
语言百科2024-10-16 00:01:24留学世界



1. 介绍prizes的定义



2. 解释prizes的用法

作为名词,prizes通常用来指代获得的奖品、奖金或者奖项。例如:“The winner will receive a cash prize of $1000.”(获胜者将会得到一笔1000美元的现金奖励。)此外,prizes也可以用来指代重要的事物或者目标。例如:“Education and knowledge are highly prized in our society.”(在我们社会中,教育和知识被高度重视。)

作为动词,prizes通常用来表示赞赏、珍视或者重视某物或某人。例如:“She prizes her family above all else.”(她将家庭看得比其他任何事情都重要。)此外,prizes也可以用来表示给予某人奖励或者赢得某物。例如:“He was able to prize the door open with a crowbar.”(他用撬棒成功地把门撬开了。)

3. 分析prizes与其他相关词汇的区别


Rewards通常指给予某人的报酬或者回报,可以是金钱、物品或者其他形式。例如:“He received a big reward for his hard work.”(他因为努力工作而得到了一笔丰厚的回报。)

Awards通常指授予某人的荣誉或者奖项,可以是在比赛中获得的奖项,也可以是为了表彰某人的杰出成就而颁发的奖项。例如:“She won the award for best actress at the film festival.”(她在电影节上获得了最佳女主角奖。)

Honors通常指对某人表示尊敬、敬意或者赞扬,可以是通过授予称号、勋章等方式来表达。例如:“He was honored for his contributions to the community.”(他因为对社区做出的贡献而受到表彰。)



1. [priːzɪz]:这是比较常见的读法,也是最接近原始发音的一种。其中的"i"发音为长音,类似于中文拼音中的"ī"。这种读法更多用于美式英语。

2. [praɪzɪz]:这是比较少见的读法,但也有人会用。其中的"a"发音为短音,类似于中文拼音中的"ǎ"。这种读法更多用于英式英语。



1. 什么是prizes?


2. prizes的用法

- 可数名词:当prizes作为可数名词使用时,它通常指具体的物质奖品。例如:“The winners will receive great prizes.”(获胜者将获得丰厚的奖品。)

- 不可数名词:当prizes作为不可数名词使用时,它通常指抽象的精神奖励。例如:“The biggest prize is the sense of accomplishment.”(最大的奖励是成就感。)

3. 双语例句

- He won first prize in the singing competition.


- The company offers cash prizes to its employees for outstanding performance.


- The Nobel Peace Prize is one of the most prestigious prizes in the world.


- She was awarded a prize for her academic achievements.


- The prizes for the raffle include a trip to Hawaii and a new car.



1. Awards - 奖项

2. Rewards - 奖赏

3. Honors - 荣誉

4. Trophies - 奖杯

5. Medals - 奖牌

6. Accolades - 赞誉

7. Prizes and Incentives - 奖励和激励措施

8. Recognitions - 认可

9. Distinctions - 优异成就

10. Achievements - 成就奖励

11. Merits - 功绩奖励

12. Commendations - 表彰

13. Citations - 引用

14. Plaques and Certificates - 铭牌和证书

15. Tokens of Appreciation - 感谢的象征


1. Awards

- Examples: accolades, honors, trophies

- Explanation: These words are often used to refer to prizes or rewards given for achievement or excellence in a particular field.

2. Rewards

- Examples: bonuses, incentives, bounties

- Explanation: These words can also be used to describe prizes or gifts given as a result of success or accomplishment.

3. Recognitions

- Examples: acknowledgements, distinctions, commendations

- Explanation: This word emphasizes the act of being acknowledged or praised for one's achievements.

4. Trophies

- Examples: medals, plaques, ribbons

- Explanation: Similar to awards, this word specifically refers to physical objects given as a prize or token of success.

5. Prizes

- Examples: winnings, gains, spoils

- Explanation: This word can also be used in a more general sense to describe something that is won or earned as a result of competition or effort.

6. Honors

- Examples: decorations, titles, accolades

- Explanation: This word highlights the recognition and respect given to someone for their accomplishments.

7. Incentives

- Examples: motivators, inducements, encouragements

- Explanation: This word emphasizes the idea of something that is given to encourage or motivate someone towards achieving a goal.

8. Bonuses

- Examples: perks, extras, premiums

- Explanation: Similar to incentives, this word often refers to additional benefits or rewards given in addition to regular compensation.

9. Bounties

- Examples: rewards, bonuses, payments

- Explanation: This word is often used in reference to monetary rewards for specific achievements or tasks.

10. Accolades

- Examples: praises, compliments, plaudits

Explanation: This word highlights the admiration and approval given by others for one's accomplishments

