
语言百科2024-10-14 03:19:17留学世界




1. plane的基本含义


2. plane的具体解释

a. 作为名词时,plane指的是一种航空器,通常用于运输人员和货物。它通常由机翼、机身和发动机组成,并能在空中飞行。此外,plane也可以指代任何具有平坦表面的物体,比如木板、纸张等。

b. 作为动词时,plane指的是使用刨子等工具将表面切削或刨平。这个意思也可以引申为“消除差异”、“使变得光滑”等。

3. plane在不同语境下的用法

a. 在航空领域,plane通常用来指代各种类型的飞机,比如客机、货机、直升机等。

b. 在数学中,plane可以表示二维几何图形所处的平面。

c. 在日常用语中,“on the same plane”表示“处于同一水平线上”,而“out of one's plane”则表示“超出某人能力范围”。

d. 在科学领域,“phase plane”是指描述系统随时间变化的相图。

e. 在木工或制作领域,“plane”也可以指代刨子等工具。

4. plane的常见短语

a. take a plane:乘坐飞机

b. plane crash:飞机失事

c. plane ticket:飞机票

d. on a different plane:在不同的层次上

e. in the same plane:在同一水平线上



1. 首先,我们来看一下plane这个单词的发音。在英语中,plane的读音为/pleɪn/,其中/l/发音为清辅音,/eɪ/发音为长元音,/n/发音为鼻音。

2. 如果你想更准确地掌握这个单词的发音,可以尝试用国际音标表示为[pleɪn]。

3. 如果你觉得国际音标太复杂,也可以用拼写法来记忆。plane的发音其实和“plain”这个单词很相似,只是多了一个/e/的元音。

4. 不过要注意的是,在美式英语中,“plain”和“plane”的发音是不一样的。前者读作/plen/,后者才是/plen/.

5. 如果你想更加生动有趣地记忆这个单词的发音,可以把它和飞机联系起来。毕竟,“plane”就是英文中飞机的意思嘛!

6. 此外,在日常口语中,“plane”的发音可能会被缩短成/plen/或者/plenə/. 所以如果你听到别人说“Let's take a plane”,也不要大惊小怪哦。

7. 最后要提醒大家的是,在英语中,“e”很多时候都不是一个独立的音素,而是用来改变前面元音的发音。所以在读“plane”的时候,不要把/e/读得太重,让它和/aɪ/这个元音融合起来就可以了。

8. 希望通过这些小技巧,你能够轻松地掌握“plane”的正确发音,并在日常交流中自信地使用它!


1. plane的基本用法

- plane作为名词,表示“飞机”,常用于描述空中交通工具。

例句:I'm afraid of flying, so I always get nervous when I take a plane.(我害怕坐飞机,所以每次坐飞机都会很紧张。)

- plane也可以作为动词,意为“刨平,修整”。

例句:He spent the whole afternoon planing the rough edges of the wooden table.(他花了整个下午把木桌子的粗糙边缘修平。)

2. plane的特殊用法

- 在数学中,plane可以指“平面”,即二维空间。

例句:The point lies on the same plane as the other two points.(这个点和其他两个点在同一个平面上。)

- 在几何学中,plane也可以指“水平面”或“垂直面”。

例句:The building's design features a unique combination of planes and angles.(这栋建筑的设计采用了独特的平面和角度组合。)

3. 双语例句

- The pilot skillfully maneuvered the plane through turbulent weather conditions.


- My dream is to travel around the world by plane.


- The carpenter used a hand plane to smooth out the rough surface of the wood.


- The plane of the paper is parallel to the plane of the desk.


- The artist used different planes and angles to create a sense of depth in his painting.



1. Plane as a noun

- Passenger plane: 乘客飞机

- Cargo plane: 货运飞机

- Private plane: 私人飞机

- Military plane: 军用飞机

- Jet plane: 喷气式飞机

- Propeller plane: 螺旋桨飞机

- Seaplane: 水上飞机

2. Plane as a verb

- To plane something: 刨平某物/修平某物

- To take a plane: 乘坐飞机

- To land a plane: 降落飞机

3. Phrases with "plane"

- On the same plane: 在同一水平线上,同等地位/水平上

- Plane sailing: 平稳的航行,顺利的进展

- Above the clouds, on cloud nine, or on cloud seven: 高兴得忘乎所以,快乐极了(这些短语都是指在云层之上)

- Flying high or soaring high: 非常成功,处于巅峰状态(这些短语都是指在空中高处)

- Up in the air or up in the clouds:心事重重,思绪纷乱(这些短语都是指在空中高处)

- A flying visit:匆匆而来,短暂的访问(通常指旅行)

- Flying start:良好的开端,顺利的开始(通常指新的工作或计划)

- Flying colors:轻松达成,成功完成(通常指考试或挑战)

- Flying in the face of:违抗,蔑视(某人的意愿或规定)

- Flying off the handle:突然大发雷霆,情绪失控

4. Idioms with "plane"

- On a different plane: 处于不同的层次,有很大差异

- Plane and simple: 简单明了

- Get off the ground: 开始进行,进展顺利

- Go down in flames: 失败,彻底垮台

- Up in the air: 不确定的,未决定的

- Have your head in the clouds: 心不在焉,想入非非

5. Other related words and phrases

- Airplane/aircraft: 飞机(两者都可作为可数名词)

- Aviation/aeronautics: 航空学/航空术(指飞行和飞行器的科学和技术)

- Airline company/carrier: 航空公司/航空运输公司

- Flight/cruise/journey/trip/voyage: 飞行/航行/旅程/旅途(这些词都可以指一次飞行或航行)

- Boarding pass/ticket/reservation confirmation: 登机牌/机票/预订确认函


1. Aircraft

- Definition: a vehicle that can fly and carry passengers or goods in the air

- Example: The plane landed safely at the airport.

2. Airplane

- Definition: a powered flying vehicle with fixed wings and a weight greater than that of the air it displaces

- Example: The airplane flew over the mountains.

3. Aeroplane

- Definition: another word for airplane, used mainly in British English

- Example: She took an aeroplane to travel to Europe.

4. Jet

- Definition: an aircraft propelled by jet engines, which produce powerful streams of hot air behind them, enabling them to travel very fast

- Example: The jet took off from the runway.

5. Helicopter

- Definition: a type of aircraft that has large blades on top that go round quickly, allowing it to rise into and move in the air or stay in one place above the ground

- Example: The helicopter flew over the city.

6. Glider

- Definition: an aircraft without an engine that is able to fly using rising currents of warm air to stay in flight for long periods

- Example: He enjoys flying his glider on weekends.

7. Drone

- Definition: a remote-controlled pilotless aircraft or missile, especially one used for gathering information or carrying out military attacks.

- Example: The military used drones for surveillance missions.

8. Zeppelin

- Definition: a type of airship consisting of a long cylindrical gas-filled balloon with fins and rudders beneath it, driven by propellers or jets.

- Example: The zeppelin floated gracefully through the sky.

9. Copter

- Definition: an informal term for helicopter.

- Example: We took a copter tour of the Grand Canyon.

10. Seaplane

- Definition:a plane with floats instead of wheels that can land on and take off from water.

- Example: The seaplane landed on the lake smoothly

