
语言百科2024-10-25 05:24:03留学世界




1. 简介


2. rape的定义

根据《牛津英语词典》(Oxford English Dictionary)的解释,rape可以作为名词和动词使用。作为名词时,它指的是“强奸”这一具体行为;作为动词时,它则表示“强奸”这一行为正在发生或已经发生。

3. rape在法律上的定义


4. rape与consent(同意)之间的关系


5. rape的影响


6. 如何防范rape



你可能会想,“rape是什么意思?怎么读?”别担心,我来告诉你。首先,让我们来澄清一下,rape是一个动词,意为“强奸”。它的读音是/ reɪp /,重音在第一个音节上。现在你可能会问,“为什么要学*这个词?”其实,了解这个词的含义和读音对于我们来说都很重要。一方面,它可以帮助我们更好地理解英语中的暴力和性别平等问题;另一方面,也可以避免在发音时出现尴尬的错误。所以,让我们一起来学*如何正确地发音rape吧!


1. 什么是rape?


2. 如何使用rape?

- He was arrested for raping a woman. (他因强奸一名女子而被捕。)

- The city was ravaged by riots and looting. (城市遭到暴乱和抢劫。)

3. 双语例句:

- The victim was brutally raped by a group of men. (受害者遭到一群男子的残忍强奸。)

- She was afraid to report the rape to the police. (她害怕向警方报告这起强奸案件。)

- The country is struggling to combat the high rates of rape and sexual violence. (该国正在努力应对高发生率的强奸和性暴力问题。)

- Rape is a serious crime that can have long-lasting effects on the victim's physical and mental health. (强奸是一种严重的犯罪行为,会对受害者的身心健康造成长期影响。)


1. Rape culture: 强奸文化,指一种社会文化现象,认为强奸是可以接受的或者是受害者的责任。

2. Date rape: 约会强奸,指在约会过程中发生的强奸行为。

3. Statutory rape: 法定强奸,指未满法定年龄的人与成年人发生性关系。

4. Marital rape: 婚内强奸,指配偶之间发生的强奸行为。

5. Acquaintance rape: 熟人强奸,指受害者与施暴者有一定关系的情况下发生的强奸行为。

6. Stranger rape: 陌生人强奸,指受害者与施暴者没有任何关系的情况下发生的强奸行为。

7. Rape kit: 强奸检验包,用于收集并保存可能作为证据的身体液体等物证。

8. Rape shield laws: 强制性保护法律,旨在保护受害者隐私和尊严,在审判过程中限制被告对受害者个人生活和性经历的询问。

9. Victim blaming: 受害者责备,指将责任归咎于受害者而非施暴者。

10. Consent: 同意,指性行为双方自愿且明确地表达同意的状态


1. Sexual Assault

Sexual assault is a term used to describe any type of sexual activity that occurs without the consent of the victim. This can include rape, but it also encompasses other forms of non-consensual sexual acts such as groping, fondling, and unwanted sexual touching.

2. Sexual Violence

Sexual violence is a broader term that refers to any type of sexual act or behavior that is used to harm, manipulate, or control someone against their will. It can include rape, but also encompasses other forms of sexual abuse such as harassment, coercion, and exploitation.

3. Sexual Abuse

Sexual abuse is a form of sexual violence that involves the use of force, threats, or manipulation to engage in unwanted sexual activity with someone. This can include rape, but also encompasses other forms of non-consensual sexual acts such as molestation and incest.

4. Sexual Coercion

Sexual coercion refers to the use of pressure or force to make someone engage in sexual activity against their will. This can include rape, but also encompasses other forms of manipulation and control such as blackmail and threats.

5. Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment is any type of unwelcome sexual behavior that creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment for the victim. This can include rape in some cases, but also encompasses other forms of unwanted advances, comments, and gestures.

6. Sexual Exploitation

Sexual exploitation refers to the use of someone's sexuality for personal gain or profit without their consent. This can include rape in situations where someone is forced into prostitution or pornography against their will.

7. Forced Sex

Forced sex is a term used to describe any type of non-consensual sexual activity that occurs through physical force or threats. This includes rape as well as other forms of assault such as marital rape and date rape.

8. Non-Consensual Sex

Non-consensual sex refers to any type of sexual activity that occurs without the explicit consent of all parties involved. This can include rape, but also encompasses other forms of sexual acts that are performed without consent.

9. Sexual Aggression

Sexual aggression is a term used to describe any type of aggressive or violent behavior that is sexually motivated. This can include rape, but also encompasses other forms of physical and verbal abuse used to coerce someone into sexual activity.

10. Sexual Predation

Sexual predation refers to the act of using force or manipulation to prey on someone for sexual purposes. This can include rape, but also encompasses other forms of predatory behavior such as stalking and grooming.


