
语言百科2024-05-01 17:20:44留学世界



1. 最新的,最近的:latest一词最常见的意思就是指“最新的”或“最近的”。它可以用来形容某件事物、某个事件或某个时期是最新的、最近发生的,比如:the latest news(最新消息)、the latest fashion(最新时尚)、the latest technology(最新技术)等。在这种意思下,latest可以作为形容词或名词使用。


2. 最晚的,最后期限:除了指“最新的”外,latest也可以表示“最晚的”或“最后期限”。比如:I'll meet you at the latest(我会在最晚时间和你见面)、Please submit your report by the latest(请在最后期限前提交你的报告)。在这种意思下,latest通常作为名词使用。

3. 最流行的,当红的:除了指时间上的“最新”和“最晚”,latest还可以表示某个事物是目前非常流行、当红或热门。比如:the latest Hollywood movie(当红好莱坞电影)、the latest celebrity gossip(热门名人八卦)。在这种意思下,latest通常作为形容词使用。

4. 最近出版/发表/发布的:另外一个常见的含义是指某件事物是刚刚出版、发表或发布不久。比如:the latest edition of a book(最新版本的书)、the latest issue of a magazine(最新一期的杂志)、the latest album by a musician(音乐家最近发行的专辑)。在这种意思下,latest通常作为形容词使用。

5. 最新消息/资讯:除了指具体的事物,latest也可以指最新的消息、资讯或信息。比如:keep me updated with the latest news(让我了解最新消息)、follow the latest trends(追踪最新趋势)。在这种意思下,latest通常作为名词使用。

6. 最先进的,最高级的:在某些特定上下文中,latest还可以表示某件事物是最先进、最高级或最优质的。比如:the latest technology in smartphones(智能手机领域的最先进技术)、the latest fashion in clothing(服装界的最新潮流)。在这种意思下,latest通常作为形容词使用。

7. 最近一次,刚刚:除了指具体的事物外,latest还可以用来表达“最近一次”或“刚刚”。比如:I saw him at the latest party(我在最近一次聚会上见过他)、I spoke to her at the latest meeting(我在刚刚结束的会议上和她交谈过)。在这种意思下,latest通常作为名词使用。

8. 最后更新/修订时间:在计算机领域,latest常常指最后一次更新或修订的时间。比如:the latest version of a software(软件的最新版本)、the latest update of a website(网站的最新更新)。在这种意思下,latest通常作为名词使用。

9. 最近的消息/情况:最后,latest还可以用来指某个事物当前的状态或情况。比如:What's the latest on the project?(项目目前进展如何?)、I'm not sure about the latest with their relationship(我不太了解他们关系目前的情况)。在这种意思下,latest通常作为名词使用。



1. 最新的、最近的


2. 最流行的、最时髦的

除了指最新出现的事物外,“latest”也可以表示最流行或最时髦的事物。例如,“the latest fashion”指的是最新流行的时尚,“the latest trend”指的是最新趋势。

3. 最近发生或发表的

“latest”还可以用来表示最近发生或发表的事物。例如,“the latest news”指的是最新消息,“the latest research”指的是最新研究。

4. 最后一期、上一期

在杂志或报纸中,我们经常会看到“latest issue”的字样,它指的是最后一期或者上一期刊登出来的内容。

5. 最大程度地、尽可能多地

除了作形容词使用外,“latest”还可以作副词使用,表示尽可能多地或者到达极限程度。例如,“to do something to the latest of one's ability”,意为尽某人所能去做某事。



1. “最新的”用法:latest是形容词,意为“最近的”、“最新的”,常用来描述时间、事物或信息的更新程度。例如:The latest iPhone model will be released next month.(最新款的iPhone将在下个月发布。)

2. “最近的”用法:除了指时间上的更新,latest也可以指地点上距离某处最近的位置。例如:The latest restaurant in town has the best food.(镇上最近开的餐厅有最好吃的食物。)

3. 双语例句:

- What's the latest news on the election?(选举方面有什么最新消息?)

- I just bought the latest version of this software.(我刚买了这个软件的最新版本。)

- The new store is the latest addition to our chain.(这家新店是我们连锁店中最新加入的一家。)

- She always has to have the latest fashion trends.(她总是追求时尚界的最新潮流。)

- Have you seen the latest episode of your favorite TV show?(你看过你喜欢的电视节目的最新一集吗?)


1. Latest news 最新消息

Latest news refers to the most recent and up-to-date information or events that have occurred. It is often used in media headlines or news reports to indicate the most current developments in a particular topic or area.

2. Latest version 最新版本

The latest version refers to the most recent update or release of a product, software, or technology. It is often used in the context of technology and refers to the newest and most advanced version of a product.

3. Latest trends 最新趋势

Latest trends refer to the newest and most popular patterns or changes in behavior, fashion, or opinions. It can be used in various industries such as fashion, technology, and social media to describe the current direction of popular culture.

4. Latest updates 最新更新

Latest updates refer to the most recent changes or additions made to something. It is commonly used in software or social media platforms to inform users about new features, bug fixes, or improvements.

5. Latest fashion 最新时尚

Latest fashion refers to the newest and most popular styles, designs, and trends in clothing and accessories. It is often used in magazines, blogs, and advertisements related to fashion industry.

6. Latest gadgets 最新小工具

Latest gadgets refer to the newest electronic devices or tools that are designed for specific purposes. It is commonly used in technology reviews and advertisements for new products.

7. Latest research 最新研究

Latest research refers to the most recent studies or investigations conducted on a particular topic or subject. It is often used in academic papers and scientific journals to indicate the latest findings and discoveries.

8. Latest updates 最新消息

Latest updates can also be used as a synonym for latest news, referring to the most recent information or developments on a particular topic.

9. Latest buzz 最新热点

Latest buzz refers to the most recent and popular topics or discussions that are generating a lot of attention and interest. It is often used in media and social media to describe trending topics.

10. Latest technology 最新技术

Latest technology refers to the most recent and advanced tools, methods, or processes used in a particular field or industry. It can be used in various contexts such as business, healthcare, and education to describe the newest innovations and advancements


1. Newest: The most recent or up-to-date.

例:The latest fashion trends are constantly changing.

2. Current: Happening or existing now.

例:What is the current situation in the stock market?

3. Contemporary: Belonging to or occurring in the present.

例:This piece of art is a contemporary depiction of modern society.

4. Modern: Relating to the present or recent times as opposed to the remote past.

例:Technology has greatly advanced in modern times.

5. Fresh: Recently made, produced, or harvested; not stale or spoiled.

例:The bakery always has a selection of fresh bread and pastries.

6. Up-to-the-minute: Using or dealing with the latest information available.

例:The news channel provides up-to-the-minute updates on current events.

7. Cutting-edge: At the forefront of technological development; innovative or pioneering.

例:The company prides itself on its cutting-edge technology and products.

8. State-of-the-art: Using the most modern and advanced techniques or methods.

例:The hospital has state-of-the-art equipment for diagnosing and treating patients.

9. Trendy: Very fashionable; currently popular or stylish.

例:She always wears trendy clothes and accessories.

10. Hip: Fashionable and aware of or following the latest trends.

例:He's always listening to hip new music before it becomes popular

