
语言百科2024-05-23 03:35:22留学世界




1. 原本的意思:首先,让我们来看一下mighty这个单词的原本意思。它源自于古英语中的mihtig,意为“强大的、有力的”。从字面上来看,我们可以理解为“强大的人或物”。

2. 强壮有力:除了指代人或物的强大之外,mighty也可以用来形容某人的身体状况。比如,你可以说“那位运动员有着一副mighty的身板”,意思就是他非常健壮强壮。

3. 极其重要:此外,mighty还可以表示某事物具有极其重要的地位或影响力。比如,“这部电影对于整个电影界来说都是一个mighty作品”。

4. 很棒:在口语中,我们也常会使用mighty来形容某事物很棒、很厉害。例如,“你昨晚表现得真是太mighty了!”

5. 万能的:最后一个意思可能会让你感到惊讶。在美国南方地区,might也被用作万能神奇药水(tonic)的简称。因此,当你听到有人说“我需要喝点might来解决我的问题”时,并不是在讲超能力药水哦!

6. 总结:综上所述,mighty这个词的意思可以总结为“强大的、有力的、重要的、棒极了的、万能的”。它是一个非常多义的词汇,具体含义要根据语境来理解。如果你想用一个词来形容某人或物强大、重要,那么mighty就是个不错的选择


1. "mighty"是一个形容词,意为“强大的”,读作/ˈmaɪti/。

2. 这个词源于古英语中的"mihtig",意为“有力量的”。

3. 在英语中,它也可以用来表示“非常的”、“厉害的”等含义。

4. 例如,“He is a mighty warrior.”(他是一位强大的战士。)

5. 或者,“The mighty wind blew down the trees.”(猛烈的风把树吹倒了。)

6. "mighty"也可以作为副词使用,意为“非常地”、“极其地”。

7. 例如,“He was mighty happy to see his old friends again.”(他非常高兴再次见到他的老朋友们。)

8. 此外,还有一个常用短语是“mighty fine”,意为“非常好”的意思。

9. 例如,“That's a mighty fine car you've got there.”(你那辆车真是太棒了。)

10. 总之,"mighty"这个词虽然看起来很简单,但它却有着丰富多彩的用法和含义,在日常生活中经常会被使用到


1. Mighty的意思


2. Mighty的用法

a. 形容人:表示某人有强大的力量、能力或影响力。例如:

- She is a mighty leader who inspires her team to achieve great things.


- He is a mighty warrior who has won many battles.


b. 形容事物:表示某物具有强大的力量、规模或程度。例如:

- The hurricane was a mighty force that destroyed everything in its path.


- The company has made a mighty effort to expand its market share.


c. 形容情况:表示某种情况非常严重或艰难。例如:

- The country is facing mighty challenges in its economic development.


- We were caught in a mighty storm during our camping trip.


3. Mighty的双语例句

a. The mighty elephant is a symbol of strength and power in many cultures.


b. The company's mighty efforts have paid off with record-breaking profits this year.


c. Despite the mighty challenges, the team managed to win the championship.


d. The mighty river flooded its banks, causing widespread damage to nearby villages.



1. "Mighty fine" - 极好的,非常好的。例如:That was a mighty fine meal we had last night! (昨晚我们吃的饭非常好!)

2. "Mighty powerful" - 非常强大的,具有巨大影响力的。例如:Her words were mighty powerful and inspired us all. (她的话非常有力,激励了我们所有人。)

3. "Mighty pleased" - 非常高兴的,十分满意的。例如:I'm mighty pleased with my new car. (我对我的新车感到非常满意。)

4. "Mighty kind" - 非常友善的,极其慷慨的。例如:He was mighty kind to offer us a place to stay for the night. (他非常友善地给我们提供了一晚住宿地点。)

5. "Mighty quick" - 非常快速的,迅速有效率的。例如:She finished her work mighty quick and left early. (她做事十分快捷,提前离开了。)

6. "Mighty smart" - 非常聪明的,极其机敏精明的。例如:He's a mighty smart businessman, always making the right decisions. (他是一个非常精明的商人,总能做出正确决策。)

7. "Mighty impressive" - 非常令人印象深刻的,十分震撼的。例如:The show was mighty impressive with its stunning visual effects. (这场演出通过惊人的视觉效果给人留下了深刻印象。)

8. "Mighty hungry" - 非常饿的,极度饥饿的。例如:After a long day of hiking, we were mighty hungry and couldn't wait to eat. (经过一整天的徒步旅行,我们非常饿,迫不及待想要吃东西。)

9. "Mighty brave" - 非常勇敢的,极为无畏的。例如:He showed a mighty brave attitude in the face of danger. (面对危险,他表现出了非常勇敢的态度。)

10. "Mighty grateful" - 非常感激的,十分感谢的。例如:We are mighty grateful for your help during our time of need. (在我们需要帮助的时候,我们非常感激你们。)


1. Powerful

- Definition: having great strength or force; strong and influential.

- Example: The king was known for his powerful army and mighty rule.

2. Strong

- Definition: having the power to move heavy weights or perform other physically demanding tasks.

- Example: The mighty athlete effortlessly lifted the heavy barbell above his head.

3. Robust

- Definition: strong and healthy; vigorous.

- Example: The mighty oak tree stood tall and robust, unaffected by the strong winds.

4. Potent

- Definition: having great power, influence, or effect.

- Example: The mighty words of the speech stirred up strong emotions in the audience.

5. Dominant

- Definition: having control or power over others; leading or prevailing.

- Example: The team with the mighty captain emerged as the dominant force in the tournament.

6. Formidable

- Definition: inspiring fear or respect through being impressively large, powerful, intense, or capable.

- Example: The army faced a formidable opponent with a mighty army and advanced weaponry.

7. Herculean

- Definition: requiring great strength or effort.

- Example: The workers had to complete a herculean task of lifting heavy boulders to build the mighty fortress.

8. Invincible

- Definition: too powerful to be defeated or overcome.

- Example: The kingdom believed their army was invincible with their mighty weapons and skilled soldiers.

9. Majestic

- Definition: having impressive beauty or dignity; grandeur.

- Example: The mighty waterfall cascaded down with majestic force, creating a breathtaking sight.

10. Supreme

- Definition: highest in rank, authority, quality, or degree; ultimate.

- Example: The king was considered to be the supreme ruler of all with his mighty throne and vast kingdom

