
语言百科2024-10-25 23:25:05留学世界






在翻译行业中,redeem通常被用作动词,表示“赎回、挽回”某种东西。比如,在电商行业中,我们经常会看到“兑换码”这一概念,在英文中就是“redeem code”,意为使用兑换码来获得某种优惠或奖励。




1. 翻译行业中的“redeem”一词通常指“兑换”或“赎回”,它可以用作动词或名词,具体含义取决于上下文。

2. 在英文中,“redeem”的发音为/riˈdiːm/,重音在第一个音节上。

3. 这个单词的意思是通过某种方式来获得或恢复某物,通常是通过支付一定的代价或做出某种牺牲。

4. 作为动词时,它的意思可以分为以下几种:

a. 赎回:指用金钱或其他东西来换取已经属于自己的东西。

b. 挽回:指通过改善自己的行为来弥补过错或改变不良局面。

c. 兑现:指履行承诺或兑现承诺所做出的保证。

d. 补偿:指通过给予对方某种补偿来弥补损失或伤害。

5. 作为名词时,它可以表示以下含义:

a. 赎回:指赎回某物所需要付出的代价。

b. 救赎:指通过付出代价来挽救自己或他人免于灾难。

c. 补偿物:指用于补偿或兑现的物品或代金券。

6. 在宗教语境中,这个词也可以表示“救赎”或“拯救”的意思,指通过信仰和行为来获得永生。

7. “redeem”还有一个常用的短语搭配为“redeem oneself”,意为“挽回自己的形象”或“弥补过错”。

8. 除了以上常见的含义外,“redeem”还可以引申为“改善”、“提升”,例如:“She was determined to redeem her reputation by working harder.”(她决心通过更加努力工作来改善自己的声誉。)

9. 此外,这个词在商业和金融领域也有特定的用法,例如:

a. 兑换点数:指使用积分来兑换商品或服务。

b. 债券赎回:指提前偿还债券所需要支付的费用。

c. 赎回保险:指在保险期限内提前终止保险合同所需要支付的费用。

10. 总而言之,“redeem”是一个非常常用且多义的单词,在不同场景下可能会有不同的含义。因此,在翻译时需要根据具体语境来确定最合适的翻译方式


1. 用法:redeem是一个动词,意为“赎回”,常用于金融和商业领域。它可以表示兑换、挽回、弥补等含义。

2. 双语例句:

- You can redeem your loyalty points for discounts on your next purchase. (你可以用积分来兑换下次购买时的折扣。)

- He tried his best to redeem his reputation after the scandal. (丑闻发生后,他努力挽回自己的声誉。)

- The company is offering a special deal to redeem its struggling sales. (公司正在提供一项特别优惠来挽救低迷的销售额。)

- He finally redeemed himself by apologizing and making things right. (最终,他通过道歉和纠正错误来挽回自己的形象。)

- The voucher can be redeemed at any of our participating stores. (这张代金券可以在我们参与活动的任何门店使用。)


1. Redeemable - 可兑换的,可赎回的

2. Redeem code - 兑换码,赎回码

3. Redeem voucher - 兑换券,赎回券

4. Redeem points - 兑换积分,赎回积分

5. Redeem offer - 兑换优惠,赎回优惠

6. Redeem gift card - 兑换礼品卡,赎回礼品卡

7. Redeem reward - 兑换奖励,赎回奖励

8. Redeem balance - 兑换余额,赎回余额

9. Redeem coupon - 兑换优惠券,赎回优惠券

10. Redeem miles/points - 兑换里程/积分,赎回里程/积分

11. Redeem for cash - 兑换现金,赎回现金

12. Redeem for merchandise - 兑换商品,赎回商品

13. Redeemed item - 已兑换的物品/项目

14. Redemption process - 赎回流程/程序

15. Redemption deadline - 赎回截止日期

16. Redemption fee - 赎回手续费

17. Redemption limit - 赎回限制

18. Redemption value - 赎回价值

19. Redemption period- 赎回期限

20.Redeeming rewards- 赚取奖励


1. Retrieve

- Definition: to get or bring something back, especially from a place where it should not be

- Example: The store allows customers to retrieve their lost items within a week.

2. Reclaim

- Definition: to get back something that was lost or taken away, especially land or property

- Example: The government is working to reclaim the land from illegal settlers.

3. Recover

- Definition: to get back something that was lost or stolen; to return to a normal state after an illness, injury, or setback

- Example: The police were able to recover the stolen goods and return them to their rightful owner.

4. Regain

- Definition: to get back something that was lost or taken away; to reach a previous level or position again

- Example: After months of hard work, she was able to regain her strength and return to her athletic career.

5. Rescue

- Definition: to save someone from a dangerous or difficult situation; to retrieve something from a dangerous situation

- Example: The firefighters arrived just in time to rescue the family from the burning building.

6. Redeem oneself

- Definition: to do something that makes up for past mistakes; improve one's reputation after doing something wrong

- Example: After years of struggling with addiction, he was finally able to redeem himself by getting sober and helping others in recovery.

7. Compensate

- Definition: make up for something that is lacking or missing; give money as reparation for loss or injury

- Example: The company offered compensation for the faulty product they sold, refunding customers and giving them a replacement.

8. Restore

- Definition: bring back into existence; repair or renovate something back into its original condition

- Example: The historical building was carefully restored by skilled craftsmen in order to preserve its beauty and history.

9. Exchange

- Definition: to trade or swap something for another; to give something in return for something else

- Example: The store allows customers to exchange their items if they are not satisfied with their purchase.

10. Reimburse

- Definition: repay someone for money spent or lost; compensate for expenses incurred

- Example: The company will reimburse its employees for any work-related expenses they have incurred

