
语言百科2024-05-28 21:46:59留学世界



1. 概念解释:



2. 与其他语言的对比:


3. morning在歌词中的使用:

许多歌曲都以morning作为主题,如The Beatles的《Good Morning Good Morning》、Maroon 5的《Sunday Morning》等。这些歌曲通常将morning作为一种美好的开始,带给人们希望和幸福的感觉。

4. morning与其他词汇搭配:

除了作为时间段来使用外,morning还可以与其他词汇搭配形成不同含义。例如,“Monday morning”指周一早上,“early morning”指清晨,“bright and early morning”则表示非常早的时候。

5. 与其他相关词汇:


6. morning在文学作品中的使用:

在文学作品中,morning常被用来形容一种清新、安宁的气息。例如,英国诗人William Wordsworth的《早晨》(Morning)一诗中写道:“清晨的光芒,如此美好、如此安宁”,表达了作者对早晨的赞美之情。

7. 与心理状态相关:




1. "morning"的发音为/mɔːnɪŋ/,读作"maw-ning",其中"aw"的发音类似于汉语拼音中的"a"。

2. 这个单词是由两个音节构成的,第一个音节为重读音节,所以要稍微加重发音。

3. 在英语中,"o"通常读作/dʒ/,但在这个单词中却读作/ɔː/。所以要注意不要将其读作"moj-ning"。

4. "morning"一词指的是每天早晨从日出到正午之间的时间段。在英国英语中,这个时间段也被称为“上午”(am),而在美国英语中则被称为“早晨”(a.m.)。

5. 除了指时间段外,"morning"也可以用来表示一种心情或状态。例如,“I'm not a morning person.”(我不是一个早起的人。)这里的意思是指不喜欢早起或者不善于早起。

6. 在歌词中,“morning”通常用来表示新的一天开始或者希望。例如,“Good morning, sunshine”(早安,阳光)或者“Morning has broken”(黎明已经到来)。

7. 另外,在一些歌曲中,“morning”也可以用来表示离别或结束。例如,“Good morning, goodbye”(早安,再见)或者“Morning comes and I must go”(黎明到来,我必须离开)。

8. "morning"这个词也经常和其他词搭配使用,形成一些固定短语。例如,“morning routine”(早晨的例行公事)、“morning coffee”(早晨的咖啡)等等。

9. 最后,"morning"也可以作为一个形容词,用来描述某种特定的时间段。例如,“morning rush hour”(早高峰时间)、“morning flight”(上午航班)等等。

10. 总之,"morning"这个单词虽然简单,但在不同的语境下有着不同的含义和用法。希望通过本小节的介绍能够帮助你更好地理解并正确读写这个单词


1. 早晨的意义:morning一词源自于古英语的mornung,意为“早晨”。它通常用来指一天开始的时刻,也可以用来形容清晨的时光。在歌词中,morning常常被用来表达新的一天开始,带有希望和活力的感觉。

2. 搭配词汇:morning可以与许多其他词汇搭配使用,如good morning(早上好)、Sunday morning(星期日早晨)、early morning(清晨)等等。它们都可以形容不同时间段的早晨,同时也可以表达出不同的情感。

3. 双语例句:

- Good morning, sunshine! 早上好,阳光!

- She wakes up early every morning to go for a run. 她每天早上都起得很早去跑步。

- I love the peacefulness of a Sunday morning. 我喜欢星期日早上的宁静。

- The birds are singing in the early morning. 清晨鸟儿在歌唱。

- Every morning is a chance to start anew. 每个早晨都是重新开始的机会。

4. 表达情感:除了描述时间和场景外,morning在歌词中也经常被用来表达情感。比如,在一首名为《Morning Has Broken》的歌曲中,歌手Cat Stevens用morning来表达对新生活的期待和感激。

5. 幽默元素:在一些幽默的歌词中,morning也被用来制造搞笑效果。比如在《I Got You Babe》这首歌里,歌手Sonny & Cher唱道:“They say we're young and we don't know, we won't find out until we grow, well I don't know if all that's true, cause you got me, and baby I got you.”(他们说我们年轻不懂事,等到长大才会明白,但我不知道这是否正确,因为你拥有我,宝贝我拥有你。)这里的morning被用来暗示他们还是年轻不成熟


