
语言百科2024-05-29 23:33:00留学世界




1. 相互关系:当我们说两个人或两件事物之间存在某种联系或影响时,可以使用mutual来表达。比如,“They have a mutual understanding.”(他们彼此理解),“The two countries have a mutual trade agreement.”(这两个国家有一项相互贸易协定)等等。


2. 共同利益:mutual也可以表示双方都有利益或得到好处。比如,“We have a mutual interest in protecting the environment.”(我们双方都对保护环境有利益),“The company and its employees have a mutual relationship.”(公司和员工之间有一种共同的关系)等等。

3. 共同目标:除了表示共同利益外,mutual也可以指双方都有共同的目标或愿望。比如,“They share a mutual desire for success.”(他们都渴望成功),“The two teams have a mutual goal to win the championship.”(这两支球队都有一个共同的目标,就是赢得冠军)等等



1. 首先,我们来看一下mutual这个单词的发音。它的重音在第一个音节上,读作[mjuːtʃuəl],其中u的发音和“you”相似,而最后一个音节是轻声的。

2. 如果你觉得这个发音有点复杂,那就让我们来做个比较吧。mutual和“musician”这个单词的发音很相似,只是最后一个音节不同而已。

3. 那么mutual到底是什么意思呢?它其实有两种解释。一种是指“共同的”,比如“mutual understanding”就是指双方都能理解对方;另一种则是指“相互的”,比如“mutual respect”就是指双方都尊重对方。

4. 这两种意思虽然有些相似,但也有细微差别。所以在使用时要根据具体语境来选择正确的含义哦。

5. 不过无论你选择哪种含义,在生活中都可以经常用到这个单词。比如和朋友之间的“mutual trust”(相互信任)、和同事之间的“mutual cooperation”(相互合作)等等。

6. 最后,我们再来练习一下这个单词的发音吧。记住,重点是第一个音节要读清楚,而最后一个音节则是轻声。相信经过多次练习,你一定能够轻松地读出这个单词啦!



1. mutual是一个形容词,意为“相互的”,通常用来形容两个或多个人或物之间的关系。

例句:We have a mutual understanding. (我们有共同的理解。)

2. 在商业领域,mutual也可以指“共同的”、“共有的”,常用来描述双方都有利益或责任的情况。

例句:They reached a mutual agreement. (他们达成了共识。)

3. 另外,mutual也可以用作副词,表示“相互地”,常与动词一起使用。

例句:They smiled at each other mutually. (他们相互微笑。)

4. 此外,mutual还可以构成一些常用短语,如mutual benefit(相互利益)、mutual respect(相互尊重)、mutual understanding(相互理解)等。

5. 在双语例句中,我们可以看到mutual经常与介词with连用,表示“和……一起”、“与……共同”的意思。

例句:They are in mutual love with each other. (他们彼此相爱。)

6. 还有一些特殊短语中会出现mutual + 名词的搭配,如mutual friend(共同朋友)、mutual trust(相互信任)等。

7. 总的来说,无论是在日常生活中还是商业场景中,在表达两者之间的关系时,mutual都是一个常用的词汇。

例句:Mutual respect is the foundation of a healthy relationship. (相互尊重是健康关系的基础。)


1. Mutual understanding - 相互理解

2. Mutual benefit - 互利

3. Mutual respect - 相互尊重

4. Mutual trust - 相互信任

5. Mutual agreement - 共识

6. Mutual cooperation - 互助合作

7. Mutual exchange - 交流互鉴

8. Mutual support - 相互支持

9. Mutual dependence - 相互依赖

10. Mutual assistance - 互相帮助

11. Mutual relationship - 相互关系

12. Mutual understanding and tolerance - 相互理解和包容

13. Mutual cooperation and development - 互利合作与发展

14. Mutual benefit and win-win cooperation - 互利共赢合作

15. Mutual respect and equality- 相互尊重和平等

16. Mutually beneficial partnership- 双赢合作伙伴关系

17. Mutually beneficial trade- 有益于双方的贸易

18.Mutual interests- 共同利益

19.Mutual aid- 互助

20.Mutual understanding and communication- 相互理解和沟通


1. Reciprocal

- Definition: given, felt, or done in return

- Example: The two countries have a reciprocal agreement to protect each other's borders.

2. Shared

- Definition: used, done, or experienced by both or all of two or more people or groups

- Example: The siblings had a shared love for music and often performed together.

3. Joint

- Definition: involving two or more people acting together in a shared activity or enterprise

- Example: The two companies formed a joint venture to develop new technology.

4. Mutualistic

- Definition: beneficial to both organisms involved in an interaction

- Example: The relationship between the bee and the flower is mutualistic as the bee pollinates the flower while collecting nectar.

5. Collaborative

- Definition: produced or conducted by two or more parties working together

- Example: The project was a collaborative effort between the design team and the marketing team.

6. Interdependent

- Definition: depending on each other for support, cooperation, or existence

- Example: In a healthy relationship, partners are interdependent rather than codependent.

7. Reciprocatory

- Definition: characterized by exchange of mutual benefits or obligations

- Example: In many cultures, gift-giving is seen as a reciprocating act between friends and family members.

8. Communal

- Definition: shared by all members of a community; for common use

- Example: The village had a communal well where everyone could access clean water.

9. Corresponding

- Definition: matching up with something else; corresponding in size, function, etc.

- Example: The company's profits were not corresponding with their increased sales numbers.

10. Coordinated

Definition - planned and executed in an orderly and efficient way

Example - The rescue efforts were well-coordinated between multiple agencies to ensure maximum effectiveness.

11. Symbiotic

- Definition: involving a close relationship between two different species that benefits both

- Example: The clownfish and sea anemone have a symbiotic relationship where the clownfish provides protection for the anemone while receiving food and shelter in return.

12. Interconnected

- Definition: having connections or relationships with other parts or aspects

- Example: The different departments of the company are interconnected, making it easier to share information and resources.

13. Correspondent

- Definition: having a similar function, purpose, or effect

- Example: The correspondent banks work together to facilitate international transactions.

14. Mutualized

- Definition: shared by all members of a group; made common or mutual

- Example: The company's profits were mutualized among all employees, creating a sense of teamwork and unity.

15. Reciprocity-based

- Definition: based on the principle of mutual exchange or giving in return

- Example: Many successful partnerships are built on reciprocity-based agreements where both parties benefit from the collaboration

