1. “once”一词的词源
2. “once”的基本含义
作为副词,“once”的基本含义是指某件事情发生或发生过一次。例如,“I have only been to Paris once.”(我只去过巴黎一次。)它也可以表示某件事情发生的时间点,例如,“Once, I met a famous actor in the street.”(曾经,我在街上遇到过一个著名的演员。)
3. “once”的其他用法
a. 表示“立刻”
在口语中,“once”也可以用来表示“立刻”,相当于“right away”或者“immediately”。例如,“Can you help me with this once?”(你能马上帮我个忙吗?)
b. 表示“曾经”
除了表示某件事情发生过一次外,“once”还可以表示某个人或物体具有某种特征或状态,在这种情况下通常与动词be连用。例如,“Once a thief, always a thief.”(曾经做过贼的人,永远是贼。)
c. 表示“一旦”
“once”也可以表示某个条件或情况发生后,随之而来的结果。在这种情况下,它相当于“if”或者“when”。例如,“Once you finish your homework, you can go out and play.”(一旦你完成作业,就可以出去玩了。)
d. 表示“唯一的”
在某些语境中,“once”也可以表示某件事情是唯一的、独特的。例如,“I can tell you this once, but never again.”(我只能告诉你一次,再也不会有机会了。)
4. “once”与其他词汇的搭配
a. “once and for all”
这个短语表示彻底地、最终地做某件事情。“I want to solve this problem once and for all.”(我想要彻底解决这个问题。)
b. “all at once”
这个短语表示突然地、同时发生。“All at once, the lights went out.”(突然间,灯都灭了。)
c. “once in a while”
这个短语表示偶尔、有时候。“I like to go to the beach once in a while.”(我偶尔喜欢去海边。)
d. “once upon a time”
这个短语用来开头一个童话故事,表示“从前”、“很久以前”。例如,“Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess.”(从前,有一位美丽的公主。)
5. “once”与其他语言中的对应词汇
a. 法语:“une fois”
b. 西班牙语:“una vez”
c. 德语:“einmal”
d. 日语:“一度(いちど)”
1. “once”是一个英文单词,读作/wʌns/,音标为[wuhns]。
2. “once”是一个副词,在句子中的位置通常在动词之前,表示“一次”、“曾经”、“一旦”等含义。
3. 除了作为副词使用外,“once”还可以作为连词和名词使用,分别表示“一旦”和“一次机会”。
4. “once”的同义词包括:one time、formerly、previously等。
5. “once”的反义词包括:twice、again等。
6. 英文中有一句谚语:“Once bitten, twice shy.”(曾经被咬过,下次就会小心了),意思是指人们在经历过不好的事情后,会变得更加谨慎。
7. 在英文歌曲中,“once”也是一个常用的单词,比如著名歌手Beyoncé的歌曲《Once in a Lifetime》(一生中的一次)和《Once Upon a Time》(从前)。
8. 在日常口语中,“once”也可以用来表达“稍等片刻”的意思,比如当朋友打电话询问你是否准备好出门时,你可以回答“I'll be ready once I finish getting dressed.”(我穿好衣服就准备好了)。
9. 除了作为副词和连词使用外,“once”还可以作为名词使用,表示“一次机会”或“某个特定的时刻”。比如,在一部电影中,主角会说“I only have one shot, I can't miss my once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.”(我只有一次机会,不能错过这个千载难逢的机会)。
10. 总的来说,“once”是一个多功能的英文单词,在不同的语境下有着不同的含义和用法。希望通过本小节,你能更加了解并正确地读写这个单词
1. 用法:
2. 双语例句:
1)I have only been to Paris once.
2)Once bitten, twice shy.
3)Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess living in a castle.
4)Once you start eating chips, it's hard to stop.
5)I'll call you once I arrive at the airport.
6)You only live once, so make the most of it.
3. 说明
1. Once upon a time: 曾经
2. Once in a blue moon: 很少发生的事情
3. Once and for all: 一劳永逸地
4. Once bitten, twice shy: 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳
5. Once in a lifetime: 一生中只有一次的机会
6. All at once: 突然,一下子
7. Once again: 再次,又一次
8. At once: 立刻,马上
9. Once in a while: 偶尔,有时候
10. For once: 这一次,这个时候
1. One time
- I only met him one time, and that was enough.
- He promised to come back one time, but he never did.
2. In the past
- Once upon a time, there was a princess locked in a tower.
- I used to love playing with dolls once.
3. Formerly
- He was once a famous singer, but now he's retired.
- This building was once a hospital, but now it's a school.
4. Previously
- I had once visited this city before, but it looks completely different now.
- She had once been my best friend, but we drifted apart over the years.
5. At one point
- At one point, I thought I would never be able to finish this project.
- She was at one point the youngest CEO in the company's history.
6. Ever
- Have you ever been to Paris? It's such a beautiful city!
- Once she starts talking about her favorite TV show, she never stops.
7. In the past/long ago
- Back in the day, we used to ride our bikes everywhere.
- Long ago, people believed that the earth was flat.
8. Formerly/former times
- This used to be my favorite restaurant formerly.
- In former times, people had to hunt for their food instead of buying it at the store.
9. At some point/sometime
- Sometime during my trip to Japan, I lost my camera.
- At some point in his life, he decided to quit his job and travel the world.
10. One occasion/one instance
- On one occasion, I accidentally called my teacher "mom" in class.
- There was one instance where she showed up late for work and got fired