
语言百科2024-05-04 18:06:52留学世界





1. les是什么?


2. 为什么会有这样的缩写?


3. les和其他类似词汇有什么区别?


4. les是否有贬义?


5. les在社交媒体上的使用



1. 简介


2. LES是什么意思?


- 1)低排放区(Low Emission Zone)


- 2)液体气体(Liquid Energy Storage)


3. 如何正确读音?

LES作为一个缩写词,通常被读为每个字母的发音,即“L-E-S”。但如果它被用作名词“低排放区”,则可以读为“low emission zone”。而当它被用作名词“液体气体”时,可以读为“liquid energy storage”。

4. 注意事项



1. les的含义


2. les作为名词的用法

a. 在英文中,les通常被用作缩写词,表示“lesbian”(女同性恋者)。

b. 在法语中,les也可以作为名词使用,表示“人们”或“他们”。

3. les作为动词的用法

a. 在英文中,les可以作为动词使用,表示“放弃”或“离开”。

b. 在法语中,les也可以作为动词使用,表示“读”。

4. les的双语例句

a. She is a member of the LES community.


b. Les enfants jouent dans le parc.


c. He decided to les his job and travel the world.


d. Les deux amies ont passé une journée merveilleuse ensemble.



1. "Les is more": 这个词组的意思是简单就是美,强调简约和精致。

2. "Les enfants terribles": 指的是不守规矩、难以控制的孩子,也可以用来形容任性、叛逆的年轻人。

3. "Les bons vivants": 这个词组指的是享受生活、热爱美食和饮食的人。

4. "Les liaisons dangereuses": 一部法国小说的名字,也可以用来形容危险的关系或者不良影响。

5. "Faire les courses": 意为购物或者购买日常用品。

6. "Être les yeux dans les yeux": 意为面对面地交谈,直视对方的眼睛。

7. "Les petits plaisirs de la vie": 指生活中小小的快乐,例如喝杯咖啡、看一部电影等等。

8. "Faire les quatre cents coups": 意为做坏事或者惹麻烦。

9. "Les belles choses de la vie": 指美好的事物和经历,例如旅行、与家人朋友相聚等等。

10. "Faire les gros yeux à quelqu'un": 意为用严厉的眼神警告或者斥责某人


1. Definition of les

Les is a French word that means "the" in English. It is used as a definite article and is placed before a noun to indicate a specific person, place, or thing. For example, "les enfants" means "the children" in English.

2. Synonyms for les

- The

- The ones

- Those

- Them

3. Examples of les in sentences

- Les enfants vont à l'école. (The children go to school.)

- Tu connais les gens qui habitent ici ? (Do you know the people who live here?)

- J'ai acheté des livres pour les étudiants. (I bought books for the students.)

4. Les vs Le/La/L'

In French, there are three different articles that can mean "the": le, la, and l'. Le is used before masculine singular nouns, la is used before feminine singular nouns, and l' is used before nouns starting with a vowel or silent h.

Les, on the other hand, is used before plural nouns regardless of their gender. For example:

- Le chat (the cat) vs Les chats (the cats)

- La maison (the house) vs Les maisons (the houses)

- L'homme (the man) vs Les hommes (the men)

5. Les as an adverb

Les can also be used as an adverb to mean "more" or "less". In this case, it is usually followed by an adjective or adverb.


- Il est les grand que moi. (He is taller than me.)

- Elle est les rapide que lui. (She is faster than him.)

6. Other uses of les

Besides being an article and an adverb, les can also be part of other words such as:

- Lesquels: which ones

Example: Lesquels préférez-vous ? (Which ones do you prefer?)

- Lesquelles: which ones (feminine)

Example: Lesquelles sont tes sœurs ? (Which ones are your sisters?)

- Les nôtres: ours

Example: Ce livre est le nôtre, pas les vôtres. (This book is ours, not yours.)

7. Common expressions with les

- Les uns les autres: each other

Example: Ils se parlent les uns les autres. (They talk to each other.)

- Les deux: both

Example: J'aime les deux chansons. (I like both songs.)

- Les deux tiers: two thirds

Example: Les deux tiers des élèves sont absents aujourd'hui. (Two thirds of the students are absent today.)

8. Conclusion

In conclusion, les is a simple but important word in French that serves as an article, adverb, and part of other words. It is used to indicate plural nouns and can be translated as "the" or "more/less" depending on the context. Make sure to use it correctly in your sentences to avoid confusion and improve your French skills!

