
语言百科2024-10-25 20:05:06留学世界




1. 简介


2. 形容词用法


3. 动词用法


4. 同义词


5. 拓展应用

除了在日常生活中,recommended也经常出现在商业领域。比如,一些产品会被标注为“recommended by experts”,即专家推荐;一些旅游景点会被评选为“highly recommended”,即高度推荐。

6. 注意事项



1. 推荐的正确读音:[rek-uh-men-did]

2. 源自拉丁词根:"commendare",意为"推荐、赞扬"

3. 与recommend相关的词汇:recommendation(推荐)、recommended(被推荐的)、recommender(推荐人)

4. 常见用法:I highly recommend this book to all my friends.(我强烈推荐这本书给我的所有朋友。)

5. 幽默解读:推荐(recommend)这个词,就像是在给你一个免费的建议(advice),不要再错过它了!


1. 用法介绍


2. 双语例句

1) The recommended daily intake of water is 8 glasses.


2) I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in history.


3) The doctor recommended that she take a break and rest for a few days.


4) It is not recommended to use this product on sensitive skin.


5) The recommended route to the summit is the most challenging but also the most rewarding.


6) He was recommended for the position by his previous boss.


7) This restaurant comes highly recommended by locals.


8) The doctor recommended that he undergo surgery as soon as possible.



1. Top Picks: 这个词组可以用来表达“最佳选择”,适合用在推荐具有优质品质的产品或服务。

2. Highly Recommended: “强烈推荐”,可以用来强调某件事物的价值和重要性。

3. Must-Try: 如果你想让读者一定要尝试某种产品或体验,可以用这个词组来表达。

4. Go-To: 这个词组可以用来形容某种产品或服务是人们首选的,经常使用的。

5. Fan Favorite: 如果某样东西深受大众喜爱,就可以使用这个词组来表达。

6. Highly Rated: “高评分”,适合用在推荐具有良好评价的产品或服务。

7. Editor's Choice: 这个词组通常被用来指编辑精心挑选出的最佳产品或服务。

8. Hidden Gem: 如果你发现了一个不为人知但是非常优秀的东西,就可以使用这个词组来介绍给读者。

9. Worth the Hype: 当某种产品被大家热烈讨论和推崇时,你可以说它“值得期待”。

10. Game-Changer: 这个词组通常用于形容那些能够改变游戏规则、带来革命性变革的事物


1. Suggested translation

- This phrase is a direct synonym for "recommended" and conveys the same meaning of something being advised or suggested.

- Example: "What is the suggested translation for this phrase in Spanish?"

2. Preferred rendition

- This phrase can be used to describe a translation that is considered to be the best or most desirable option.

- Example: "The preferred rendition of this poem in French captures the original meaning perfectly."

3. Recommended version

- Similar to "preferred rendition," this phrase implies that there may be multiple versions available, but one in particular is being recommended.

- Example: "Which recommended version of this novel should I read, the original French or the English translation?"

4. Highly regarded translation

- Another way to express that something is recommended is by using this phrase, which indicates that the translation has a high level of esteem or respect.

- Example: "This highly regarded translation of Shakespeare's works has received critical acclaim."

5. Suggested interpretation

- This phrase can be used when discussing translations of more abstract concepts or ideas, such as poetry or art.

- Example: "The suggested interpretation of this painting in English captures its emotional depth."

6. Prescribed rendering

- This phrase has a more formal tone and can be used to describe a recommended translation that has been prescribed or officially sanctioned.

- Example: "The prescribed rendering for this legal document must be followed exactly."

7. Recommended rendering

- Similar to "prescribed rendering," this phrase indicates a specific translation that has been recommended by an authority figure or expert.

- Example: "The recommended rendering for medical terminology should adhere to certain guidelines."

8. Suggested conversion

- This phrase can be used when discussing translations between different measurement systems, currencies, or units.

- Example: "What is the suggested conversion for kilometers to miles?"

9. Advised adaptation

- When discussing adaptations of literary works or films, this phrase can be used to indicate a recommended version.

- Example: "The advised adaptation of this novel into a movie received positive reviews."

10. Recommended transformation

- This phrase can be used when discussing translations that require significant changes or alterations.

- Example: "The recommended transformation of this ancient text into modern English was met with some controversy."

