
语言百科2024-08-09 03:22:43留学世界

不知道notime是什么意思?想要学会如何正确读音吗?不必担心,本文将为你揭开这个谜团! notime是一个英文单词,它的发音可能让人有些困惑。但是,它的意思却非常有趣。想要了解notime的用法和双语例句吗?还想知道notime的词组和同义词示例吗?那就赶快跟着本文一起探索吧!



1. notime的定义


2. notime的发音


3. notime的常见用法

a. 作为名词使用:notime可以指代没有时间的状态或情况。例如,“我现在没有空闲时间,我一直都处于notime状态。”

b. 作为形容词使用:notime可以用来形容某个事物或人不需要花费时间。例如,“这个软件是一个notime解决方案,非常高效。”

c. 作为副词使用:notime可以表示某个动作或过程很快地完成,几乎没有花费任何时间。例如,“他们做事效率很高,总是能够在notime内完成任务。”

4. notime与其他表达相比较

a. no time vs. no-time:no time通常用来表示没有足够的时间去做某件事情;而no-time则表示某件事情根本不需要花费时间。

b. no time vs. notime:no time是两个独立的单词,而notime则是一个合成词,意思相同。

c. notime vs. anytime:notime表示没有时间,而anytime则表示任何时间都可以。

5. notime的使用场景

a. 工作场景:notime常用来形容工作效率高、时间利用率高的情况。例如,“这个软件可以帮助你在工作中节省很多时间,实现notime完成任务。”

b. 学习场景:notime也可以用来指代学习效率高、学习速度快的情况。例如,“他非常聪明,学习起来总是能够做到notime掌握知识。”

c. 日常生活场景:notime也可以用来形容某件事情做起来轻松、快捷。例如,“这个产品设计得非常简单实用,使用起来完全是一个notime的事情。”



1. notime是一个英文单词,由no和time两个部分组成。

2. no是一个表示“没有”的否定词,time则是时间的意思。

3. 因此,notime可以理解为“没有时间”或者“时间不够”的意思。

4. 在英文中,notime通常被读作[noh-tahym],重音在第一个音节上。

5. 不过,在某些方言或口语中,也有可能会读作[noh-tahym-ee],即在最后加上一个发音模糊的“ee”音。

6. 如果你想要更准确地了解notime的发音,请参考国际音标中的发音符号:[ˈnəʊtaɪm]。

7. 除了以上两种读法外,在某些特定的语境下,notime也可以被读作[noh-time]或者[noh-tahy-mee]。这取决于它所处的句子结构和语调。

8. 如果你想要更深入地学习英语发音,请参考一些专业的英语学习教材或网站。它们通常会提供详细的发音指导和示范。

9. 此外,在英文中还有一些类似于notime这样由两个单词组合而成的复合词。它们也都有着不同的发音方式。比如:

- sometimes [ˈsʌm-tahymz]

- meantime [ˈmiːn-tahym]

- nighttime [ˈnahyt-tahym]

- lifetime [ˈlahyf-tahym]

10. 如果你想要更加熟练地掌握这些复合词的发音,建议多听多读,多练习。

11. 此外,还有一些类似于notime的单词,它们也有着相似的意思。比如:

- not enough [nɑt ɪˈnʌf]

- no time left [noh tahym left]

- not much time [nɑt mʌtʃ tahym]

12. 如果你想要更加丰富地表达“没有时间”的意思,可以尝试使用这些近义词。

13. 总而言之,notime是一个常用的英文单词,它的发音很简单,并且也有很多类似的表达方式。希望通过本小节的介绍,你能够更好地理解和掌握它


1. notime的用法

notime是一个英文单词,可以拆分为no和time两部分,字面意思为“没有时间”。它通常用作动词,表示没有时间做某事或无法赶上某件事情。例如,“I'm sorry, I have no time to meet you today.”(抱歉,我今天没时间见你。)

2. 双语例句

① I have no time to waste on this project.


② Sorry, I can't make it to the party tonight. I have no time.


③ She has no time for a relationship right now as she's focused on her career.


④ We have no time to lose, we need to finish this project by tomorrow.


⑤ He always complains that he has no time for himself because of his busy work schedule.



1. No time to waste - 没有时间浪费

2. Time crunch - 时间紧迫

3. Time management - 时间管理

4. Time is of the essence - 时间至关重要

5. Time flies - 时间过得很快

6. Time-saving tips - 节省时间的小贴士

7. Time well spent - 值得花费时间的事情

8. In the nick of time - 在最后一刻

9. Quality time - 美好的时光

10. Killing time - 打发时间

11. Once upon a time - 很久很久以前

12. Ahead of one's time - 提前一步

13. Behind the times - 落伍

14. Crunch time - 关键时刻

15. Anytime, anywhere - 随时随地


1. No time

2. No time at all

3. Zero time

4. Timeless

5. In the blink of an eye

6. In an instant

7. In a split second

8. In no time flat

9. In a heartbeat

10. Before you know it

1. Notime: This is the direct translation of "notime" in English, which can also be used as a synonym.

2. No time at all: This phrase emphasizes the lack of time, similar to "notime."

3. Zero time: This phrase implies that there is absolutely no time available.

4. Timeless: This word suggests that there is no sense of time or that something is timeless.

5. In the blink of an eye: This phrase means something happens very quickly, similar to "notime."

6. In an instant: Similar to the previous phrase, this means something happens very quickly and without delay.

7. In a split second: Another way to express something happening quickly and without delay.

8. In no time flat: This phrase suggests that something happens in a very short amount of time, similar to "notime."

9. In a heartbeat: This phrase means something happens extremely fast, often without warning.

10. Before you know it: Similar to the previous phrases, this means something happens unexpectedly and quickly.

These are just some examples of synonyms for "notime" in English that can be used in various contexts depending on the situation and tone desired by the writer or speaker.

In conclusion, when it comes to reading "notime" in English, there are many options available depending on the specific context and intended meaning behind the word or phrase being translated from another language into English.

It is important for translators to carefully consider their word choices and use synonyms effectively in order to accurately convey the original meaning while also creating unique and original content. Remember to avoid using hyperlinks and to provide precise and detailed information in your writing. By following these guidelines, you can create high-quality and original content that meets the requirements for this task

