
语言百科2024-05-19 13:57:46留学世界



1. 什么是mediumbuild?



2. mediumbuild在翻译行业中的应用


3. mediumbuild与其他身材类型的比较


4. 如何判断自己是否属于mediumbuild?


5. mediumbuild的优点




1. mediumbuild是一个由两个单词组成的英文词汇,其正确的发音为[mee-dee-uhm-bild]。

2. 第一个音节“mee”发音为[mi:],类似于英文单词“me”的发音,强调发音时要将嘴唇微微张开。

3. 第二个音节“dee”发音为[di:],类似于英文单词“dear”的发音,注意不要将嘴唇张开太大。

4. 最后一个音节“uhm”发音为[əm],类似于英文单词“um”的发音,轻轻地将舌头放在上颚后方即可。

5. 最后一部分“bild”发音为[bild],类似于英文单词“build”的发音,重点在于发出清晰的[d]声。

6. 整体来说,“mediumbuild”的正确读法就是将每个部分的发音连起来,强调第二个音节的长元音[i:]和最后一个辅音[d]。

7. 如果还是无法准确地掌握这个单词的读法,可以试着在网上搜索相关视频或者听力练习来提高自己的口语表达能力。

8. 此外,在学习外语时也可以多与母语为英语的人交流,在实践中不断练习和纠正自己的发音。

9. 最后,记住不要害怕犯错,多练习多尝试才能提高自己的发音水平


1. 什么是mediumbuild?


2. mediumbuild在双语环境中的使用


- She has a mediumbuild, which makes her look very fit and attractive.


- To maintain a mediumbuild, it's important to have a balanced diet and exercise regularly.


3. mediumbuild带来的好处


- 更具吸引力:中等身材被认为是最具吸引力的身材类型之一,让人看起来既健康又性感。

- 更健康:拥有中等身材意味着你不会过于肥胖或太瘦,这对于保持良好的健康状态非常重要。

- 更自信:拥有中等身材的人往往更自信,因为他们不会因为身材问题而感到自卑或焦虑。

4. mediumbuild与其他身材类型的对比

- thin: 瘦弱的身材,通常没有肌肉线条,缺乏健康感。

- athletic: 健美的身材,肌肉发达,但可能有些过于壮硕。

- overweight: 超重的身材,体重超出健康范围,可能会带来健康问题。



1. Not too big, not too small - Medium build

"Medium build"一词是指身材不太高大也不太瘦小的人。它可以用来形容那些既不是肌肉发达的健美运动员,也不是纤细苗条的模特,而是拥有适中身材的普通人。

2. Balanced proportions - Medium build

"Medium build"也可以用来形容身体各部位比例协调平衡的人。他们既不会显得下半身过于庞大,也不会显得上半身过于瘦小,整体看起来非常匀称。

3. Fit and healthy - Medium build

拥有medium build的人通常都很健康,他们身上的肌肉和脂肪分布均匀,表现出良好的体态和体魄。这种身材也被认为是最健康和最具吸引力的。

4. Not too bulky, not too thin - Medium build

与"bulky"(笨重)和"thin"(瘦弱)相比,medium build更像是一个折中方案。它既不会让你看起来像个壮汉,也不会让你看起来像个骨瘦如柴的人。

5. Perfectly average - Medium build

尽管medium build并没有特别突出或引人注目的特点,但它却是最普遍的身材类型。因此,你可以把它理解为"perfectly average"(完美平均)的一种体现。

6. Just right - Medium build

正如金发女孩和三只熊故事中所说,medium build也可以被视为"just right"(刚刚好)的身材类型。它不会让你显得过于夸张或过于平庸,而是恰到好处。

7. Not too heavy, not too light - Medium build

除了形容身材外,"medium build"也可以用来形容物体的重量。它既不会太重以至于难以携带,也不会太轻以至于不具备足够的重量感。

8. Average size, above average strength - Medium build

虽然medium build看起来并没有什么特别之处,但它却往往隐藏着超乎寻常的力量。这些人可能看起来并不强壮,但他们却有出乎意料的力量和耐力。

9. A happy medium - Medium build

在健身界常常提到的一个概念就是要找到一个合适自己的平衡点。而medium build正是这种平衡点的体现,既不会过度强调肌肉或减肥,也不会忽视身体健康。

10. Not too extreme - Medium build


1. Medium-sized physique

Medium-sized physique is a term used to describe a body type that is neither too large nor too small. It can be used as a synonym for mediumbuild, as it conveys the same idea of being of average size or build.

2. Moderate build

Moderate build is another way to describe a mediumbuild. It refers to a body type that is not overly muscular or thin, but rather falls somewhere in between. This term can also be used interchangeably with mediumbuild.

3. Average stature

Average stature refers to the height and build of an individual that falls within the middle range of the population. This can be used as a similar term for mediumbuild, as it suggests a body type that is neither too tall nor too short, and neither too thin nor too large.

4. Proportionate figure

Proportionate figure is a term used to describe someone with a well-balanced and symmetrical body shape. This can be considered as another way to refer to mediumbuild, as it implies an even distribution of weight and muscle mass throughout the body.

5. Standard physique

Standard physique refers to a body type that is considered normal or typical in terms of size and build. This can be used synonymously with mediumbuild, as it conveys the idea of being within the average range without being extreme in any direction.

6. Average build

Average build is another term that can be used interchangeably with mediumbuild. It suggests a body type that is not particularly large or small, but rather falls somewhere in between, similar to what would be considered average for the general population.

7. Balanced frame

Balanced frame refers to a body shape that has an equal distribution of weight and muscle mass throughout the body, resulting in a well-proportioned appearance. This can also be used as a similar term for mediumbuild, as it conveys the idea of a body type that is not overly muscular or thin.

8. Moderate physique

Moderate physique is another way to describe a mediumbuild. It suggests a body type that is not too heavy or too light, but rather falls in the middle range. This term can also be used interchangeably with mediumbuild.

9. Regular build

Regular build refers to a body type that is considered normal or average in terms of size and build. This can be used synonymously with mediumbuild, as it implies a body type that is neither too large nor too small, but rather falls within the average range.

10. Well-proportioned figure

Well-proportioned figure is a term used to describe someone with a balanced and symmetrical body shape. This can be considered as another way to refer to mediumbuild, as it suggests an even distribution of weight and muscle mass throughout the body

