
语言百科2024-05-01 21:43:32留学世界



1. Definition of laughed


According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the word "laughed" is defined as a verb that means "to make the spontaneous sounds and movements of the face and body that are the instinctive expressions of lively amusement and sometimes also of derision". It can also mean "to show or feel amusement or good humor" or "to be scornful, contemptuous, or dismissive".

2. Synonyms for laughed

Some common synonyms for laughed include chuckled, giggled, snickered, chortled, cackled, guffawed, and sniggered. These words all convey a sense of amusement or mirth.

3. Antonyms for laughed

On the other hand, some antonyms for laughed are cried, sobbed, wept, mourned, and wailed. These words express sadness or grief instead of joy or amusement.

4. Different ways to express laughter in English

In addition to the word "laughed", there are many other ways to express laughter in English. Some examples include:

- Giggle: a light and silly laugh

- Chuckle: a quiet and restrained laugh

- Snicker: a half-suppressed laugh often expressing disrespect or scorn

- Chortle: a gleeful chuckle

- Cackle: a loud and harsh laugh often associated with witches or evil characters

- Guffaw: a loud and boisterous laugh

5. Cultural differences in expressing laughter

It's important to note that different cultures may have different ways of expressing laughter. For example, in some cultures, it may be considered impolite to laugh loudly in public while in others it may be seen as a sign of enjoyment.

6. Common idioms using the word "laugh"

There are also many idiomatic expressions using the word "laugh" such as:

- Laugh out loud (LOL): an expression used to indicate that something is funny

- Laughing all the way to the bank: to make a lot of money easily or without much effort

- Laughing stock: someone or something that is ridiculed or made fun of

- Laugh off: to dismiss or make light of something, often in a humorous way

- Laugh in someone's face: to openly show disrespect or scorn towards someone

7. Famous quotes about laughter

Lastly, here are some famous quotes about laughter:

- "A day without laughter is a day wasted." - Charlie Chaplin

- "Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face." - Victor Hugo

- "Laughter is timeless, imagination has no age, and dreams are forever." - Walt Disney

In conclusion, "laughed" is a versatile word that can express different types of laughter and emotions. It's important to understand its meaning and usage in order to effectively communicate in English. Remember, laughter is universal and can bring people together regardless of language barriers. So go ahead and have a good laugh!









1. “Laughed”作为动词,意为“笑”,是英语中常用的表达方式。例如:She laughed at his joke.(她对他的笑话笑了。)在这句话中,“laughed”表示过去发生的动作,表达了主语对某件事情的反应。

2. “Laughed”也可以用来表示某人发出嘲笑、讽刺或嘲弄的声音。例如:He laughed at her failure.(他嘲笑她的失败。)这里,“laughed”表示一种态度,表达了主语对他人的轻蔑或不屑。

3. 在双语例句中,“laughed”还可以用作名词,表示一次或多次的笑声。例如:The room was filled with loud laughs.(房间里充满着大声的笑声。)这里,“laughs”指代了多个人发出的笑声。

4. “Laughed”也可以用作形容词,表示某人看起来很开心、快乐或幸福。例如:She had a laughed expression on her face.(她脸上带着开心的表情。)在这个例句中,“laughed”描述了主语脸上展现出来的情绪。

5. 在一些特殊情况下,英语中也会使用“laughed”来表示一种不良行为或不道德的行为。例如:He laughed at her misfortune.(他嘲笑她的不幸。)这里,“laughed”表示一种不尊重他人的态度。

6. “Laughed”也可以与其他词语组合使用,形成新的短语或表达方式。例如:laughed out loud(大声笑)、laughed off(嘲笑、不在意)、laughed away(消除、忽略)等等


1. Crack up - 笑得前仰后合,大笑不止

例如:When I told him the joke, he cracked up and couldn't stop laughing.

2. Burst out laughing - 突然大笑

例如:When she saw the funny video, she burst out laughing and couldn't stop.

3. Laughed until tears came to one's eyes - 笑得泪流满面

例如:The comedian's performance was so hilarious that we all laughed until tears came to our eyes.

4. Giggle - 咯咯地笑,轻声地笑

例如:She couldn't help but giggle when she saw her friend's silly dance moves.

5. Snicker - 偷笑,窃笑

例如:He snickered when his friend slipped on a banana peel.

6. Chuckle - 轻声地笑,咯咯地笑

例如:The old man chuckled at the children playing in the park.

7. Bust a gut - 笑得肚子痛,发出大声的笑声

例如:The comedian was so funny that the audience was busting a gut from laughter.

8. Cracking jokes - 讲冷笑话,开玩笑

例如:He loves cracking jokes and making people laugh.

9. Hysterical laughter - 歇斯底里的大笑

例如:After watching the comedy show, she was in hysterical laughter for hours.

10. Belly laugh - 大声哈哈大笑,捧腹大笑

例如:His silly dance moves always make me burst into a belly laugh


1. Chuckled: 咯咯笑

2. Giggled: 傻笑

3. Chortled: 得意地笑

4. Snickered: 窃笑

5. Tittered: 轻声笑

6. Cackled: 咯咯地大笑

7. Roared with laughter: 大笑不止

8. Burst out laughing: 突然大笑起来

9. Cracked up: 笑得前仰后合

10. Snorted: 哼笑

