
语言百科2024-05-07 11:34:19留学世界




1. 什么是lipservice?


2. 在翻译行业中,lipservice指什么?


3. 为什么要避免lipservice?


4. 如何辨别lipservice?


5. 如何避免lipservice?



1. 发音


2. 用法


作为名词时,lipservice指的是表面上的恭维或赞美,但实际上并不真心。例如:“He paid lipservice to the idea, but he didn't really support it.”(他对这个想法表示了嘴上的赞同,但实际上并不支持它。)

作为动词时,lipservice指的是假装支持或赞同某事物,但实际上并不真心。例如:“She just lipserviced her boss to get a promotion.”(她只是假装支持她的老板以获得晋升。)

3. 相关表达


(1) Pay lip service to:表示只是嘴上说说而已,并没有实际行动或真心支持。例如:“They just paid lip service to the idea, but they didn't actually do anything about it.”(他们只是嘴上说说这个想法,但实际上并没有采取任何行动。)

(2) Talk the talk but not walk the walk:表示只是空谈而没有实际行动。例如:“He talks the talk but doesn't walk the walk when it comes to environmental issues.”(当涉及环境问题时,他空谈一番但没有实际行动。)

(3) Empty promises:表示空洞的承诺或兑现不了的诺言。例如:“The politician made a lot of empty promises during his campaign.”(这位政治家在竞选期间做了很多空洞的承诺。)


1. 什么是lipservice?


2. lipservice在翻译行业中的应用


3. lipservice在翻译行业中的例子


4. 如何避免lipservice?



1. Paying lip service to something: 虚情假意地说某事

例句:Don't just pay lip service to environmental protection, take real action to reduce your carbon footprint.

2. Lip service only: 只是说说而已,没有实际行动

例句:Don't be fooled by their promises, it's just lip service only.

3. All talk and no action: 光说不练,只会空谈

例句:The government has been all talk and no action when it comes to solving the issue of poverty.

4. Actions speak louder than words: 行动胜于言辞

例句:Stop making empty promises, actions speak louder than words.

5. Walk the talk: 言行一致,说到做到

例句:If you want to gain people's trust, you need to walk the talk.

6. Put your money where your mouth is: 不要光说不练,拿出行动来证明你的诚意

例句:If you truly support this cause, then put your money where your mouth is and donate to the charity.

7. Empty words/hollow promises: 空洞的话语/虚假的承诺

例句:I'm tired of his empty words, I want to see some real changes in his behavior.

8. False compliments/flattery: 假恭维/奉承话

例句:Don't believe her false compliments, she's just trying to manipulate you.

9. Sweet talk/smooth talker: 甜言蜜语/花言巧语的人

例句:Don't fall for his sweet talk, he's a smooth talker who knows how to manipulate people.

10. Lip service culture: 虚假的风气/文化

例句:In some companies, there is a lip service culture where employees are expected to say one thing but do another


1. Flattery

同义词示例:Honeyed words, compliments, adulation

在翻译行业中的使用情况:Flattery is often used in the translation industry to describe the act of praising or complimenting someone in order to gain their favor or approval. This can be seen in situations where a translator may use flattery to persuade a client to choose their services over others.

2. Insincerity

同义词示例:Hypocrisy, pretense, deceitfulness

在翻译行业中的使用情况:Insincerity is a common synonym for lipservice in the translation industry, as it refers to the act of saying something without truly meaning it. In this context, it may be used to describe a translator who makes promises or commitments but does not follow through with them.

3. Lip worship

同义词示例:Adulation, idolization, hero-worship

在翻译行业中的使用情况:Lip worship is another synonym for lipservice that is often used in the translation industry to describe excessive praise or admiration for someone. This can be seen in situations where a translator may excessively praise their clients or colleagues in order to gain favor or status.

4. False praise

同义词示例:Insincere compliments, flattery, empty words

在翻译行业中的使用情况:False praise is a term commonly used in the translation industry to describe lipservice that is not genuine or sincere. It can refer to compliments or words of admiration that are said without true belief or feeling behind them.

5. Hollow words

同义词示例:Empty promises, meaningless phrases, insincere compliments

在翻译行业中的使用情况:Hollow words is a synonym for lipservice that is often used to describe words or promises that have no real meaning or substance behind them. In the translation industry, this term may be used to refer to empty promises made by a translator to gain a client's trust or approval.

6. Smooth talk

同义词示例:Flattery, sweet talk, persuasive language

在翻译行业中的使用情况:Smooth talk is a synonym for lipservice that is commonly used in the translation industry to describe persuasive language or flattery used to manipulate someone. This can be seen in situations where a translator may use smooth talk to convince a client to choose their services over others.

7. Fawning

同义词示例:Sycophantic behavior, groveling, obsequiousness

在翻译行业中的使用情况:Fawning is a term often used in the translation industry as a synonym for lipservice that refers to excessive flattery or praise in order to gain favor or approval. It can be seen in situations where a translator may fawn over their clients or colleagues in order to gain status or benefits.

8. Lip service

同义词示例:Empty words, insincere promises, false praise

在翻译行业中的使用情况:Of course, we cannot forget the term "lip service" itself, which is commonly used in the translation industry as a synonym for insincere words or actions. It can refer to empty promises made by translators or superficial actions taken without genuine belief or intention behind them

