1. Late的中文翻译意思
1.1 晚的、迟的
这是Late最常见的意思,指时间上晚于预期或规定的时间。例如:He is always late for work.(他总是上班迟到。)在这个意思下,Late也可以用来形容人,表示某人经常迟到或做事缓慢。例如:She is always late in finishing her homework.(她总是完成作业很晚。)
1.2 已故的、去世的
Late也可以用来指已经去世的人,相当于passed away或deceased。例如:My late grandfather was a great man.(我已故的祖父是一位伟大的人。)
1.3 迟钝的、迟缓的
除了指时间上晚之外,Late还可以表示速度慢、反应迟钝等含义。例如:He has a late reaction time, which makes him not suitable for driving.(他反应迟钝,不适合开车。)
2. Late发音及意思解析
3. Late相关短语和表达
3.1 Late for
意为“迟到”,表示某人未能按时到达某地点。例如:Sorry, I was late for the meeting because of the traffic jam.(抱歉,因为交通堵塞我迟到了会议。)
3.2 Be late with
意为“做事慢”,表示某人做事不积极、拖延。例如:He is always late with his assignments.(他总是拖延作业。)
3.3 Too late
意为“太晚了”,表示已经错过了某个时间点或机会。例如:I'm afraid it's too late to apologize now.(恐怕现在道歉已经太晚了。)
1. 发音示范:
2. 读音示范:
除了正确的发音外,我们还需要注意一些细节。比如,在口语中,“late”可以用来形容某件事情晚了或者错过了。例如:"I'm sorry, I'm late for the meeting."(对不起,我开会迟到了。)在这种情况下,“late”可以用作形容词。另外,在英语中还有一个常用短语叫做"better late than never"(迟到总比没到好),表示即使晚点也比完全没有好。
1. Late作为形容词,表示“迟的,晚的”。例如:
- She was late for the meeting. (她迟到了会议。)
- The train was running late. (火车晚点了。)
2. Late作为副词,表示“晚地”。例如:
- He arrived late for the party. (他迟到参加派对。)
- Please don't stay up too late. (请不要熬夜太晚。)
3. Late也可以用来表示“已故的”,通常用于描述某人已经去世。例如:
- My late grandfather used to tell me stories when I was a child. (我已故的祖父在我小时候常给我讲故事。)
- The author's late wife was his greatest inspiration for writing. (作者已故的妻子是他写作最大的灵感来源。)
4. 在某些场合,Late还可以用来表示“最近的”或“最新的”。例如:
- Have you read the latest news about the election? (你读过关于选举的最新消息吗?)
- This is the latest version of the software. (这是软件的最新版本。)
5. 另外,Late也可以作为名词使用,表示“晚期”或“末期”。例如:
- He is in the late stages of cancer and needs constant care. (他处于癌症末期,需要持续护理。)
- The company's profits have been declining in recent years and they are now in a late stage of financial crisis. (这家公司近年来的利润一直在下降,现在已经处于财务危机的末期。)
1. She was late for the meeting, but luckily she didn't miss anything important. (她迟到了会议,但幸运的是她没有错过任何重要的事情。)
2. The train was running late due to bad weather conditions. (由于恶劣的天气条件,火车晚点了。)
3. My late grandmother used to bake the most delicious apple pie. (我已故的祖母曾经做出最美味的苹果派。)
4. The company's profits have been declining in recent years and they are now in a late stage of financial crisis. (这家公司近年来的利润一直在下降,现在已经处于财务危机的末期。)
5. Have you seen the latest movie by your favorite director? (你看过你最喜欢导演拍摄的最新电影吗?)
1. "be late for":迟到,表示某人没有按时到达某地点或做某事。
例如:"I'm sorry I'm late for our meeting, there was a lot of traffic on the way here."
2. "running late":赶不上,表示某人没有足够的时间来做某事,通常是因为迟到或事情耽搁了。
例如:"I'm running late for my flight, can you please hurry up?"
3. "better late than never":迟做总比不做好,表示宁愿晚一点做也比不做好。
例如:"I know I should have apologized earlier, but better late than never, right?"
4. "latecomer":迟到者,指那些总是迟到的人。
例如:"John is always the last one to arrive at the party, he's such a latecomer."
5. "late bloomer":晚开花者,指那些在生活中晚成熟或成功的人。
例如:"Don't worry about not having your dream job yet, you're just a late bloomer."
6. "late in the game":比赛末节,表示在某件事情发生的最后阶段。
例如:"We need to come up with a plan quickly, we're already late in the game."
7. "late night":深夜,通常指晚上十一点以后的时间段。
例如:"I have to work until late night tonight, so I won't be able to join you guys for dinner."
8. "late payment":延迟付款,指在应付账单或账单上指定日期之后支付。
例如:"I'm sorry for the late payment, I've been really busy lately."
9. "late bloomer":晚成熟者,指那些在生活中晚开始展现才华的人。
例如:"Don't underestimate her, she may be a late bloomer but she's incredibly talented."
10. "lateness":迟到,表示某人迟到的状态或行为。
例如:"I apologize for my lateness, I got stuck in traffic on my way here."
1. Delayed(延迟的)
同义词示例:belated, postponed, deferred, put off
区别解析:Delayed指的是按计划或预定时间推迟,通常有一个明确的原因或者是经过讨论后做出的决定。例如:“The flight was delayed due to bad weather.”(航班因天气原因延误。)而Late则更强调时间上的滞后,可能是由于个人原因或者外部因素导致。例如:“I'm sorry for being late to the meeting.”(很抱歉我来开会晚了。)
2. Tardy(迟到的)
同义词示例:behind schedule, overdue, unpunctual
区别解析:Tardy与Late都可以表示迟到,但Tardy更强调迟到给他人带来的影响和责任感。例如:“He was tardy for his shift and caused a delay in production.”(他上班迟到导致生产延误。)而Late则更侧重于对时间的不尊重和自身行为的责任。例如:“I apologize for being late to the party.”(我为晚到派对道歉。)
3. Behind(落后)
同义词示例:delayed, slow, lagging
区别解析:Behind与Late都可以表示落后,但Behind更强调在进度、发展等方面与预期相比有所差距,可能是由于自身原因或者外界因素导致。例如:“Our project is behind schedule due to unexpected challenges.”(由于意外挑战,我们的项目进度落后。)而Late则更强调时间上的滞后,可能是由于个人原因或者外部因素导致。例如:“I'm sorry for being late to the meeting.”(很抱歉我来开会晚了。)
4. Overdue(过期的)
同义词示例:late, delinquent, outstanding
区别解析:Overdue与Late都可以表示过期,但Overdue更强调按照约定或规定应该完成某件事情的时间已经过去,但仍未完成。例如:“Your library books are overdue and you need to return them immediately.”(你借的图书已经逾期,请立即归还。)而Late则更侧重于时间上的滞后,可能是由于个人原因或者外部因素导致。例如:“I apologize for being late to the party.”(我为晚到派对道歉。)
5. Delay(延迟)
同义词示例:postpone, put off, hold up
区别解析:Delay与Delayed都可以表示延迟,但Delay更强调行动上暂时停止或推迟某件事情,通常有一个明确的原因或者是经过讨论后做出的决定。例如:“The flight was delayed due to bad weather.”(航班因天气原因延误。)而Delayed则更侧重于按计划或预定时间推迟。例如:“The meeting has been delayed until next week.”(会议已经延迟到下周举行。)