
语言百科2024-05-23 18:47:21留学世界



1. milk的定义



2. milk的起源和历史


3. 牛奶的营养价值


4. 牛奶的种类


5. 牛奶在英语中的用法

除了作为名词表示“牛奶”之外,在英语中milk还可以作为动词使用。比如,“to milk”意为“挤(乳汁)”,“to milk someone for information”意为“向某人索取信息”。此外,还有一些固定搭配用法,如“the milk of human kindness”意为“人性中最温暖善良的一面”。

6. 牛奶文化和习俗




1. 奶茶店里的“milk”是怎么读的?


2. “milk”是什么意思?


3. 除了牛奶,还有哪些“milk”的含义?

除了常见的牛奶含义外,“milk”还有其他多种含义。比如,在口语中常用的表达“cry over spilled milk”,意为“覆水难收”,形容一件已经发生且无法改变的事情;还有“the milk of human kindness”,指人性中最美好的一面。

4. “milk”的用法举例


- I always drink a glass of milk before bed to help me sleep.


- The farmer milks the cows every morning at 6 o'clock.


- Don't cry over spilled milk. Let's find a solution to fix this mistake.


5. “milk”还有什么有趣的用法?

其实,“milk”还有一些比较有趣的用法,比如“milk it”,意为“充分利用某种机会或情况”。例如:

- She's really milking her fame for all it's worth.


- The comedian kept milking the joke until everyone was in tears.



1. Milk的基本含义:Milk是英文中“牛奶”的意思,它是一种常见的饮料,主要由乳脂、蛋白质和水组成。

2. Milk作为动词的用法:除了作为名词,Milk也可以作为动词使用。在这种情况下,它的意思是“挤奶”或“榨取”。例如,“The farmer milks his cows every morning.”(这位农民每天早晨都会给他的奶牛挤奶。)

3. Milk在英语中的俚语用法:Milk也有一些俚语用法,例如“cry over spilled milk”(后悔已经发生的事情)和“milk it”(过分利用某种情况或机会)。

4. Milk作为食物配料:除了单独饮用外,Milk也是许多食物和饮料的重要配料,如牛奶巧克力、牛奶冰淇淋等。

5. 双语例句:

- I usually drink a glass of milk before going to bed.(我通常在睡前喝一杯牛奶。)

- The cat is trying to milk the cow, but it's not working very well.(那只猫正试图挤那头牛的奶,但效果不太好。)

- Don't cry over spilled milk, just move on and learn from your mistakes.(不要为已经发生的事情后悔,继续前进并从错误中吸取教训。)

- He always tries to milk any situation for his own benefit.(他总是试图从任何情况中获得自己的利益。)

- This cake recipe calls for 1 cup of milk.(这个蛋糕食谱需要1杯牛奶。)


1. Milk and honey: 牛奶和蜂蜜,指的是美好的生活。

2. Milk of human kindness: 人情味,指的是对他人的善良和同情。

3. Milk run: 轻松的工作或任务,通常用于形容飞行任务。

4. Milk teeth: 乳牙,指儿童时期的牙齿。

5. Milkmaid: 挤奶女工,也可以用来形容某人手忙脚乱地做事。

6. Milk chocolate: 牛奶巧克力,一种含有牛奶成分的巧克力。

7. Sour milk: 酸牛奶,指因为发酵而变质的牛奶。

8. Chocolate milk: 巧克力牛奶,一种加入巧克力粉或糖浆调制而成的牛奶饮料。

9. Condensed milk: 炼乳,一种通过蒸发水分而浓缩成糊状的牛奶制品。

10. Coconut milk: 椰子汁,指从椰子中提取出来的液体,用于烹饪或制作饮料


1. Dairy - This is a general term for any type of milk or milk-based product, including cow's milk, goat's milk, and sheep's milk. It can also refer to dairy products such as cheese, yogurt, and butter.

2. Milk - This is the most common term for the liquid produced by mammals to feed their young. It typically refers to cow's milk, but can also refer to other types of mammal milk such as goat's or sheep's milk.

3. Lactose - This is the natural sugar found in milk and other dairy products. It is broken down by the body into glucose and galactose for energy.

4. Cream - This is the fatty layer that rises to the top of fresh cow's milk. It can also refer to a thick, smooth dairy product made from this layer.

5. Buttermilk - This is a slightly sour, fermented dairy product made from cow's milk. It is often used in baking and cooking.

6. Whey - This is the liquid that remains after curds have been formed during cheese production. It can be used in cooking or consumed as a protein supplement.

7. Skim Milk - Also known as fat-free or non-fat milk, this refers to cow's milk that has had all of its cream removed.

8. Evaporated Milk - This is fresh cow's milk that has had about 60% of its water content removed through evaporation.

9. Condensed Milk - Similar to evaporated milk, this refers to fresh cow's milk that has had about 60% of its water content removed through evaporation but with added sugar for sweetness.

10. Soy Milk - A non-dairy alternative made from soybeans and water, often used as a substitute for traditional cow's milk.

11. Almond Milk - Another non-dairy alternative made from ground almonds and water, often used as a substitute for traditional cow's milk.

12. Coconut Milk - A non-dairy alternative made from the grated meat of coconuts and water, often used in cooking and baking.

13. Oat Milk - A non-dairy alternative made from oats and water, often used as a substitute for traditional cow's milk.

14. Rice Milk - A non-dairy alternative made from rice and water, often used as a substitute for traditional cow's milk.

15. Nut Milk - This is a general term for any type of non-dairy milk made from nuts, such as almond milk or cashew milk

