
语言百科2024-10-23 07:12:59留学世界




1. 介绍


2. 同义词


- silent:[ˈsaɪlənt] 意为“无声的”,强调完全没有声音。

- calm:[kɑːm] 意为“平静的”,强调没有骚动或喧嚣。

- peaceful:[ˈpiːsfl] 意为“和平的”,强调没有冲突或暴力。

- tranquil:[ˈtræŋkwɪl] 意为“宁静的”,强调没有干扰或打扰。

- still:[stɪl] 意为“静止的”,强调没有运动或活动。

3. 反义词

与quiet相反的意思是loud [laʊd],意为“大声的”。它也可以指某种声音很大或令人不愉快。例如:“那个孩子一直在大喊大叫,真是太吵闹了。”

4. 例句


- The library is always quiet, which makes it a perfect place for studying.(图书馆总是很安静,这让它成为一个学*的理想场所。)

- The teacher asked the students to be quiet during the exam.(老师要求学生在考试期间保持安静。)

- The baby finally fell asleep, and the house became quiet again.(宝宝终于睡着了,房子又变得安静了。)

- After a long day at work, I just want to relax in a quiet room.(工作了一整天之后,我只想在一个安静的房间里放松一下。)

5. 派生词


- quietly:[ˈkwaɪətli] 副词,“安静地”,表示行为或状态。

- quietness:[ˈkwaɪətnəs] 名词,“安静”,表示状态或特性。

- quietude:[ˈkwaɪətjuːd] 名词,“平静”,通常用于文学语言。

- unquiet:[ʌnˈkwaɪət] 形容词,“不安静的”,表示没有平静或没有宁静



1. 首先,让我们来看一下quiet的正确发音。它的发音是/kwaɪət/,读起来就像是“kwa-ye-t”。

2. 但是如果你觉得这个发音有点难记,也没关系。其实,在日常口语中,人们也会使用简化的发音/qwaɪt/来代替正式的发音。

3. 除了上面两种发音外,还有一种比较流行的发音方式是/kwaj-et/。这种发音更加轻松自然,符合年轻人的口语*惯。

4. 如果你想要更加准确地掌握quiet的发音,可以尝试用数字来表示每个字母的读法。比如,“q”读作“kw”,“u”读作“w”,“i”读作“ye”,“e”读作“t”。这样就能够更加清晰地表达出quiet的正确发音了。

5. 当然,在不同国家或地区,对于quiet的发音可能会有所差异。所以如果你想要学*地道的英式或美式英语发音,请多听一些当地人的发音,或者参考一些权威的英语学*资源。

6. 最后,我想说的是,学*发音并不是一件枯燥的事情。我们可以通过和朋友一起练*,或者看一些有趣的英语节目来提高我们的口语表达能力。相信在不断地练*中,你会越来越熟练地读出quiet这个单词了。



1. 什么是quiet?


2. 如何正确发音?


3. quiet的同义词有哪些?


4. quiet常用搭配有哪些?

- Keep quiet: 保持安静

- Quiet down: 安静下来

- Quiet place: 安静的地方

- Quiet neighborhood: 安静的社区

5. quiet作为名词时又有什么含义?


6. 双语例句:

- Please be quiet, I'm trying to concentrate.


- The library is supposed to be a quiet place for studying.


- She's a very quiet person, but she has a lot of inner strength.



1. "Silent as a mouse" - 静如老鼠

2. "Peace and quiet" - 安静祥和

3. "Calm before the storm" - 暴风雨前的宁静

4. "Hush-hush" - 秘密的,保密的

5. "Mum's the word" - 嘘,不要说话

6. "Tranquil as a lake" - 宁静如湖水

7. "Still as a statue" - 静若石像

8. "Serene and calm" - 宁静平和

9. "Quiet as a whisper" - 轻声细语

10. "Mellow and peaceful" - 柔和平静


1. Silent

- Definition: making little or no noise; without sound

- Example: The library was so silent that you could hear a pin drop.

2. Calm

- Definition: peaceful and quiet; not showing or feeling nervousness, anger, or other strong emotions

- Example: The lake was calm and still, reflecting the mountains in its waters.

3. Serene

- Definition: calm, peaceful, and untroubled; tranquil

- Example: The garden was a serene oasis in the middle of the bustling city.

4. Hushed

- Definition: quiet and subdued; making very little noise

- Example: The audience fell hushed as the performance began.

5. Tranquil

- Definition: free from disturbance; calm

- Example: The beach at sunset was a tranquil paradise.

6. Peaceful

- Definition: free from disturbance; calm and quiet

- Example: The countryside was so peaceful that it felt like time stood still.

7. Still

- Definition: free from noise or turbulence; calm and quiet

- Example: The forest was still and peaceful in the early morning light.

8. Muted

- Definition: softened in tone or color; subdued

- Example: The muted colors of the sunset painted the sky in shades of pink and orange.

9. Subdued

- Definition: quiet and reflective; lacking energy or vigor

- Example: After a long day, she sat in her room with subdued thoughts, watching the rain outside her window.

10. Placid

- Definition: pleasantly calm or peaceful; undisturbed

- Example: The placid lake was perfect for kayaking on a sunny day.

11. Noiseless

- Definition: making no noise at all; completely silent

- Example: In the library, people were expected to be completely noiseless while studying.

12. Gentle

- Definition: mild, calm, and kind

- Example: The gentle breeze rustled through the trees, creating a peaceful atmosphere.

13. Soothing

- Definition: having a calming or comforting effect

- Example: The sound of the ocean waves was soothing to her troubled mind.

14. Untroubled

- Definition: free from worry or disturbance

- Example: The child slept peacefully, untroubled by the chaos happening outside.

15. Peace-filled

- Definition: full of peace; characterized by tranquility and harmony

- Example: The yoga studio was a peace-filled space, perfect for relaxation and meditation

通过本文的介绍,我们可以知道quiet是一个常用的英语单词,它的意思是安静的、平静的。在发音上,我们可以将它读作[kwaɪət]。除了基本意思外,它还有很多常见的用法和词组,例如keep quiet、quiet down等等。同时,在双语例句中也能看到它在不同场景下的使用方式。最后,如果你喜欢本文的内容,请关注我这个网站编辑,我会为大家带来更多有趣、实用的英语知识。谢谢阅读!
