作为形容词时,nasty通常指某件事或某个人具有不良品质或性格。例如,“He has a nasty temper”(他脾气很坏),“The weather is getting nasty”(天气变得糟糕了)。
作为名词时,nasty指令人不快的、讨厌的或恶劣的事物。例如,“I don't want to deal with this nasty”(我不想处理这件讨厌的事情)。
作为副词时,nasty表示某种行为或情况非常不愉快或令人反感。例如,“The children were behaving very nastily”(孩子们的行为非常让人反感)。此外,nasty也可以用来表示强调,如“I'm not going to do that, no matter how nasty you get”(无论你多么恶劣,我都不会做那件事)
1. 调皮的发音:nast-y,类似于“噢,那是”的发音。
2. 粗鲁的含义:nasty一词通常用来形容人或事物粗鲁、恶劣、令人不快。
3. 反义词:相反的意思是“nice”,意为友好、令人愉快。
4. 常用搭配:常见的搭配有“nasty weather”(恶劣的天气)、“nasty attitude”(粗鲁的态度)、“nasty habit”(恶习)等。
5. 幽默解读:如果你有一个朋友经常做出粗鲁或不礼貌的行为,你可以调侃地说:“他真是个nasty boy/girl!”(他真是个粗鲁/恶劣的家伙!)
6. 与年轻人流行语关联:在年轻人中,“nasty”的另一个含义是“性感”的意思,通常用来形容某件事物或某个人非常吸引人。例如:“这首歌太nasty了!”(这首歌太性感了!)
1. Nasty的意思是什么?
2. Nasty在句子中的用法
- 形容词:He made some nasty comments about her appearance.
- 副词:She spoke to him nastily, causing a heated argument.
- 名词:Don't be such a nasty, just help me clean up the mess.
- 动词:He was nasty to his classmates, constantly teasing and bullying them.
3. Nasty和naughty有什么区别?
4. Nasty与mean有什么联系?
5. 双语例句
- She gave me a nasty look when I accidentally spilled my drink on her dress. (她因为我不小心把饮料洒在她的裙子上而给了我一个恶意的眼神。)
- He has a nasty habit of interrupting people when they are speaking. (他有个讨厌的习惯,喜欢在别人说话时打断他们。)
- The food at that restaurant was really nasty, I couldn't even finish it. (那家餐厅的食物真是难吃,我甚至都没办法吃完。)
- Don't be so nasty to your little brother, he just wants to play with you. (别对你弟弟这么刻薄,他只是想和你一起玩。)
1. Nasty piece of work: 意为“恶劣的工作”,指某件工作或任务非常困难、复杂,需要花费大量精力和时间来完成。
2. Nasty habit: 意为“恶习”,指某种不良的习惯或行为。
3. Nasty weather: 意为“恶劣的天气”,指天气条件非常恶劣,如暴风雨、暴雪等。
4. Nasty shock: 意为“令人震惊的打击”,指某件事情或消息让人感到非常震惊和不快。
5. Nasty temper: 意为“暴躁的脾气”,指某人脾气暴躁、易怒。
6. Nasty surprise: 意为“令人不快的意外”,指某件事情出乎意料,给人带来不愉快的感受。
7. Nasty remark: 意为“刻薄的话语”,指某人说出的冷酷、刻薄的话语。
8. Nasty wound: 意为“严重的伤口”,指伤口非常严重或感染严重。
9. Nasty smell: 意为“难闻的气味”,指散发出令人不愉快、难闻的气味。
10. Nasty taste: 意为“难吃的味道”,指某种食物或饮料的味道令人不喜欢。
11. Nasty behavior: 意为“不良行为”,指某人的行为举止不端,不符合社会道德规范。
12. Nasty virus: 意为“恶意病毒”,指能够给计算机系统造成危害的恶意软件。
13. Nasty divorce: 意为“恶劣的离婚”,指夫妻双方在离婚过程中发生严重冲突和纠纷。
14. Nasty injury: 意为“严重的伤害”,指身体受到严重损伤,需要进行治疗。
15. Nasty smell: 意为“难闻的气味”,指散发出令人不愉快、难闻的气味
1. Gross - This word is often used to describe something that is unpleasant or disgusting, similar to the meaning of "nasty".
2. Vile - This word carries a strong negative connotation and can be used to describe something that is extremely unpleasant or offensive.
3. Repulsive - Similar to the word "nasty", this term is often used to describe something that causes a feeling of disgust or aversion.
4. Disgusting - This word can be used interchangeably with "nasty" and refers to something that causes a strong feeling of revulsion.
5. Filthy - This word has a more literal meaning, referring to something that is dirty or unclean, but it can also be used figuratively to describe something unpleasant or disgusting.
6. Revolting - Similar to "disgusting", this word describes something that causes intense feelings of disgust and repulsion.
7. Foul - This word can be used to describe something that is offensive or unpleasant, similar to the meaning of "nasty".
8. Nauseating - This term refers to something that causes feelings of sickness or nausea, often used in place of "nasty".
9. Offensive - Used as a synonym for "nasty", this word describes something that is unpleasant or repulsive.
10. Yucky - A more casual and playful way of saying "nasty", usually used by children or in a lighthearted manner