1. Mutton是什么意思?
2. Mutton的特点
3. Mutton在不同国家和文化中的地位
4. Mutton的营养价值
5. Mutton与其他种类肉类的区别
1. 聪明的你一定已经猜到了,mutton是羊肉的意思。但是,它的读音可不是那么简单哦!
2. 每个单词都有它自己的故事,mutton也不例外。它源自于法语moton,意为“小羊”,后来被英国人借用并发展成现在的写法。
3. 那么,mutton该怎么读呢?是“马顿”还是“姆顿”?其实都不对!正确的发音应该是“马特恩”,重音在第一个音节上。
4. 好吧,我承认这个发音有点拗口。但是相信我,只要你跟着我的步骤练习几次,就能轻松掌握。
5. 首先,在嘴唇微微张开的情况下,将舌头放在牙齿后面,并轻轻咬住舌尖。然后发出一个类似于“马”的声音。
6. 接着,在保持舌头位置不变的情况下,稍微收紧嘴唇,并发出一个类似于“特”的声音。
7. 最后,在保持前两步动作的基础上,加上一个类似于“恩”的声音,并把重心放在第一个音节上。就这样,你就能完美地读出mutton的发音啦!
8. 如果你觉得这个方法有点难以理解,不妨试试把它拆分成“马”、“特”和“恩”的发音,然后再整合起来。相信我,只要坚持练习,你一定能够轻松地读出正确的发音。
9. 当然,如果你觉得这个发音还是太拗口了,也可以选择直接用中文的“羊肉”来代替。但是作为一名翻译人员,掌握正确的发音也是非常重要的哦!
10. 希望本小节能够帮助到你解决关于mutton怎么读的问题。记住,学习永远都是一件有趣又充满挑战的事情。加油!
1. Mutton是一种常见的英文单词,读作/ˈmʌtən/,发音类似于“马顿”。
2. Mutton是指成年羊的肉,通常用于烹饪和食用。它与羊肉(lamb)不同,后者指的是年幼的羊的肉。
3. 除了作为食物之外,Mutton也可以用来形容某人或某物的味道或气味类似于羊肉。
4. 下面是一些关于Mutton的双语例句,帮助你更好地理解和使用这个单词:
- I'm not a fan of mutton, I prefer lamb.(我不喜欢吃Mutton,我更喜欢羊肉。)
- The restaurant is famous for its delicious mutton dishes.(这家餐厅以其美味的Mutton菜肴而闻名。)
- The smell of mutton filled the air as we walked into the market.(当我们走进市场时,空气中弥漫着Mutton的气味。)
- He has a strong mutton-like smell after working in the farm all day.(他整天在农场工作后身上有一股浓郁的像Mutton一样的气味。)
- She cooked the mutton until it was tender and juicy.(她把Mutton烧得又嫩又多汁。)
- The farmer sold his mutton at the local market.(农民在当地市场上卖掉了他的Mutton。)
1. Mutton chops: 羊排
2. Mutton curry: 羊肉咖喱
3. Roast mutton: 烤羊肉
4. Mutton stew: 羊肉炖菜
5. Braised mutton: 红烧羊肉
6. Grilled mutton: 烤羊肉串
7. Mutton kebab: 羊肉串烧烤
8. Mutton biryani: 印度香料米饭配羊肉
9. Spicy mutton stir-fry: 香辣羊肉炒菜
10. Slow-cooked mutton: 慢炖羊肉
11. Mutton dumplings: 羊肉水饺
12. Stir-fried mutton with vegetables: 蔬菜炒羊肉片
13. Braised lamb shanks: 氽煮羔羊腿块
14. Mutton hotpot: 羊肉火锅
15. Smoked mutton sausage: 熏制羊肠香肠
16. Marinated grilled mutton skewers: 腌制的烤羊肉串
17. Lamb and vegetable soup:羔羊蔬菜汤
18. Traditional shepherd's pie:传统牧人批
19.Moroccan spiced lamb chops:摩洛哥香料小牛排
20.Roasted leg of lamb:烤全腿的小牛肉
21. Mutton and lentil curry:羊肉和扁豆咖喱
22. Lamb and barley stew:羔羊大麦炖菜
23. Lamb kofta meatballs:羔羊肉丸子
24. Mutton birria tacos:墨西哥香料羊肉卷饼
25. Grilled lamb chops with mint sauce:薄荷酱烤小牛排
1. Lamb - This is the most common synonym for mutton. It refers to the meat of a young sheep, typically under one year old. Lamb is often considered more tender and mild in flavor compared to mutton.
2. Sheep meat - This is a general term that can be used to refer to both lamb and mutton. It is commonly used in recipes and menus as a more neutral alternative to mutton.
3. Hogget - This term refers to the meat of a sheep that is between one and two years old. It falls between lamb and mutton in terms of age and tends to be slightly more flavorful than lamb.
4. Mouton - This French word also means "sheep" and can be used as a synonym for mutton, particularly in culinary contexts.
5. Mottainai - In Japanese, this word means "too good to waste" or "regret for waste." It can be used as a metaphor for valuing the full potential of something, such as using every part of an animal for food, including mutton.
6. Schaffleisch - This German term translates to "sheep meat" and can be used interchangeably with mutton in recipes or menus.
7. Ewe meat - Ewe refers to female sheep, so this term specifically refers to the meat from female sheep rather than male sheep (ram) or young sheep (lamb).
8. Chevon - This term is used specifically for goat meat but can also be applied to older lamb or mutton from goats.
9. Mouton d'âge - In French, this phrase literally translates to "mature sheep" and can be used as a synonym for mutton.
10. Kharoof - In Arabic, this word means both "sheep" and "meat," making it another possible synonym for mutton in culinary contexts.
11. Mutton meat - This is a simple and straightforward way to refer to mutton without using any synonyms.
12. Ram meat - Ram refers to male sheep, so this term specifically refers to the meat from male sheep rather than female sheep (ewe) or young sheep (lamb).
13. Sheep flesh - While not a commonly used term, this can be considered a synonym for mutton in its most literal sense.
14. Domba - In Indonesian, this word means both "sheep" and "meat," making it another possible synonym for mutton in culinary contexts.
15. Yearling - This term refers to the meat of a sheep that is between one and two years old, similar to hogget. It can be used as a synonym for mutton in some cases.
16. Mouton de lait - In French, this phrase translates to "milk-fed sheep" and can be used as a synonym for lamb or young mutton.
17. Ovine meat - Ovine refers to animals of the sheep family, so this term specifically refers to the meat from any type of sheep.
18. Gimmer lamb - This term is used specifically for female lambs that have not yet given birth and are still considered young and tender enough for consumption as lamb rather than mutton.
19. Teg - In Welsh, this word means "sheep" and can be used as a synonym for mutton in culinary contexts.
20. Ewe's milk lamb - This term is used specifically for lambs that have been fed ewe's milk rather than formula or solid foods before being slaughtered. It can also refer to older lambs that are still considered tender enough for consumption as lamb rather than mutton