
语言百科2024-05-03 01:10:23留学世界





1. leadto的定义


2. leadto的使用场景


3. leadto的影响


4. 怎样避免leadto



在翻译行业中,我们经常会遇到一些生词或者专业术语,其中就包括“leadto”。那么,这个单词究竟是如何读音呢?其实,它的读音并不难记,我们可以把它分解成两个部分来学习。首先是“lead”,读作/liːd/,重音在第一个音节上。然后是“to”,读作/tuː/,重音也在第一个音节上。所以,“leadto”的正确发音应该是/liːd tuː/。简单吧?接下来让我们一起来了解一下这个单词的含义吧!



"lead to"是一个常用的短语,意为“导致”,“引起”,“造成”。它通常用来描述某种行为、事件或情况所产生的结果。在句子中,它通常作为及物动词短语使用,后接名词、动名词或不定式作宾语。


1) The heavy rain led to flooding in the city. (大雨导致城市发生洪水。)

2) His poor time management skills often lead to missed deadlines. (他糟糕的时间管理技巧经常导致错过截止日期。)

3) The increase in pollution has led to a decline in air quality. (污染增加导致空气质量下降。)

4) Poor communication can lead to misunderstandings among team members. (沟通不畅可能会导致团队成员之间的误解。)

5) The new policy is expected to lead to economic growth in the region. (预计新政策将会带来该地区的经济增长。)


除了作及物动词短语外,"lead to"也可以作为名词短语使用,表示“通往”的意思。例如:“The path leads to the top of the mountain.”(这条小路通向山顶。)此外,"lead"还可以与其他介词搭配使用,如:"lead into"(进入),"lead up to"(导致)等。


在使用"lead to"时,需要注意动词的时态和主谓一致。例如,如果主语是第三人称单数,则动词形式应为“leads”


1. Lead to = 导致

2. Result in = 结果是

3. Contribute to = 有助于

4. Cause = 引起

5. Bring about = 导致

6. Give rise to = 引发

7. Lead up to = 为...做准备

8. Culminate in = 达到顶点

9. Trigger = 触发

10. Spark = 激发


1. Result in

- This action may lead to serious consequences.

- The decision will result in a significant change in the company's operations.

2. Cause

- The heavy rain caused the river to overflow, leading to flooding in the nearby towns.

- Poor communication can cause misunderstandings, which can lead to conflicts.

3. Bring about

- The new policy brought about positive changes in the community.

- His reckless behavior brought about his downfall.

4. Trigger

- The economic crisis triggered a wave of unemployment, leading to social unrest.

- The controversial statement triggered a heated debate among politicians.

5. Give rise to

- The lack of government support gave rise to a rise in crime rates.

- This discovery gave rise to new theories in the field of science.

6. Result from

- The delay in delivery resulted from a shortage of raw materials.

- Her success resulted from her hard work and determination.

7. Induce

- The advertisement induced many people to buy the product.

- His speech induced a sense of patriotism among the audience.

8. Contribute to

- Climate change is contributing to extreme weather conditions around the world.

- His reckless behavior contributed to the accident.

9. Lead up to

- The series of events led up to his resignation as CEO.

- Months of training led up to her victory at the competition.

10. Culminate in

- Years of hard work culminated in her being promoted as manager.

- The negotiations culminated in a successful deal for both parties.

11. Generate

- This project is expected to generate significant revenue for the company.

-The new policy generated mixed reactions from the public.

12. Provoke

-The controversial article provoked outrage among readers, leading to its removal from publication.

-His rude behavior provoked her into ending their friendship.

13. Spur on

-The coach's motivational words spurred on his team, leading them to victory.

-The success of the first film spurred on the production of its sequel.

14. Prompt

-The sudden drop in temperature prompted a rush to buy winter clothes.

-Her resignation prompted an investigation into the company's practices.

15. Instigate

-The rumors instigated fear and panic among the villagers.

-His actions instigated a series of protests against the government.

16. Precipitate

-His careless actions precipitated a chain of events that led to his downfall.

-The unexpected announcement precipitated chaos and confusion among the employees.

17. Evoke

-The movie evoked strong emotions in its audience, leading to a standing ovation.

-The painting evoked memories of her childhood, bringing tears to her eyes.

18. Conduce to

-His lack of attention to detail could conduce to mistakes in his work.

-Their close collaboration could conduce to a successful project outcome.

19. Terminate in

-After months of negotiations, the deal terminated in a disagreement between the two parties.

-His reckless behavior terminated in his dismissal from the company.

20. Make way for

-The new technology is making way for more efficient methods of production.

-His resignation made way for a new leader to take over

