1. 什么是moderate
2. moderate作为形容词的意思
- The weather today is moderate, not too hot nor too cold.(今天的天气适度,既不太热也不太冷。)
- He has a moderate income, enough to support his family.(他有一个适中的收入,足以养活他的家人。)
- She holds moderate views on politics and doesn't belong to any extreme party.(她对政治持有温和的观点,不属于任何极端党派。)
3. moderate作为动词的意思
- He needs to learn how to moderate his temper, it's not good for his relationships.(他需要学会控制自己的脾气,这对他的人际关系不利。)
- The government is trying to moderate the impact of the new tax policy on low-income families.(政府正在努力减轻新税收政策对低收入家庭的影响。)
- Eating moderate amounts of sugar can help maintain a healthy diet.(适量摄入糖可以帮助保持健康的饮食习惯。)
4. moderate的其他意思
- The moderate faction within the party is pushing for more progressive policies.(党内的温和派别正在推动更为进步的政策。)
- He is considered a moderate Muslim, who advocates for peace and tolerance.(他被认为是一个温和的穆斯林,主张和平与宽容。)
1. 想必很多人都听过“moderate”这个单词,但是你知道它怎么读吗?
2. “moderate”这个单词的发音是 [ˈmɑːdərət],重音在第一个音节上。
3. 如果你觉得这个发音有点复杂,那么可以简化为 [MOD-uh-rut]。
4. 也可以将其拆分为两部分来读,即 “mod” 和 “rate”,分别发出 [mɑd] 和 [reɪt] 的音。
5. 不管怎么读,只要能够表达出单词的意思就可以啦!
6. “moderate”的意思是“适度的”,通常用来形容某件事物不过分或不过度。
7. 比如说,“I have a moderate appetite”(我的胃口适中),意思就是我不会吃太多也不会吃太少。
8. 或者,“He is a moderate drinker”(他喝酒适度),表示他喝酒不会过量。
9. 总之,“moderate”这个词的发音并不难记,而且意思也很简单明了。
10. 所以,从现在开始就可以用上这个时髦又实用的单词啦!
1. 定义:moderate是一个形容词,意为“适度的,中等的”,常用来描述某种程度或水平不过分也不太少的情况。
2. 用法:moderate常用来修饰名词,表示某种事物或情况具有适度的特点。也可以作为动词,意为“减轻,缓和”。
3. 双语例句:
- She has a moderate income and can afford a comfortable lifestyle.
- The weather was moderate, not too hot or too cold.
- We need to take a moderate approach to solving this problem.
- The doctor advised him to moderate his alcohol consumption.
- He has a moderate opinion on the matter, not too extreme on either side.
4. 派生词:moderately (adv.) 温和地,适度地;moderation (n.) 温和,节制;moderateness (n.) 适度。
5. 幽默例句:
- I tried to be moderate with my ice cream consumption, but then I discovered cookie dough flavor.
- Can you please moderate your voice? We're not at a rock concert.
1. Moderate pace - 中等的步伐
2. Moderate amount - 适量的数量
3. Moderate temperature - 温和的温度
4. Moderate climate - 温和的气候
5. Moderate exercise - 适度运动
6. Moderate income - 中等收入
7. Moderate risk - 适度风险
8. Moderately priced - 价格适中的
9. Moderately difficult - 中等难度的
10. Moderately successful - 较为成功的
11. Moderately spicy - 中辣的
12. Moderately sweet - 中甜的
13. Moderately sour - 中酸的
14. Moderately salty - 中咸的
15. Moderately bitter - 中苦的
16. Moderate consumption - 适量消费
17. Moderate alcohol intake- 适量饮酒
18.Moderate caffeine intake- 适量摄入咖啡因
19.Moderate portion size- 适量食用份量
20.Moderate sleeping habits- 适当睡眠习惯
1. Reasonable: 合理的,适度的
例如:Moderate pricing strategy can attract more customers and increase sales.
2. Balanced: 平衡的,适当的
例如:A moderate approach to diet and exercise is the key to a healthy lifestyle.
3. Tolerable: 可容忍的,不过分的
例如:The workload was moderate, so I was able to finish it on time without feeling overwhelmed.
4. Middling: 中等的,一般般的
例如:The movie received moderate reviews, neither exceptionally good nor bad.
5. Mild: 温和的,不激烈的
例如:She had a moderate reaction to the medication, with only slight side effects.
6. Temperate: 适度的,温和的
例如:The climate in this region is moderate, with mild winters and warm summers.
7. Measured: 慎重的,谨慎的
例如:He gave a measured response to the criticism, not wanting to escalate the situation.
8. Reasoned: 理性的,合理的
例如:They came up with a reasoned solution that satisfied both parties' needs.
9. Gentle: 温柔的,轻微的
例如:She gave him a gentle reminder about the upcoming deadline.
10. Fair: 公平合理的,适度程度上限制了双方利益要求。
例如:A moderate compromise was reached between the two sides during negotiations