
语言百科2024-05-24 13:26:32留学世界




1. 痛苦的;悲惨的


当我们说某人“miserable”,通常指他/她正在经历一段艰难或不幸的时期。比如,“She was feeling miserable after losing her job.”(她失业后感到很痛苦。)在这里,“miserable”可以表达出强烈的消极情绪,让人感受到那种无法言喻的痛苦。

2. 卑微的;可怜的

除了形容人处境不佳外,我们也可以用“miserable”来形容某物质量或状态很差,让人感到同情或厌恶。比如,“The food at that restaurant was miserable.”(那家餐厅的食物太差了。)这里,“miserable”强调了食物质量差到令人难以忍受。

3. 微小的;微不足道的

有时候,“miserable”也可以用来强调某事物的微小或微不足道。比如,“He only made a miserable amount of money from his part-time job.”(他从兼职工作中只赚了一点点钱。)这里,“miserable”突出了收入微薄,让人感到轻视或不屑。

4. 非常糟糕的

除了表示程度低下外,我们也可以用“miserable”来形容某事物的质量非常糟糕。比如,“The weather was miserable during our vacation.”(我们度假期间的天气太糟糕了。)在这里,“miserable”表达出对天气恶劣的强烈厌恶



1. 首先,让我们来分解这个单词。它由三个音节组成:mi-se-ra-ble。

2. 第一个音节是“mi”,发音为/mɪ/,类似于英语中的“me”。

3. 第二个音节是“se”,发音为/sə/,类似于英语中的“sir”。

4. 第三个音节是“ra”,发音为/rə/,类似于英语中的“ruh”。

5. 最后一个音节是“ble”,发音为/bəl/,类似于英语中的“bull”。

6. 将这三个音节连起来,就得到了miserable的正确发音:/ˈmɪzərəbəl/。

7. 如果你觉得这样记忆还是有点困难,也可以尝试把它分解成两部分来记忆:mis+er+able。其中,“mis”读作/mɪs/,“er”读作/ər/,“able”读作/eɪbəl/。然后再把它们连起来就得到了正确的发音。

8. 另外需要注意的是,在英式英语中,“a”和“e”的读法会有所不同。比如,在美式英语中,“a”读作/æ/,而在英式英语中则读作/eɪ/。所以如果你想要模仿纯正的英式发音,就应该把“a”读作/eɪ/。

9. 最后,不要忘了在发音时要注意重音的位置。miserable这个单词的重音在第一个音节上,也就是“mi”的位置。



1. 词性和含义


2. 搭配用法

- feel miserable:感到痛苦/悲惨/可怜

- lead a miserable life:过着悲惨的生活

- make someone miserable:使某人痛苦/悲惨/可怜

3. 双语例句

1) She felt miserable after her dog passed away. 她的狗去世后,她感到很痛苦。

2) He led a miserable life before he found his passion for painting. 在找到绘画的热情之前,他过着悲惨的生活。

3) Her boss's constant criticism made her miserable at work. 她老板不断地批评让她在工作中感到很不快乐


1. Miserable condition:痛苦的状况,指生活条件或环境极为恶劣的情况。

2. Miserable existence:悲惨的生活,指某人生活贫困、孤苦无依或处于极度痛苦的状态。

3. Miserable failure:惨败,指某人或某事物在达成目标或取得成功方面遭遇巨大挫折。

4. Miserable performance:糟糕的表现,指某人在工作、学习或演出等方面表现不佳。

5. Miserable salary:微薄的工资,指收入极低或不足以维持基本生活需求的薪水。

6. Miserable weather:恶劣的天气,指天气条件极差、令人感到不舒服或影响日常活动的气候情况。

7. Miserable state of affairs:糟糕的局面,指某种情况非常糟糕、混乱或令人沮丧。

8. Miserable failure of a plan:计划的惨败,指某项计划未能达成预期目标或彻底失败。

9. Miserable childhood:悲惨的童年,指某人童年时期经历了许多痛苦、不幸或困难的经历。

10. Miserable state of health:病痛缠身,指某人身体健康状况极差或处于长期患病状态


1. Unhappy

- Unhappy is a common synonym for miserable, which refers to a feeling of sadness or dissatisfaction.

- Example sentence: She was feeling unhappy after her breakup.

2. Wretched

- Wretched is another word that can be used as a synonym for miserable, often describing someone who is in a state of extreme unhappiness or suffering.

- Example sentence: The refugees were living in wretched conditions.

3. Sorrowful

- Sorrowful is an adjective that can be used to describe someone who is experiencing deep sadness or grief.

- Example sentence: The widow was sorrowful after the loss of her husband.

4. Mournful

- Mournful is another word that can be used as a synonym for miserable, often describing someone who is grieving or expressing sadness.

- Example sentence: The mournful expression on her face showed how much she missed her friend.

5. Desolate

- Desolate can also be used as a synonym for miserable, often referring to a feeling of loneliness and emptiness.

- Example sentence: The abandoned house had a desolate atmosphere.

6. Distressed

- Distressed is an adjective that can be used to describe someone who is experiencing great mental or emotional pain.

- Example sentence: The distressed mother searched frantically for her lost child.

7. Melancholy

- Melancholy refers to a feeling of deep sadness or depression and can be used interchangeably with miserable in some contexts.

- Example sentence: The melancholy music reminded him of his past mistakes.

8. Dejected

- Dejected describes someone who is feeling low in spirits and lacking hope or enthusiasm.

- Example sentence: After failing the exam, he was dejected and didn't want to talk to anyone.

9. Dismal

-Dismal refers to something that is depressing, gloomy, and lacking in cheerfulness.

-Example sentence: The weather was so dismal that it put everyone in a bad mood.

10. Forlorn

- Forlorn can be used as a synonym for miserable, often describing someone who is abandoned, lonely, and without hope.

- Example sentence: The forlorn puppy looked up at the window, hoping to be let inside

