
语言百科2024-05-12 09:57:57留学世界



1. 简介



2. 形容词

作为形容词时,lunar通常指与月球有关的事物。例如,我们可以说“the lunar surface(月球表面)”、“lunar exploration(月球探索)”等。此外,在天文学中,lunar还可以表示与月球有关的周期性事件,如“lunar eclipse(月食)”、“lunar cycle(月相周期)”等。

3. 名词

作为名词时,lunar通常指月亮本身。例如,“the lunar orbit(月球轨道)”、“the lunar calendar(农历)”等。此外,在军事术语中,lunar还可以指由美国航空航天局(NASA)开发的一种轻型运载火箭。

4. 其他用法

除了上述两种常见用法外,lunar还有其他一些特殊的含义和用法。例如,在医学中,“lunarectomy”是指切除腕骨舟状骨的手术;在航海领域,“a lunar distance”是指通过观测月亮和恒星的角距离来确定船只位置的方法。此外,lunar还可以用作名词或形容词来指代与月球有关的某种物质或现象,如“lunar dust(月尘)”、“lunar crater(月球坑)”等。



1. "lunar"的正确读音是[luːnər],重音在第一个音节。

2. 这个词在英语中的意思是“月球的”或“与月亮有关的”。

3. 它也可以用来指代农历,即根据月亮运行周期计算日期的日历系统。

4. 如果你想更加俏皮一点,也可以把它读作[ljuːnɑːr],这样更接近“lunatic”的发音,意为“疯狂的”或“疯子”。但这种读法并不正式,请谨慎使用。

5. “Lunar”一词经常出现在科幻小说或电影中,指代与月球有关的事物,如“Lunar Base”(月球基地)或“Lunar Exploration”(月球探索)。

6. 在当今文化中,“lunar”也有时被用来形容某人具有神秘、冷静或超自然的特质。如,“She has a lunar beauty.”(她有着神秘的美。)


1. lunar是什么意思?


2. lunar的用法

a. 形容词用法:lunar可以用来修饰与月亮相关的事物,如lunar cycle(月球周期)、lunar eclipse(月食)等。

b. 名词用法:作为名词,lunar通常指代月历或农历。例如,“我们今天要过农历新年”可以翻译为“We are celebrating the Lunar New Year today”。

3. lunar的双语例句

a. The lunar cycle is approximately 29 days long.


b. The lunar eclipse was a spectacular sight.


c. The Lunar New Year is a time for family reunions and feasting.


d. Many traditional festivals in China follow the lunar calendar.



1. Lunar calendar - 农历


2. Lunar cycle - 月球周期


3. Lunar eclipse - 月食


4. Lunar landing - 月面着陆


5. Lunar module - 月舱


6. Lunar month - 朔望月


7. Lunar rover - 月球车


8. Lunar sample return mission - 采样返回任务


9. Lunar surface - 月球表面


10. Lunar year - 阴历年


11. Lunar new year - 农历新年


12. Lunar zodiac - 生肖


13. Lunar eclipse glasses - 月食眼镜


14. Lunar exploration - 月球探索


15. Lunar phase - 月相



1. Moon

- The word "lunar" comes from the Latin word "luna," which means moon. Therefore, lunar can be used as a synonym for moon in certain contexts. For example, "the lunar cycle" can also be referred to as "the moon cycle."

- Another synonym for lunar is "celestial body." This term refers to any natural object in space, such as planets, stars, and of course, the moon.

2. Selene

- In Greek mythology, Selene was the goddess of the moon. Therefore, she is also a synonym for lunar. This name can be used in literature or poetry to add a more poetic and mythical touch to the word "lunar."

- Similarly, in Roman mythology, Luna was the goddess of the moon and can also be used as a synonym for lunar.

3. Lunar Module

- The Lunar Module (LM) was a spacecraft used by NASA during the Apollo program to land astronauts on the moon. It was also commonly referred to as the "moon module." Therefore, it can be considered a synonym for lunar.

- Additionally, other terms related to space exploration such as "moon landing" or "lunar mission" can also be used interchangeably with lunar.

4. Selenic

- This adjective is derived from Selene and refers to anything related to or resembling the moon. For example, "selenic landscapes" would describe landscapes that resemble those found on the surface of the moon.

- Similarly, other words such as "lunar-like" or "moon-like" can also be used as synonyms for selenic.

5. Nocturnal

- The word nocturnal refers to anything that happens at night or is active during nighttime. Since the moon is most visible at night, it can be considered synonymous with lunar.

- Other words that have similar meanings are "nightly," "dark," or "nighttime."

6. Crescent

- The crescent shape is often associated with the moon, making it a synonym for lunar. It refers to the curved shape of the moon during its first and last quarter phases.

- Other words that can be used interchangeably with crescent are "half-moon" or "gibbous."

7. Lunatic

- While this word may have a negative connotation, it is still a synonym for lunar. It comes from the Latin word "lunaticus," which means moonstruck or insane. This term was used in ancient times when people believed that the phases of the moon could cause mental illness.

- Today, it is often used in a humorous or exaggerated manner to describe someone who is acting irrational or crazy.

8. Orb

- An orb refers to any spherical object, including the moon. Therefore, it can be considered synonymous with lunar.

- Other words that can be used interchangeably with orb are "sphere" or "globe."

9. Nightlight

- A nightlight is a small light that provides dim illumination during nighttime. Since the moon also provides light at night, it can be considered synonymous with lunar.

- Other words that have similar meanings are "night lamp" or "bedside light."

10. Luminous

- This adjective describes anything that emits light, making it a synonym for lunar as the moon reflects sunlight and appears luminous in the night sky.

- Other words that can be used interchangeably with luminous are "bright," "radiant," or "shining."

