neath是什么意思 neath的中文翻译、读音、例句

语言百科2024-05-31 15:57:01留学世界


neath是什么意思 neath的中文翻译、读音、例句


你一定听说过“neath”,但是你知道它的意思吗?它其实是英语中的一个缩写词,代表着“underneath”的意思。在日常生活中,我们经常会用到这个词,比如说“neath the surface”(在表面下)或者“neath the table”(在桌子下面)。虽然它看起来很简单,但是它却有着丰富的含义。让我们一起来探索一下neath的中文翻译、读音和例句吧!



neath是一个介词,意思是“在...下面”,发音为/nɪθ/。它通常和介词under一起使用,表示某物或某人在另一物体或者人的下方。例如:“The cat is hiding neath the table.”(猫咪躲在桌子底下。)

有时候,neath也可以用作副词,表示“在...下面”,发音同样为/nɪθ/。例如:“The sun shines neath the clouds.”(太阳从云朵下面照射出来。)但是这种用法并不常见。

除了以上两种用法之外,在文学作品中,neath也可以指代地狱(hell),特别是在古老的英语文学作品中。例如:“And all beneath the moon may see, / The dead, unburied, and the dead that be.”(月光下所有人都能看见,那些未被埋葬的死者和已经死去的人。)


1. neath的中文翻译是“在...下面”,通常用于表示某物或某人在另一个物体或人的下方。

2. 例如:The cat is hiding neath the table.(猫躲在桌子下面。)

3. neath也可以作为介词,表示“在...之下”。

4. 例如:The treasure lies buried neath the tree.(宝藏被埋藏在树下。)

5. 此外,neath也可以用作缩写形式,代表“beneath”,意为“在...之下”。

6. 例如:He found his lost ring neath the sofa.(他在沙发下找到了丢失的戒指。)

7. 在口语中,neath也可以用来表示“不够好”、“不如”等含义。

8. 例如:His cooking skills are neath his wife's.(他的厨艺不如他妻子的。)

9. 总的来说,neath是一个常见但多功能的词汇,在不同语境中可以有不同的含义和用法


1. neath的中文翻译:neath的中文意思是“在...下面”,可以作为介词使用。

2. neath的读音:neath的读音为/niːθ/,发音类似于“尼斯”。

3. neath的例句:

- The book was hidden neath the bed.(这本书藏在床下。)

- The flowers bloomed neath the shade of the tree.(花朵在树荫下绽放。)

- He found his lost keys neath the couch cushions.(他在沙发垫子下找到了丢失的钥匙。)

4. 搭配词组:

- beneath the surface(在表面下)

- beneath one's dignity(有损某人的尊严)

- beneath contempt(不值一提)

- beneath notice(不值得注意)

- beneath one's breath(小声说)


1. Beneath

- 同义词:underneath, below, under, beneath the surface

- 解释:在...下面,位于...之下,低于,深处

- 例句:

a. The treasure was buried beneath the oak tree.


b. The fish swam beneath the water's surface.


c. The castle was built beneath a towering cliff.


2. Underneath

- 同义词:beneath, below, under, underneath it all

- 解释:在...下面,在...底部,低于,在表象之下

- 例句:

a. She found her lost keys underneath a pile of clothes.


b. Underneath his confident exterior, he was actually quite insecure.


c. The true meaning of the poem lies underneath its beautiful words.


3. Below

- 同义词:underneath, beneath, under, down below

- 解释:在...之下,在...以下,在较低位置,比...更少或更小

- 例句:

a. The temperature dropped well below freezing last night.


b. The city lies below the mountains.


c. The number of students in the class is below average.


4. Under

- 同义词:beneath, underneath, below, beneath the surface

- 解释:在...下面,在...之下,在...底部,低于,被掩盖或隐藏

- 例句:

a. She hid under the bed when she heard a loud noise.


b. The truth was hidden under layers of lies.


c. The village is located just under the mountain.


5. Belowground

- 同义词:underground, subterranean, underneath, beneath

- 解释:在地面以下的,地下的,隐蔽的,秘密的

- 例句:

a. The subway system has an extensive network of belowground tunnels.


b. The treasure was hidden in a belowground chamber.


c. They have been working on a top-secret project in their belowground lab.


