1. momentary的定义
2. momentary的中文翻译
3. momentary的读音
4. momentary的例句
- The joy of winning the game was only momentary, as they soon lost the next match.
- The sun broke through the clouds for a momentary glimpse before disappearing again.
- Her anger was only momentary, and she quickly apologized for her outburst.
momentary一词的中文翻译为“瞬间的”,读音为[moh-men-tuh-ree]。它是由moment(瞬间)和-ary(形容词后缀)组成的,意为“持续时间很短的、转瞬即逝的”。例如,“His momentary hesitation cost him the game.”(他片刻的犹豫让他输掉了比赛。)
1. 用法:momentary是一个形容词,意为“瞬间的,短暂的”,常用来描述时间或状态。
2. 中文翻译:momentary的中文翻译为“片刻的,瞬间的”。
3. 读音:[məʊˈmentəri],注意重音在第一音节。
4. 双语例句:
- The momentary silence was broken by a loud explosion. (一阵短暂的寂静被一声巨响打破。)
- My happiness was only momentary, as I soon realized it was all just a dream. (我那一刻的快乐只是片刻,因为很快我就意识到那只是一个梦。)
- The actor's popularity was only momentary, and he soon faded into obscurity. (这位演员的走红只是转瞬即逝,很快就被遗忘了。)
- The sun's rays created a momentary rainbow in the sky. (太阳光线在天空中形成了一道片刻的彩虹。)
1. Transient - 瞬时的,短暂的,与momentary同义词,常用于形容时间或状态
例句:The joy of winning was only transient, as they soon faced another challenge.
2. Fleeting - 转瞬即逝的,与momentary同义词,强调时间的短暂性
例句:The beauty of the sunset was fleeting, disappearing within minutes.
3. Brief - 简短的,与momentary同义词,指持续时间较短
例句:Their meeting was brief, but it left a lasting impact on her.
4. Ephemeral - 短暂的,易逝的,与momentary同义词,常用于形容生命、艺术等具有一定时限性质的事物
例句:The beauty of cherry blossoms is ephemeral, blooming for only a short period of time.
5. Passing - 瞬间的,转瞬即逝的,与momentary同义词,强调事物发生或存在的时间极为短暂
例句:In the passing moment, she caught a glimpse of her childhood home and felt a surge of nostalgia.
6. Evanescent - 逐渐消失的,与momentary同义词,在文学作品中常用于形容美好事物随着时间流逝而消失
例句:The evanescent beauty of youth is something we can never hold onto forever.
7. Transitory - 瞬息万变的,易逝的,与momentary同义词,强调事物的转瞬即逝性质
例句:The transitory nature of fame means that one day you're in, and the next day you're out.
8. Momentaneous - 短暂的,与momentary同义词,强调时间极为短暂
例句:The momentaneous flash of lightning lit up the dark sky.
9. Fugitive - 逃亡的,易逝的,与momentary同义词,在文学作品中常用于形容时间或感情的短暂性质
例句:Their love was like a fugitive, here one moment and gone the next.
10. Instantaneous - 瞬间发生的,立即的,与momentary同义词,强调事物发生或存在的速度之快
例句:With the click of a button, we can get instantaneous access to information from all over the world
1. Temporary - 暂时的,临时的
例句:My happiness was only temporary, it didn't last long.
2. Brief - 短暂的,简短的
例句:The meeting was just a brief moment in our busy schedules.
3. Fleeting - 瞬间的,转瞬即逝的
例句:The beauty of the sunset is fleeting, you have to appreciate it in the moment.
4. Transient - 短暂的,流动的
例句:The joy of winning the lottery was transient, it didn't change my life for long.
5. Passing - 短暂的,经过一段时间后结束的
例句:The passing moment of silence for the victims was a powerful tribute.
6. Ephemeral - 短暂而令人难忘的
例句:The beauty of cherry blossoms is ephemeral, but it leaves a lasting impression on our minds.
7. Evanescent - 逐渐消失的,短暂的
例句:The evanescent rainbow disappeared as quickly as it appeared.
8. Momentaneous - 短暂的,片刻的
例句:The momentaneous silence in the room was broken by a loud scream.
9. Fugitive - 短暂的,易逝的
例句:The fugitive moment of happiness slipped away before I could fully grasp it.
10. Impermanent - 短暂的,不持久的
例句:Material possessions are impermanent, true happiness comes from within.