
语言百科2024-10-25 18:44:06留学世界




1. 词性解释:receive是一个动词,意为“收到,接受”,属于常用的英语单词。

2. 含义详解:receive一般用来表示接收到某物或某人,也可以表示接受某种情感、信息或指令。它可以作及物动词,也可以作不及物动词。

3. 例句:

- I received a gift from my friend on my birthday.(我在生日时收到了朋友的礼物。)

- The company received a large order from a new client.(公司从一位新客户那里接受了一份大订单。)

- She received the news of her promotion with great joy.(她非常高兴地接受了晋升的消息。)

4. 反问:难道你不想知道如何正确读音这个常用的英语单词吗?快来看下面的小标题吧!


1. 发音指南

- receive的正确发音为/ri'siv/,重音在第二个音节上。

- 第一个音节的/r/发音要清晰,不要将其与第二个音节的/s/混淆。

- 第二个音节的/i/发音要短促,不要拉长。

- 第三个音节的/v/发音要清晰,不要将其与/d/混淆。

2. 关于e和i的读法

- 在英语中,e和i是两种常见的元音字母,它们经常会出现在单词中,并且有时候会让人感到困惑。

- 在receive这个单词中,e和i都是元音字母,但是它们却有着不同的发音方式。

- e发出的是闭合型元音/e/,而i发出的则是开放型元音/i/。这两种元音之间的区别在于舌头和嘴唇的位置。

3. 元辅相互作用规律

- 在英语中,有一种规律叫做元辅相互作用规律。它指的是当一个辅音字母紧跟着一个元音字母时,它会影响该元音字母的读法。

- 在receive这个单词中,第一个e后面紧跟着一个辅音字母c,因此e发出的是闭合型元音/e/,而不是开放型元音/i/。

- 同样的道理,第二个e后面紧跟着一个辅音字母i,因此第二个e发出的也是闭合型元音/e/,而不是开放型元音/i/。

4. 元辅相互作用在其他单词中的应用

- 在英语中,这种元辅相互作用规律并不仅限于receive这个单词。它在许多其他单词中也都有体现。

- 例如,在单词believe中,第一个e后面紧跟着一个辅音字母l,因此e发出的是闭合型元音/e/。

- 而在单词achieve中,第一个e后面紧跟着两个辅音字母v和c,因此e发出的也是闭合型元音/e/。

5. 注意双写字母

- 在英语中,有些单词会双写某个字母来表示特定的发音。

- 在receive这个单词中,第二个e就是双写的。它表示前面那个i要读成开放型元音/i/而不是闭合型元音/e/。

- 同样的道理,在单词believe中,最后一个e也是双写的。它表示前面那个i要读成开放型元音/i/而不是闭合型元音/e/。

6. 练*发音

- 最好的学*方法就是不断练*。你可以找一些发音练*软件或者网站来帮助你练*receive这个单词的发音。

- 另外,你也可以尝试跟着英语老师或者视频教程一起朗读这个单词,反复练*直到能够正确地发出/e/和/i/两种元音。

- 记住e和i在英语中有着不同的读法,同时注意双写字母和元辅相互作用规律,多加练*,相信你很快就能够轻松地读出receive这个单词啦!


1. receive作为动词,读音为/riˈsiːv/,意思是“收到,接收”。它可以用来表示接受某物或某人,也可以表示收到信息或信件。

2. receive的常见搭配:

- receive something:接收某物

- receive someone:接待某人

- receive a message/letter:收到一条信息/信件

3. 双语例句:

- I received a package from my friend yesterday. (我昨天收到了朋友寄来的一个包裹。)

- The hotel manager received us warmly and showed us to our room. (酒店经理热情地接待了我们,并带我们去了房间。)

- Did you receive my email? (你收到我的邮件了吗?)

4. receive也可以用作及物动词,意为“获得,得到”,常与介词from连用。

- receive something from someone:从某人那里获得某物


- She received a lot of gifts from her fans on her birthday. (她在生日时从粉丝那里收到了很多礼物。)

- The company received a large sum of money from its investors. (公司从投资者那里获得了一大笔钱。)

5. 另外,receive还有其他一些常见的搭配和用法:

- receive an invitation:收到邀请

- receive an award/prize:获得奖项/奖品

- receive an education:接受教育

- receive a signal:接收信号

6. 双语例句:

- I was honored to receive an invitation to speak at the conference. (我很荣幸收到了在会议上发言的邀请。)

- She received an award for her outstanding performance in the competition. (她因在比赛中表现出色而获得了一个奖项。)

- Every child has the right to receive a good education. (每个孩子都有权接受良好的教育。)

- The radio was not receiving a clear signal, so we couldn't listen to the program. (收音机接收不到清晰的信号,所以我们无法听节目。)

7. 总结:receive是一个常用的动词,意为“收到,接收”。它可以用来表示接受某物或某人,也可以表示收到信息或信件。除此之外,它还有其他一些常见的搭配和用法,如获得奖项、接受教育等。希望本小节能帮助你更好地理解和使用receive这个词汇


1. Receive a package: 收到一个包裹

2. Receive an award: 获得奖项

3. Receive a message: 收到一条信息

4. Receive an invitation: 收到一份邀请函

5. Receive a call: 接到一个电话

6. Receive a gift: 收到一份礼物

7. Receive a compliment: 得到赞美

8. Receive feedback: 收到反馈意见

9. Receive payment: 收到付款

10. Receive an education: 接受教育

11. Receive a warm welcome: 受到热烈欢迎

12. Receive recognition: 得到认可

13. Receive a promotion: 获得晋升机会

14. Receive benefits: 获得福利待遇

15. Receive support: 得到支持和帮助


1. Acquire

- Definition: to get or gain something, often by making an effort

- Example: She was able to acquire a new skill through hard work.

2. Obtain

- Definition: to get something, especially by asking for it, buying it, or working for it

- Example: He obtained a copy of the report from his colleague.

3. Attain

- Definition: to succeed in achieving something after trying for a long time

- Example: It took him years of hard work to attain his dream job.

4. Secure

- Definition: to obtain or achieve something, especially when this means using a lot of effort or skill

- Example: The team secured their victory with a last-minute goal.

5. Receive

- Definition: to be given or presented with something

- Example: She received a gift from her friend on her birthday.

6. Gain

- Definition: to obtain or achieve something that is useful, profitable, or valuable

- Example: The company gained a lot of new customers after their successful marketing campaign.

7. Collect

- Definition: to gather things together from different places or people and bring them together in one place

- Example: We need to collect all the necessary documents before we can submit our application.

8. Inherit

- Definition: to receive money, property, etc. from someone who has died

or as part of your family’s history

- Example: She inherited her grandmother’s antique jewelry collection.

9. Procure

- Definition: to obtain something that is difficult to get

or takes time and effort

Example - The team manager managed to procure tickets for the sold-out concert.

10. Garner

Definition - To gather or collect something gradually over time.

Example - He garnered support from various organizations for his charitable cause