1. Wake up: 醒来

2. Rise and shine: 起床发光

3. Early bird: 早起的鸟儿

4. Fresh start: 新的开始

5. Sunny side up: 阳光面朝上

6. Morning glory: 晨光美景

7. Breakfast time: 早餐时间

8. Caffeine kick: 咖啡因刺激

9. Good morning!: 早上好!

10. A new day has begun: 新的一天开始了


1. Sunrise lyrics in English

The first synonym for "morning" is "sunrise". This word refers to the moment when the sun begins to appear above the horizon, marking the start of a new day. Some examples of morning lyrics using this synonym are:

- "As the sunrise greets my eyes, I know it's time to rise"

- "The morning sun shines bright, chasing away the night"

- "With every sunrise, comes a chance for a new beginning"

2. Dawn lyrics in English

Another synonym for "morning" is "dawn". This word specifically refers to the early hours of the morning when the sky begins to lighten and daylight starts to break through. Some examples of morning lyrics using this synonym are:

- "In the quiet of dawn, I find peace before the chaos begins"

- "The dawn breaks through, painting the world anew"

- "As dawn awakens, so do I"

3. Daybreak lyrics in English

"Daybreak" is another word that can be used as a synonym for "morning". It refers to the first light of day and can also be associated with new beginnings and opportunities. Some examples of morning lyrics using this synonym are:

- "With each daybreak, comes a chance to make it right"

- "The world awakens with each daybreak's kiss"

- "Daybreak brings hope, washing away yesterday's sorrows"

4. Sunup lyrics in English

"Sunup" is a less common synonym for "morning" but still carries a similar meaning. It specifically refers to when the sun rises above the horizon and can also be associated with starting a new day full of possibilities. Some examples of morning lyrics using this synonym are:

- "With each sunup, I feel alive again"

- "The world comes alive at sunup's call"

- "Sunup brings promises of a new day"

5. Cockcrow lyrics in English

"Cockcrow" is a more poetic synonym for "morning". It refers to the time when roosters start to crow and can also be associated with the start of a new day. Some examples of morning lyrics using this synonym are:

- "As the cockcrow echoes through the land, I know it's time to rise"

- "The cockcrow announces the start of a new day"

- "With each cockcrow, I feel a sense of renewal"

6. Aurora lyrics in English

"Aurora" is another poetic synonym for "morning". It refers to the beautiful colors that appear in the sky at sunrise and can also be associated with new beginnings and hope. Some examples of morning lyrics using this synonym are:

- "As the aurora lights up the sky, I know it's time to face the day"

- "The aurora brings a sense of wonder and possibility"

- "With each aurora, comes a chance for something new"

7. Daylight lyrics in English

"Daylight" is another word that can be used as a synonym for "morning". It refers to when it becomes light outside and can also be associated with starting a new day with clarity and purpose. Some examples of morning lyrics using this synonym are:

- "With each ray of daylight, I feel my worries fade away"

- "Daylight brings clarity, washing away yesterday's doubts"

- "As daylight breaks through, I feel ready to face whatever comes my way"

8. First light lyrics in English

"First light" is another term that can be used as a synonym for "morning". It specifically refers to when light first appears in the sky and can also symbolize new beginnings and opportunities. Some examples of morning lyrics using this synonym are:

- "With each first light, comes a chance for a fresh start"

- "The world comes alive with the first light of day"

- "First light brings new hope, chasing away yesterday's fears"

9. Sunburst lyrics in English

"Sunburst" is a more creative synonym for "morning". It refers to when the sun suddenly breaks through the clouds and can also be associated with new beginnings and inspiration. Some examples of morning lyrics using this synonym are:

- "As the sunburst lights up the sky, I feel my heart come alive"

- "The sunburst brings a burst of energy, chasing away yesterday's fatigue"

- "With each sunburst, comes a spark of creativity and possibility"

10. Break of day lyrics in English

"Break of day" is another poetic synonym for "morning". It refers to when daylight starts to appear and can also symbolize new beginnings and a fresh start. Some examples of morning lyrics using this synonym are:

- "With each break of day, comes a chance for redemption"

- "The break of day brings a sense of renewal and hope"

- "As the break of day approaches, I feel ready to face whatever comes my way"

