
语言百科2024-05-17 14:05:33留学世界



1. mar的定义



2. mar的同义词


3. mar的用法示例

- The painting was marred by a scratch on the canvas.


- The heavy rain marred our plans for a picnic.


4. mar与其他动词的区别


- damage通常指物体受到外力或不良条件影响而受损。

- spoil则指因不当处理或不良环境而变质或腐败。

- 而mar则更多地指物体表面受到轻微损伤或污染。

5. mar在英语中的常见搭配

- be marred by:被……所损坏/毁坏/影响

例如:The beautiful view was marred by the construction site nearby.


- mar the beauty/appearance:破坏美感/外观

例如:The graffiti on the wall marred the beauty of the historical building.


6. mar在日常用语中的应用

- a mar on one's reputation:某人名声上的污点

例如:The scandal was a mar on his previously spotless reputation.


- mar someone's happiness/joy:破坏某人的幸福/快乐

例如:Her constant complaining marred everyone's enjoyment of the party.



1. "mar"是一个英语单词,读作/mɑːr/。

2. 它的意思是"污点,瑕疵",也可以用来形容事物的状态不佳。

3. 比如说,当你的白衬衫上有一小块污渍时,你可以说:"There's a mar on my white shirt."(我的白衬衫上有一个污点。)

4. 这个词也可以用来表示情感或心理状态的受伤。比如:"The betrayal of her best friend left a mar on her heart."(她最好的朋友的背叛给她的心留下了伤痕。)

5. 另外,"mar"也可以作为动词使用,意思是"损坏,毁坏"。比如:"The vandalism marred the beauty of the historical building."(恶意破坏损坏了这座历史建筑的美观。)

6. 总而言之,"mar"是一个多功能的词汇,在日常生活中经常会遇到。希望本次介绍能帮助你更好地理解它,并且在使用时不再产生困惑


1. mar的含义:mar一词可以指“污损,玷污”,也可以指“损坏,毁坏”。在英语中,它通常作为动词使用。

2. mar的用法:

- 指污损:例如,“The white shirt was marred by a red wine stain.”(这件白衬衫被红酒渍弄脏了。)

- 指损坏:例如,“The beautiful landscape was marred by the construction site.”(美丽的景色被建筑工地破坏了。)

3. 双语例句:

- The car's paint job was marred by scratches from the accident.(这辆车的油漆因事故而被刮花。)

- His reputation was marred by rumors and false accusations.(他的名誉被谣言和虚假指控所玷污。)


1. Mar on the horizon - 天边的海洋

2. Mar in the sand - 沙滩上的痕迹

3. Mar of victory - 胜利的标志

4. Mar of defeat - 失败的印记

5. Mar of time - 时间的痕迹

6. Mar on the face - 面部的伤疤

7. Beauty marred by scars - 美丽被疤痕所毁坏

8. Mar in the relationship - 关系中的裂痕

9. Emotional scars that mar our past - 毁坏我们过去的情感伤痕

10. The mar of betrayal - 背叛的伤口

11. A mar on his reputation - 他声誉上的污点

12. A mar on her character - 她品格上的缺陷

13. Marred by controversy - 受争议影响而变得不完美

14. The mar of poverty - 贫穷带来的损害

15. The mar of war - 战争带来的创伤和损失

16. A small mar on a perfect record- 完美记录上的小缺陷

17. The mar of discrimination- 歧视带来的伤害

18.The mar of injustice- 不公正带来的污点

19.The mar of regret- 后悔留下的印记

20.The mar of imperfection- 不完美所带来的缺陷。

21. Marred by mistakes - 被错误所毁坏

22. A mar on their friendship - 他们友谊上的瑕疵

23. The mar of jealousy - 嫉妒所带来的伤害

24. A mar on the landscape - 风景上的污点

25. The mar of pollution - 污染带来的损害

26. Marred by tragedy - 受悲剧影响而变得不完美

27. The mar of lies - 谎言所带来的伤害

28. A small mar on a beautiful painting - 美丽画作上的小瑕疵

29. The mar of greed - 贪婪所带来的损害

30. Marred by misunderstandings - 受误解影响而变得不完美。

31.The mar of failure- 失败留下的印记

32.The mar of disappointment- 失望所带来的伤害

33.The mar of neglect- 忽视造成的损失

34.The mar of broken promises- 不履行承诺带来的伤害

35.The mar of unrequited love- 不被回报的爱情所带来的伤痛

36.A small mar on a perfect day- 完美一天上出现小缺陷

37.Marred by misunderstandings- 受误解影响而变得不完美。

38.A lasting mar on their friendship- 他们友谊上的持久伤痕

39.The mar of regret- 后悔留下的印记

40.Marred by conflict- 受冲突影响而变得不完美。

41.The mar of betrayal- 背叛所带来的伤害

42.A small mar on a perfect plan- 完美计划上的小缺陷

43.Marred by rumors- 受谣言影响而变得不完美

44.The mar of greed and corruption- 贪婪和腐败所带来的伤害

45.A mar on their reputation - 他们声誉上的污点

46. Marred by bad decisions - 不良决策带来的损失

47. The mar of past mistakes - 过去错误留下的阴影

48. A small mar on a perfect image - 完美形象上的小瑕疵

49. Marred by regretful actions - 后悔行为所带来的损害

50. The mar of broken trust - 破坏信任所带来的伤害


1. Damage:mar可以表示物体的损坏或破坏,例如:“The table was marred by scratches.”

2. Spoil:mar也可以表示某物的毁坏或变质,例如:“The food was marred by the heat.”

3. Ruin:mar也可以表示某物的毁灭或破坏,例如:“The storm marred the beautiful garden.”

4. Blemish:mar还可以表示某物的瑕疵或缺陷,例如:“Her perfect skin was marred by a small scar.”

5. Taint:mar也可以表示某物受到污染或腐败,例如:“The water was marred by chemicals.”

6. Flaw:mar也可以表示某物的缺陷或不完美之处,例如:“Her performance was marred by a few flaws.”

7. Deface:mar还可以表示对某物进行毁坏或损伤,特别指外观方面,例如:“Vandals defaced the monument with graffiti.”

8. Stain:mar也可以表示对某物造成污渍或污点,例如:“The red wine stained her white dress, marring its pristine appearance.”


