1. 什么是queue?
Queue是英语单词,音标为[kjuː],在英语中有多种意思,最常见的意思是“队列”,也可以指“排队”、“行列”、“顺序”等。它来源于法语中的“cue”,意为“尾部”,是一种先进先出(First In First Out)的数据结构,在计算机科学中被广泛应用。
2. Queue的用法
Queue作为名词时,可以表示一个具体的队伍或者排队的人群。例如:“There is a long queue outside the store.”(商店外有一条长长的队伍。)此外,它还可以作为动词使用,意为“排队等待”。例如:“We had to queue for hours to get tickets for the concert.”(我们不得不排了几个小时的队才能买到音乐会的门票。)
3. Queue在计算机科学中的应用
4. Queue与Stack的区别
Queue和Stack都是常见的数据结构,在使用上有一些区别。首先,Queue是先进先出的,而Stack是后进先出的(Last In First Out)。其次,Queue可以从队列的两端进行操作,即入队和出队,而Stack只能从一端进行操作,即入栈和出栈。最后,在实际应用中,Queue更多地用于处理需要按照顺序执行的任务,而Stack则用于回溯和逆序输出等场景。
5. Queue在生活中的应用
1. "queue"是一个英语单词,发音为[kjuː]。
2. 它的意思是“队列”,通常用来指排队等候的人或物。
3. 在计算机领域,"queue"也有特定的含义,指一种数据结构,用来存储和处理数据。
4. "queue"在日常生活中经常出现,比如在超市排队结账、在银行柜台等待办理业务、在游乐园排队玩游戏等场景。
5. 除了作为名词使用外,"queue"也可以作为动词使用,意为“排队等候”或“把...放入队列中”。
6. "queue"这个词源于法语单词"cue",意为“尾巴”,后来演变成了指排队等候的人群。
7. 在英式英语中,"queue"可以用作可数名词或不可数名词;而在美式英语中,则只能用作不可数名词。
8. 如果要表达“排成一列”的意思,可以使用短语“in a queue”或“standing in a queue”。
9. "queue up"是一个固定搭配,意为“排队”,例如:We had to queue up for hours to get tickets for the concert.
10. 总的来说,“queue”是一个常见且重要的英语单词,在日常生活和计算机领域都有广泛的应用。希望本小节能够帮助读者更好地理解和使用这个词汇
1. 什么是queue?
2. Queue的用法
- 当作名词使用,表示“队列”。
例句:Please wait in the queue for your turn. (请在队列中等待你的轮次。)
- 当作动词使用,表示“排队”。
例句:We had to queue for two hours to get tickets. (我们不得不排队两个小时才能买到票。)
3. Queue的双语例句
- We stood in a long queue to buy concert tickets.
- The students formed a queue outside the classroom.
- The queue for the new iPhone was incredibly long.
- The email will be added to the end of the queue and will be sent out when it reaches the front.
1. On the queue: 在排队中
2. Queue up: 排队等候
3. Join the queue: 加入队伍
4. Cut the queue: 插队
5. Skip the queue: 跳过排队
6. Jump the queue: 擅自插队
7. Queue jumper: 插队者
8. Queue etiquette: 排队礼仪
9. Queue management: 排队管理
10. Long queue: 长队伍
1. Line: This is the most commonly used synonym for "queue" in everyday language. You can use it in sentences like, "I stood in line for two hours to buy concert tickets."
2. Waiting list: This term is often used in situations where people are waiting for something, like a doctor's appointment or a table at a restaurant. For example, "I put my name on the waiting list for the new iPhone."
3. Sequence: This word refers to a specific order or arrangement of things. You could say, "The books on the shelf are arranged in alphabetical sequence."
4. Formation: In some contexts, "formation" can be used as a synonym for "queue." For instance, you could say, "The soldiers stood in formation before marching."
5. File: This word can be used as a synonym for "queue" when talking about organizing documents or papers. For example, "Please put these papers in the file marked 'important.'"
6. Row: Similar to "line," this word is often used to describe a group of people standing one behind the other. You could say, "We were sitting in the front row at the theater."
7. Chain: In certain contexts, this word can be used to describe a queue of people waiting for something. For instance, you could say, "There was a long chain of customers waiting outside the store on Black Friday."
8. Train: This word can also be used as a synonym for "queue," especially when referring to people or vehicles moving in an orderly line. For example, "The students formed a train as they walked to their next class."
9. Lineup: This term is often used to describe a group of people waiting for something or someone important, like celebrities at an event or contestants on a game show.
10. List: Similar to "waiting list," this word can also be used to describe a group of people waiting for something. For example, "There is a long list of people waiting to get into the club."