lookafter是什么意思 lookafter的中文翻译、读音、例句

语言百科2024-05-09 15:45:00留学世界



1. lookafter的定义


lookafter是什么意思 lookafter的中文翻译、读音、例句

2. lookafter的中文翻译

根据上文所述,我们可以将lookafter翻译为“关注”、“照顾”、“照料”。具体根据句子语境来决定使用哪个词更恰当。例如,“She looked after her sick mother.”(她照顾她生病的母亲。)这里可以用“look after”来表达对母亲的关心和照顾。又如,“Please look after my dog while I'm away.”(我离开时,请帮我看管好我的狗。)这里可以用“take care of”来表达对宠物的关心和照料。

3. lookafter的读音


4. lookafter的例句

(1)Please look after my house while I'm on vacation.(我度假期间,请帮我照看房子。)

(2)She looked after her younger siblings while her parents were at work.(她在父母上班时照顾弟弟妹妹。)

(3)The nurse will look after you during your recovery.(护士会在你康复期间照顾你。)

(4)We need someone to look after our children while we attend the wedding.(我们需要有人在我们参加婚礼时照顾孩子。)



1. 中文翻译:首先,让我们来看看“lookafter”究竟是什么意思。它的中文翻译为“照顾”,也可以指“关心”、“照料”。所以当有人问你“can you look after my dog?”时,其实就是在问你能不能帮忙照顾他们的狗。

2. 读音:现在让我们来学习一下这个单词的正确发音。首先要注意的是,“look”和“after”都是重读音节,所以要稍微延长这两个音节的发音。而且,“look”和“after”的元音都是长元音/u:/和/ɑ:/,所以要记住要把嘴巴张大一点哦。最后一个字母“r”也要发出清晰的浊辅音/r/。

3. 例句:为了更好地掌握这个单词,我们还可以来看几个例句。比如,“I will look after the kids while you go to work.”(当你去上班时,我会照顾孩子们。)或者“Can you look after my plants while I'm on vacation?”(我度假期间,你能帮忙照顾一下我的植物吗?)



1. lookafter的中文翻译:照顾、关心、照料

2. lookafter的读音:[lʊkˈæftər]

3. lookafter的用法示例:

- She always looks after her younger siblings when their parents are away.(当他们的父母不在家时,她总是照顾她的小弟弟妹妹。)

- It's important to look after your health by eating well and exercising regularly.(通过健康饮食和定期锻炼,照顾好自己的身体是很重要的。)

- As a teacher, I have to look after the well-being of my students both academically and emotionally.(作为一名老师,我必须关心学生的学业和情感健康。)

- Don't worry, I'll look after your dog while you're on vacation.(别担心,在你度假期间我会照顾好你的狗。)


1. 照顾(翻译:take care of)

例句:She always looks after her younger siblings when their parents are away.

2. 关心(翻译:care about)

例句:He really looks after his employees' well-being.

3. 照料(翻译:attend to)

例句:The nurse will look after you during your recovery.

4. 管理(翻译:manage)

例句:He was left in charge to look after the store while the owner was away.

5. 监护(翻译:guard)

例句:The security guard is responsible for looking after the building at night.

6. 帮助(翻译:assist)

例句:She often looks after her elderly neighbor by running errands for her.

7. 照管(翻译:watch over)

例句:The babysitter will look after the children while their parents are out for the evening.

8. 庇护(翻译:shelter)

例句:The animal shelter looks after stray cats and dogs until they can find a new home.

9. 维护(翻译:maintain)

例句:It's important to regularly look after your car to keep it in good condition.

10. 照料好自己(表达方式: take care of oneself)

例句: Remember to look after yourself and get enough rest during this busy time of year


1. 同义词示例:

- take care of:照顾

- watch over:监护

- tend to:照料

- care for:关心

- protect:保护

2. 反义词示例:

- neglect:忽视

- abandon:遗弃

- ignore:无视

- disregard:漠视

- mistreat:虐待

3. 同义词示例解析:

take care of、watch over、tend to和care for都是表示照顾、关心的意思,但在使用场景上有些许差异。take care of通常指对某人或某物负责,照顾他们的生活需求;watch over则更多指监护或守护,比如监护儿童或守护财产;tend to则强调细致地照料,常用于医疗或患者的护理;care for则是一种更为温柔的表达,可以用于家庭成员、朋友等之间。

4. 反义词示例解析:


5. 示例句:

- My parents always take good care of me when I am sick.(当我生病时,我的父母总是很关心我。)

- The babysitter will watch over the children while we are out.(我们外出时,保姆会监护孩子们。)

- The nurse tended to the patient's wounds with great care.(护士细致地给患者处理伤口。)

- I will always care for you no matter what happens.(无论发生什么,我都会一直关心你。)

6. 示例句:

- The parents were accused of neglecting their children's education.(这些父母被指责忽视了孩子的教育。)

- The puppy was abandoned by its owner and left on the street.(小狗被主人遗弃在街上。)

- He chose to ignore his friend's advice and suffered the consequences.(他选择无视朋友的建议,结果遭到了后果。)

- The teacher disregarded the student's rude behavior and continued with the lesson.(老师对学生粗鲁的行为置之不理,继续上课。)

- It is never okay to mistreat animals or any living beings.(虐待动物或任何生命都是不可取的。)

