你是否曾经有过这样的经历,走在熟悉的街道上却突然迷失了方向,不知道自己身处何处?这就是loseyourself。它来自于英文歌曲《Lose Yourself》的歌词,意为“迷失自我”。那么,在中文中又该如何表达呢?让我们一起来探讨一下吧!
如果你是一个热爱音乐的人,想必一定听过Eminem的这首歌《Lose Yourself》,那么你有没有想过这首歌里的“lose yourself”到底是什么意思呢?接下来,让我们来揭开这个谜团吧!
首先,让我们来看看“lose yourself”的中文翻译。直译过来就是“失去自我”,但其实它的意思更多的是指沉浸在某件事情中,完全投入其中,甚至忘记了自己身处何处。在歌曲中,Eminem用这句话来形容自己在说唱事业上的奋斗和追求。
那么,“lose yourself”的读音又是怎样的呢?它的发音为[luz jɔrˈsɛlf],可以简单记作“卢兹约尔塞尔夫”。虽然有些复杂,但只要多练习几次就能轻松掌握啦!
或许你会问,“为什么要把这个标题单独拎出来?”其实,“lose yourself”不仅仅是一首歌名或者一个短语,它更代表了一种生活态度。无论做什么事情都要全心投入、尽情享受,在追求梦想的道路上不断挑战自我、突破自我,这才是真正的“lose yourself”
1. 中文翻译:迷失自我
2. 例句:
- Are you feeling lost and confused? Maybe it's time to take a break and lose yourself in nature.(你是否感到迷失和困惑?也许是时候休息一下,沉浸在大自然中忘记自我。)
- Sometimes we need to lose ourselves in the moment and forget all our worries.(有时候我们需要沉浸在当下,忘记所有的烦恼。)
- The music was so powerful that I completely lost myself in the rhythm.(音乐太有力量了,我完全沉浸在节奏中。)
- Don't be afraid to lose yourself in your passions, that's where you'll find your true self.(不要害怕沉溺于你的激情,那才是你真正的自我所在。)
1. loseyourself的读音
loseyourself的读音为[luz jərˈsɛlf],其中"lose"发音为[luz],"yourself"发音为[jərˈsɛlf]。
2. loseyourself的发音示例
(1) 英文原版歌曲《Lose Yourself》中出现了多次loseyourself一词,歌手Eminem的演唱也是最能体现这个词的发音。下面是歌曲中两处出现loseyourself的歌词和对应的发音示例:
- "You better lose yourself in the music, the moment"
[ˈju bɛtər luz jərˈsɛlf ɪn ðə ˈmjuːzɪk ðə ˈmoʊmənt]
- "You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow"
[ˈju ˈoʊnli gɛt wʌn ʃɑt, du nɑt mɪs jər tʃæns tu bləʊ]
(2) 在电影《8 Mile》中,Eminem饰演的角色B-Rabbit也多次使用了loseyourself一词。下面是电影中两处出现loseyourself的台词和对应的发音示例:
- "You gotta lose yourself in the music, the moment"
[ju ˈgɑtə luz jərˈsɛlf ɪn ðə ˈmjuːzɪk ðə ˈmoʊmənt]
- "You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow"
[ˈju ˈoʊnli gɛt wʌn ʃɑt, du nɑt mɪs jər tʃæns tu bləʊ]
3. loseyourself的中文翻译
4. loseyourself的用法示例
(1) 在日常生活中,我们经常会遇到一些困难或挫折,此时别让自己陷入消极的情绪中,要学会loseyourself在积极的事物中,从而忘记烦恼。
(2) 音乐是一种很好的方式来loseyourself,在音乐的世界里,你可以完全放松身心,忘记一切烦恼。
(3) 这首歌曲真是太棒了!每次听到它都能让我losemyself在音乐中。
5. loseyourself与其他同义词对比
- loseoneself:与loseyourself意思相同,但在使用上更多指迷失方向或迷失自我。
- immerse oneself:意为"沉浸于",与loseyourself相似,但更多指沉浸于某种活动或事物中。
- get lost:意为"迷路",与loseyourself的意思不同,但也可以用来表达"迷失自我"的含义。
1. Lose yourself in (something): 沉浸于(某事物)中
例句:I love to lose myself in a good book on a rainy day.(我喜欢在雨天沉浸在一本好书中。)
2. Lose yourself to (someone/something): 屈服于(某人/某事物)
例句:I always lose myself to her beautiful singing.(我总是被她美妙的歌声所征服。)
3. Lose yourself in thought: 沉思,陷入思考
例句:I could see he was losing himself in thought, trying to come up with a solution.(我看得出他陷入了沉思,试图想出一个解决方案。)
4. Lose yourself completely: 完全迷失自我
例句:She lost herself completely in the music, dancing without a care in the world.(她完全沉浸在音乐中,毫无顾忌地跳舞。)
5. Lose yourself to the moment: 陶醉于此刻
例句:Let go of your worries and just lose yourself to the moment.(放下你的烦恼,尽情享受此刻。)
6. Lose yourself in the crowd: 融入人群
例句:He didn't want to stand out, so he tried to lose himself in the crowd.(他不想显眼,因此试图融入人群。)
7. Lose yourself in laughter: 笑得忘乎所以
例句:We lost ourselves in laughter as we reminisced about old times.(我们在回忆往事时,笑得忘乎所以。)
8. Lose yourself in nature: 沉浸在大自然中
例句:Whenever I need to clear my mind, I go for a walk and lose myself in nature.(每当我需要放空思绪,我就去散步,沉浸在大自然中。)
9. Lose yourself in a daydream: 陶醉于白日梦中
例句:Sometimes, she would lose herself in a daydream and imagine all the amazing things she could do.(有时候,她会陶醉于白日梦中,想象所有她能做的美妙事情。)
10. Lose yourself to temptation: 屈服于诱惑
例句:He always loses himself to temptation and ends up regretting it later.(他总是屈服于诱惑,最后后悔不已。)