
语言百科2024-05-09 11:43:45留学世界



1. 什么是lone?



2. Lone的同义词


3. Lone在句子中的用法


- He is a lone traveler, always wandering in different countries.

- The lone tree on the top of the hill is a landmark of this village.

4. Lone与lonely的区别


- She feels lonely without her friends around.

- The lone wolf is used to living alone in the forest.

5. Lone作为名词


- The lone survivor of the shipwreck was finally rescued.

- He is a lone in his opinion and no one agrees with him.

6. Lone的相关词汇


- Loneliness:名词,孤独、寂寞的状态。

- Loner:名词,指偏好独处的人。

- Lone wolf:名词,指习惯于独自行动的人。

- Loneliness epidemic:名词,指现代社会普遍存在的孤独问题。

7. Lone在文学作品中的用法

Lone一词经常出现在文学作品中,例如美国作家杰克·伦敦(Jack London)的小说《野性的呼唤》(The Call of the Wild)中就有这样一句话:“He was a killer, a thing that preyed, living on the things that lived, unaided, alone, by virtue of his own strength and prowess, surviving triumphantly in a hostile environment where only the strong survive.”(他是一个杀手,一个捕食者,靠自己的力量和技能在敌对的环境中生存下来。)


1. lone的定义


2. 发音及词源


3. 同义词和反义词

lone的同义词包括:solitary, lonely, isolated, single。反义词则有:together, accompanied, accompanied by。

4. 用法示例

a) I saw a lone figure standing on the edge of the cliff.


b) The lone survivor of the shipwreck was finally rescued.


c) He prefers to work alone and is quite content with his lone existence.


5. 搭配短语

a) Lone wolf 孤狼,指不喜欢与他人合作或交往的人。

b) Lone parent 单亲父母,指只有一个父母抚养子女的家庭。

c) Lone journey 单独旅行,指一个人独自出行的旅程。

6. 常见误用


7. 相关词汇

a) Lonely 孤独的,强调内心感受。

b) Solitude 孤独,强调处于孤独状态。

c) Isolated 孤立的,强调与外界隔绝。

d) Single 单一的,强调只有一个


1. "Lone"的含义


2. "Lone"的双语例句

- He was a lone figure standing in the empty field, gazing at the sunset.


- I prefer to take a lone walk in the park rather than go to a crowded party.


- The lone survivor of the shipwreck was finally rescued after days of being stranded on a deserted island.


- She has been living a lone life ever since her husband passed away.


3. "Lone"与其他词汇搭配使用


- Lone wolf: 孤独的人/独行侠

- Lone ranger: 独行侠/孤胆英雄

- Lone parent: 单亲家庭

- Lone voice: 孤立的声音/异议的声音

4. "Lone"的幽默用法


- I was the lone survivor of the shopping spree, everyone else went broke.


- The lone cookie on the plate looked so sad and lonely, I had to eat it.



1. Lonely as a lone wolf: 孤独如独行的狼

2. Lone ranger: 孤胆英雄

3. Lone survivor: 孤身生还者

4. Lone journey: 单枪匹马的旅程

5. Lone voice: 孤注一掷的声音

6. Lone star state: 独行侠州(指德克萨斯州)

7. Alone but not lonely: 独自一人但并不孤单

8. The lone ranger syndrome: 孤胆英雄综合征(指做事情喜欢一个人独立完成)

9. Lone and free: 自由独行

10. The lone traveler's guide: 单枪匹马旅行指南


1. Solitary: Feeling alone and isolated, like a lone wolf in the wilderness.

2. Isolated: Being on your own, without any companionship or support.

3. Single: Being the only one, like a single flower blooming in a field.

4. Solo: Doing something alone, without any help or assistance.

5. Lonely: Feeling sad and empty due to lack of company or connection with others.

6. Independent: Being self-sufficient and not relying on others for support or assistance.

7. Unaccompanied: Going somewhere or doing something alone, without anyone else accompanying you.

8. Lonesome: Feeling deserted and longing for companionship, like a lonesome cowboy on the open range.

9. Soloist: A performer who stands alone on stage, showcasing their talent without any backup.

10. Lone ranger: Someone who operates independently and doesn't conform to societal norms or expectations

