打劫”,例如:“The bank was knocked over by a group of armed robbers.”(银行被一群持枪抢劫的人打劫了。)

3. knockover作为名词


4. knockover的其他含义




1. “knockover”是一个英文单词,读作/knɒkˈəʊvə(r)/。

2. 它的意思是“击倒,打翻”,也可以用作名词,表示“击倒物”或“打翻的东西”。

3. 这个词由两个部分组成:knock和over。其中,“knock”是动词,意为“敲击,碰撞”,常用于表示用力撞击或敲打某物;“over”则是副词,表示“朝前方,向前倾斜”,常用于表示物体向前倾斜或倒下的动作。

4. 因此,“knockover”的意思可以理解为用力撞击或敲打某物使其朝前方倾斜或倒下。

5. 例如:“The strong wind knocked over the trash can.”(强风把垃圾桶吹倒了。)

6. 在美国俚语中,“knockover”还可以指代抢劫行为,特别指抢劫商店、银行等地方的犯罪行为。因此,在美国电影中经常出现类似的对话:“We're gonna knock over the bank tonight.”(今晚我们要抢劫银行。)

7. 另外,“knock over”的过去式和过去分词形式分别为“knocked over”和“knocked over”,它们分别表示“击倒”和“被击倒”的动作或状态。

8. 总的来说,“knockover”的意思是很容易理解的,它可以用于日常生活中描述物体被撞倒或倒下的情况,也可以用于描述犯罪行为。希望本小节能够帮助你更好地理解这个词并正确使用它


1. “knockover”的意思是“打翻”或“推倒”,通常用于形容物体被突然撞击或推倒的情况。

2. 这个词可以用作及物动词,也可以用作名词。例如:

- The strong wind knocked over the trash cans on the street. (强风把街上的垃圾桶都吹倒了。)

- The little boy accidentally knocked over the vase with his ball. (小男孩不小心用球撞翻了花瓶。)

- The robbery was a knockover of a jewelry store. (这次抢劫是对珠宝店的袭击。)

3. “knockover”的双语例句:

- The earthquake knocked over several buildings in the city.


- I accidentally knocked over my coffee cup and spilled it all over my desk.


- The police were able to prevent a bank knockover thanks to their quick response.



1. Knockover: 意为“推倒、打翻”,是一个动词,常用于描述物体被意外或故意击倒或推倒的情况。

2. Knockover job: 意为“抢劫”,指的是一种突然而猛烈的抢劫行为,通常发生在商店、银行等地方。

3. Knockover effect: 意为“连锁反应”,指的是一个事件或行动引发的连续影响,类似于多米诺骨牌效应。

4. Knockover price: 意为“低价出售”,通常用于描述商家为了吸引顾客而提供的特价优惠。

5. Knockover sale: 意为“抢购大甩卖”,类似于促销活动,但更加强调商品被抢购一空的情况。

6. Knockover bid: 意为“竞标胜出”,通常用于描述拍卖会上最高出价者获得拍卖品的情况。

7. Knockover power: 意为“强大的力量”,可以指物理上的力量,也可以指某个人或团体在某个领域具有强大影响力。

8. Knockover effect of technology: 意为“技术带来的巨大影响”,通常用于描述某种技术的发展带来的巨大变革。

9. Knockover-proof: 意为“防摔、防倒”,通常用于描述某种产品具有抗倒、抗摔的特性。

10. Knockover target: 意为“被推倒的目标”,可以指实际意义上的物体,也可以指比喻性的目标或计划


1. Knock down: This phrase is often used to describe a physical action of causing something to fall over or collapse, similar to the meaning of "knockover".

2. Topple: This word can be used as a synonym for "knockover" when talking about objects or structures being pushed or pulled over.

3. Overturn: Similar to "knockover", this word can be used to describe the act of causing something to fall over or turn upside down.

4. Tumble: This word can be used as a playful synonym for "knockover", often used in a more lighthearted context.

5. Upset: While this word has multiple meanings, it can also be used as a synonym for "knockover" when talking about objects being knocked or tipped over.

6. Capsized: This word is commonly used when referring to boats or other watercrafts being overturned, but it can also be used metaphorically as a synonym for "knockover".

7. Push over: As the name suggests, this phrase refers to pushing something so that it falls over, making it a suitable synonym for "knockover".

8. Collapse: While this word typically refers to something falling apart or giving way, it can also be used in place of "knockover" when describing an object falling down.

9. Bring down: This phrase can be used as a synonym for "knockover" in situations where something is brought down from an upright position.

10. Overbalance: Similar to the meaning of "knockover", this word refers to losing balance and falling over, often due to an external force

