localised 的翻译是

语言百科2024-05-08 13:46:52留学世界



1. 什么是localised?

localised 的翻译是


2. localised的翻译


3. localised与translation的区别


4. localised在不同领域中的应用

4.1 在软件开发领域中,localised指将软件界面、帮助文档等内容进行本地化处理,使其适应不同国家或地区的用户。

4.2 在市场营销领域,localised指根据当地的文化、习惯和市场需求,将产品或服务进行本地化推广。

4.3 在游戏行业中,localised指将游戏内容进行本地化处理,使其符合当地玩家的喜好和文化特点。

4.4 在翻译行业中,localised指针对特定地区或国家的翻译需求,提供专门的本地化翻译服务。

5. localised的重要性



1. localised是什么意思?


2. localised怎么读?


3. 为什么要学习如何正确发音localised?


4. 有哪些常见的错误发音方式?


5. 如何纠正错误的发音?


6. localised的正确发音有什么好处?



1. localised是一个形容词,意为“本地化的”,指将产品、服务或内容针对特定地区或语言进行适应和修改。

2. 在翻译行业中,localised通常用于描述针对特定地区或语言的翻译工作。

3. 例如,我们可以说:“本次介绍已经被localised为中文版本。”意思是说本次介绍已经被翻译成了中文,并且进行了本地化的调整。

4. localised也可以作为动词使用,表示“将某物本地化”。例如:“我们需要将这个软件localised为德语版本。”意思是说我们需要对这个软件进行本地化处理,使其适应德语用户。

5. 当谈论到翻译时,localised通常与其他术语搭配使用,如“localisation strategy”(本地化策略)、“localisation process”(本地化流程)等。

6. 除了在翻译行业中使用外,localised也可以用于其他领域,如科技、商业等。比如,“我们的产品已经完成了本地化工作,在中国市场取得了巨大成功。”

7. 在双语例句中,我们可以看到localised与其他术语搭配使用的情况。例如,“The company has localised its website for the Chinese market.”(该公司已将其网站针对中国市场进行了本地化处理。)

8. 另外,localised也可以用于描述个人的适应能力。比如,“我在这个国家生活了很久,已经完全localised了。”意思是说我已经完全适应了这个国家的生活。

9. 总的来说,localised是一个非常实用的词汇,在翻译行业和其他领域都有广泛的应用。它不仅可以形容产品、服务或内容的本地化处理,还可以描述个人的适应能力




1. “Get the hang of it” - 理解某事物的工作原理或方法

例如:It took me a while to get the hang of using chopsticks, but now I can eat noodles like a pro.

2. “Hit the spot” - 满足某种需求或期望

例如:A cup of hot chocolate really hit the spot on this cold winter day.

3. “Piece of cake” - 非常容易做到的事情

例如:Don't worry, this math problem is a piece of cake for me.

4. “On cloud nine” - 非常高兴或兴奋

例如:She was on cloud nine when she found out she got accepted into her dream university.

5. “Bite the bullet” - 勇敢地面对困难或痛苦

例如:I know it's hard, but you just have to bite the bullet and tell him how you feel.

6. “In a nutshell” - 简而言之

例如:In a nutshell, the company is facing financial difficulties and needs to make some changes.

7. “Go the extra mile” - 做更多的努力

例如:If you want to succeed, you have to be willing to go the extra mile.

8. “Hit the nail on the head” - 说得非常准确

例如:He hit the nail on the head when he said that we need to focus on our strengths.

9. “Let the cat out of the bag” - 不小心泄露秘密

例如:I can't believe you let the cat out of the bag about my surprise party!

10. “Blow off steam” - 发泄情绪

例如:After a long day at work, I like to go for a run to blow off some steam


1. Localized

- Localized is the most commonly used synonym for localised. It means to adapt or translate something to fit a specific location or audience. In the context of translation, it refers to the process of making a text or content suitable for a particular language or culture.

- Example: The company has localized their website for the Chinese market, making it more appealing and understandable for their target audience.

2. Customized

- Customized is another synonym for localised, emphasizing the personalized and tailored aspect of adapting something to a specific group or location. In translation, it can also refer to tailoring a message or content to suit the preferences and needs of a particular audience.

- Example: The brochure was customized for the French market, with images and language that would resonate with their cultural values.

3. Adapted

- Adapted is another word that can be used interchangeably with localised in the context of translation. It means to modify or adjust something to make it suitable for a different purpose or situation.

- Example: The book was adapted from its original English version into Spanish, catering to the needs of Spanish-speaking readers.

4. Translated

- Translated is a more general term that can also be used as a synonym for localised in certain contexts. It refers specifically to converting written text from one language into another.

- Example: The article was translated from Japanese into English by a professional translator.

5. Culturalized

- Culturalized is a less common synonym for localised but carries a similar meaning. It refers specifically to adapting something to fit the cultural norms and values of a particular society or group.

- Example: The game was culturalized for the Middle Eastern market, taking into account their customs and traditions.

6. Domesticated

- Domesticated can also be used as a synonym for localised in certain contexts, particularly when referring to adapting something for domestic use or consumption.

- Example: The film was domesticated for the American audience, with changes made to certain scenes and dialogue to make it more relatable.

7. Regionalized

- Regionalized is another synonym for localised, emphasizing the aspect of adapting something to suit a specific region or area.

- Example: The website was regionalized for the European market, with different versions for each country's language and currency.

8. Indigenized

- Indigenized is a less common synonym for localised but can be used in certain contexts. It refers to adapting something to fit the customs and traditions of a particular indigenous group or culture.

- Example: The product packaging was indigenized for the Native American market, incorporating traditional symbols and designs.

9. Tailored

- Tailored can also be used as a synonym for localised, emphasizing the customization and personalization aspect of adapting something.

- Example: The training program was tailored for the Chinese team, taking into consideration their cultural background and work practices.

10. Modified

- Modified is another word that can be used interchangeably with localised in certain contexts. It means to make changes or alterations to something in order to improve its suitability or effectiveness.

- Example: The presentation was modified for the international conference, with additional examples and visuals added to make it more engaging for a diverse audience.

In conclusion, there are several synonyms that can be used in place of localised when referring to translation. Each word carries a slightly different connotation but ultimately refers to the process of adapting something to fit a specific location, culture, or audience

